My Tweets For The Week

  • Welcome, my lovely wife @raezm, to the wonderful world of Kindle. #
  • Why all HDMI cables are the same via @zdnetaustralia JB once tried to sell me a $75 HDMI cable. Couldn't believe it. #
  • Not one trick or treater. Well done our little corner of the world. #
  • "When all you're looking at is pixels being shunted around a screen by some nerd in post-production, none of it counts." #
  • Like the new Gmail UI – conversation view a lot clearer to follow. #
  • Oh no, they've changed the layout of the listings in the @GreenGuideTV. They'll have to double the letters page next week to cope. #
  • Looking out that window I can't believe it's going to be low 30s on the weekend. #
  • Now it's 1-1 for the @Richmond_FC, slogan is much better than the logo. #
  • Ah ha! Thought you had me my old friend but no, I saw enctype="multipart/form-data" lurking there. Now you will submit. #
  • Finally watched first episode of The Slap. If we weren't so tired we'd probably watch all of the rest in one go. #
  • Sitting outside at our new table, planning what we have to get done today. Hope neighbours are awake 'cause it starts with mowing the lawns. #
  • Why would you have a shave in a Maccas carpark? #
  • I know I know the woman sitting near us tonight, I just have no idea of who she is. #
  • Looking outside I'm glad I got the outside stuff done yesterday. #
  • To stick with @Carbonite or move to @crashplan, not sure what to do. #
  • Three feral children sent to bed. Riot squad sent back to base. #nowImaybeabletogetsomeworkdone #
  • Tech Hint #45674 – Turning up the brightness on your laptop screen makes it a lot easier to see. Yep, that's why they pay me the big bucks. #
  • 3 new pairs of shorts from Rivers. Bi-annual summer wardrobe update done. #
  • Loving our roof on the deck. Can sit outside and work even though it's raining. #

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