My Tweets For The Week

  • It's cheaper for me have a physical copy of the new @billybragg cd sent all the way from the UK than it is to buy it on iTunes. Madness. #
  • Prices – physical cd sent airmail from UK $13.50. Download album on Australian ITunes 16.99 – 20% cheaper. #
  • My Google account was accessed in Italy a few minutes ago. If you haven't already, turn on two factor authentication for your Google acct #
  • Kids were in heaven having two nanas in the house tonight. #
  • Oh wow. @BBC6Music playing 'Age Of Consent' by New Order. #
  • Dear @6music. After the wonderful music today I'm sorry for flirting with other local DAB stations. From now on I promise to be faithful. #
  • Woo Hoo! My photo made it to The Age gallery. #
  • Street sweeper just gone down the street. That was a lot more exciting when you were a kid. #
  • Not that great when @tppwholesale sales enquiry goes through to voicemail. #
  • About to watch Blue Velvet for the first time in 20 years. Should look different on Boy Ray in comparison to 4:3 pan and scan vhs. #
  • Did I just enter Boy Ray? We're watching it on Bluray. #
  • Drinks on the deck until 11:00pm. How civilised. #
  • Late comer to Big Bang Theory (the show, not the theory). Enjoying it a lot, may have to go back to the start. #

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My Tweets For The Week

  • Welcome, my lovely wife @raezm, to the wonderful world of Kindle. #
  • Why all HDMI cables are the same via @zdnetaustralia JB once tried to sell me a $75 HDMI cable. Couldn't believe it. #
  • Not one trick or treater. Well done our little corner of the world. #
  • "When all you're looking at is pixels being shunted around a screen by some nerd in post-production, none of it counts." #
  • Like the new Gmail UI – conversation view a lot clearer to follow. #
  • Oh no, they've changed the layout of the listings in the @GreenGuideTV. They'll have to double the letters page next week to cope. #
  • Looking out that window I can't believe it's going to be low 30s on the weekend. #
  • Now it's 1-1 for the @Richmond_FC, slogan is much better than the logo. #
  • Ah ha! Thought you had me my old friend but no, I saw enctype="multipart/form-data" lurking there. Now you will submit. #
  • Finally watched first episode of The Slap. If we weren't so tired we'd probably watch all of the rest in one go. #
  • Sitting outside at our new table, planning what we have to get done today. Hope neighbours are awake 'cause it starts with mowing the lawns. #
  • Why would you have a shave in a Maccas carpark? #
  • I know I know the woman sitting near us tonight, I just have no idea of who she is. #
  • Looking outside I'm glad I got the outside stuff done yesterday. #
  • To stick with @Carbonite or move to @crashplan, not sure what to do. #
  • Three feral children sent to bed. Riot squad sent back to base. #nowImaybeabletogetsomeworkdone #
  • Tech Hint #45674 – Turning up the brightness on your laptop screen makes it a lot easier to see. Yep, that's why they pay me the big bucks. #
  • 3 new pairs of shorts from Rivers. Bi-annual summer wardrobe update done. #
  • Loving our roof on the deck. Can sit outside and work even though it's raining. #

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If Dad was still around he probably wouldn’t believe this but I’m feeling pretty good this afternoon after spending a couple of hours in the garden this morning. Yes, Me, in the garden (I think ghost of dad just had a heart attack). I never thought I’d actually want to spend that much time mowing, edging and weeding.

I remember one particular afternoon when I had to mow the lawns while Dad was at bowls. I sulked in my room, no doubt reading Dr Who books, until mum eventually forced me out to the back yard. I think I yelled and grumbled through the lawns, there may have even been some tears when the bloody lawn mower refused to start and it began to drizzle. I’d do anything possible to put off my one hard job. Nana’s lawns though, not a problem but they may have had something to do with the jelly beans and five dollars that came with them.

Any ways, no tears or grumbling 30 years later and I’m a lot better with an edger.


My Tweets For The Week

  • A coffee, in the afternoon, and after 3.30!? It's been one of those days. #
  • 5 minutes of watching this Celebrity Apprentice and I'm pining for Lord Sugar. Channel 9, you're fired. #
  • Hey @mtcopywriting when does Lord Sugar come back? #
  • Those few minutes were enough to remind of why we could quite easily remove channel 9 from our telly and not miss a thing. #
  • Little bit excited, our new couches have just arrived. #
  • I can hear it on a timeless wavelength, never dissipating but giving us strength…. Ah, PSB, I don't listen to you enough. #
  • You should come and sit on my new couch, it's so comfy. Seriously #notaeuphamism #
  • Bought a new generation Kindle yesterday, love it. Only wish I could be reading on it instead of working to pay for it. #
  • Phee home early thanks to hay fever. Pretty bad day out there. #
  • Can't believe Qantas fleet grounded. #
  • Interesting timing of Qantas announcement – was it to make it harder for unions to reply by 6.00pm news? #
  • Qantas still running an ad on their home page 'Book with confidence at'. Their web team really need to get moving. #
  • Pokin' around CMOS settings on a Sunday morning, such fun. #
  • Not sure when/if we'll get our order from @mastersau – staff seemed to have very little idea about what they were doing. Fingers crossed. #
  • finished Let It Bleed (Detective John Rebus Novels) by Ian Rankin #Kindle #

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The Scotch Smell And Where It Leads

Had a blast from the past today, and it was a smelly one.

Now this may surprise you (especially those who know my not-quite-an-iron-man physique * cough *). but in the dim dark past I worked in a furniture store’s warehouse (just found out it’s still trading too) way out in Braeside. It was my job to unload the vans that brought furniture in; anything from a side table to Queen size mattresses and couches and if any needed Scotchgard that was my job too. Even if I could have been bothered to I eventually would have lost count of the number of cans of I went through.

Today we had two new couches delivered and instead of some poor uni student stuck in the middle of nowhere doing it I dusted off the old skills and applied the Scotchgard myself. The smell took me back 20 years to that pokey little warehouse, the days spent with no delivery at all and the long trek home. They eventually shut down the warehouse (or so I was told) and as I had to pay the rent I ran off to uni employment services. They told me they had a position at a hospital in Malvern up for grabs.

I had no idea where Malvern was, what a Cabrini was or what food service entailed but I thought I’d give it a shot. Got around to leaving just over 16 years later.

My Tweets For The Week

  • Lawns done, back to work #oneofthejoysofworkingforyourselffromhome #
  • I would like to think that after the start to today things can only improve. However I know better. #
  • Then again, I may be wrong. Bert decided he'd make his own sandwich for school today. #
  • And it improves a little more. Gaslight Anthem covering Baba O'Riely. (nudge @danielbowen @jentopia) #
  • Been listening to Absolute80s all this time but have just discovered the local Mix80s on DAB. Misses a lot of the cool UK tracks though. #
  • Hate the new Tigers logo, a huge step backwards. Looks like a rejected idea from the 80s #gotiges #
  • I need to plant an orchard in the back yard, our kids can demolish a basket of fruit in seconds. #
  • You know what, I've had a few hours now to grow accustomed to the new Tigers logo. I hate it even more. #gotiges #
  • On a chicken Twisties high #
  • If you live in Derrimut call the EPA and report that smell. 1300 372 842 (1300 EPA VIC) #
  • Watched first three episodes of Parks and Recreation. Meh, we both fell asleep. #
  • Nice evening to go for a walk with the wife. Lots of fun critiquing front gardens. #

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My Tweets For The Week

  • Grrrr. The machine that goes ‘ping’ isn’t going ‘ping’ today so have to make another appointment. #
  • But more importantly, Bert positively bounced his way in to school this morning. He was ready to go at 7.00am. #
  • Asked to look over a site for someone. Found this in the code.
    Not hard to tell it was created offshore. #
  • Okay, I’ve had this sore throat now for four days and it’s not going away. How do I get rid of it? #
  • Just saw Ruslan @Kogan walk in front of me. He has a nice car. #
  • Struggling today but have to go to a meeting. At least I know there will be good coffee there. #
  • I actually tried to watch a bit of The One. Those frauds make me so angry I lasted 3 minutes. #
  • What’s going on @theage ? One report says Apple wins its law case, another report says it lost. #
  • Petrol at Caltex – $1.51. Petrol at Shell five minutes further on, $1.31. #
  • ’42 Australians fail dope test’ is the headline on The Age site. Oh, I’m sure it’s a lot more than that. #
  • Days like this are a struggle. No sitter, phone won’t stop ringing, projects piling up and two kids who really, really need a sleep. Read some reviews of the best earplugs for sleeping – got inspired. #
  • Billy Bragg live on @6Music, making feel all bolshie on a Friday afternoon. @ClaireSlevin #
  • My Sharpie says ‘Do Not Shake’. I so desperately want to shake it now. #
  • Congratulations to my niece Jess on the arrival of Angus, great piece of news to finish the week on. #
  • There’s the next tea towel. Chris Hawkins – Radio Man @clarenasir @BBCChrisHawkins #teatowelclub #
  • Single Gun Theory, a soothing and welcome blat from the post. #
  • Stalking my wife via Latitude. #
  • Hmmm. Movie time for the kids. What’s this one? ‘The Shining’. Oh that sounds nice and bright and happy, I’ll put that on for them. #
  • Four kids, eating ice cream to reading quietly in bed in under 20 minutes. I rock. #
  • Having only seen it in 4:3 on vhs and dvd I have to say The Shining on bluray is a revelation. #
  • The Shining off, Manchurian Candidate is on ABC2 #
  • Toto’s Africa twice in one day. Isn’t that one of the signs of the rapture? #

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The Phone I Don’t Want

I’ve just received the monthly phone bill for our home phone. We made 11 calls. It cost us just as much to have a silent number as it did to make calls. All of those calls were to just two numbers too.

I wish we could rid ourselves of this antiquated service but when we moved in I had to have the phone connected to get an internet service. Naked ADSL wasn’t available here back then and now if I want to move to Naked ADSL I’d have to have the phone disconnected and wait for up to two weeks yo have it reconnected, and given recent growth in this area there’s no guarantee there would be a free port. When you consider my livelihood is directly connected to having an internet connection I’m stuck paying $30 a month for a service we don’t need or use.

The only way around it that I can see is that we all go on holidays for two weeks.