Out and About

Rae’s been on holidays since Christmas but I’ve been back working since New Years, sure with a few distractions along the way but it’s been busy and I have had to spend a lot more time at the computer than I wanted to with Rae at home.

However I did take Thursday and Friday off and got to see a little more of the world than what’s outside my office window. Thanks to Zita, who looked after the kids and gave us a Christmas gift of a night away, Rae and I got to have a mini holiday. We spent it in town, staying at a nice hotel, having lunch out, going to the movies, walking through the city, going out to dinner at not only a grown up restaurant but a groovy one (Giuseppe Arnaldo & Sons where I firmly jumped back on the wagon for one night thanks to their Montenegro Muels), more walks through city and then some journeying around town the next morning. It’s not often we get to spend so much time together without one of our swarm running in with some emergency so these little ‘us times’ are very special.

Bert at MastersThen this morning it was me and Bert time. Masters hold free workshops called ‘Build and Grow’ for kids aged 5-10 so off we went. It was great. He received his own Masters apron to wear and today he got to build a since lab. It was a nifty little kit of a couple of test tubes, a dish and some cards with experiments on them that all slotted in to a little shelf you built. The nails were a bit tricky, or stubborn,  for 5 year old arms so dad had to come to the rescue (stop laughing!) but we walked away with the apron, the kit and a certificate. He’s now all pumped up for the more workshops, which they plan on holding once a month, so it looks like I know where I’ll be at least one Saturday a month for the foreseeable future.

Rae’s back at work on Monday so one day left for excursions. We’ve got breakfast planned but not much after that. Maybe the chance for one more trip before life settles back in to routine. I love these first couple of weeks of January, they’ll always be my favourite time of the year.

All Power To Us

We were very lucky to receive a generous gift this Christmas and rather than frit it away on ‘stuff’ we decided to invest it in our house. We talked for a while and decided that given rising costs, rises that don’t look as though they will ever stop, we would buy some solar panels for our roof, so calling the roof top services one of these days too.

After some research and recommendations we decided to give Tony a call. After a chat with him we decided to get him over for a quote so I gave him our address. “You’re having me on aren’t you?” he said. It ends up his best mate of 30 years is our neighbour and his is the mystery ute I see parked out the front of the neighbour’s house ever day.

It ended up his quote was fantastic for a quality install. We’ve gone with a 3.6kW system (18 panels) that we can upgrade to 4kW (or maybe it’s 4.2 or 4.4) at a later date. This will cover almost all of energy needs based on the past 12 months of usage and reduce our electricity cost to about $25 a quarter based on the standard calculations all installers should use. As most of our install cost is covered by the gift we are lucky in that we should see a return from the part that comes from our savings fairly quickly. Once our wallet recovers we will probably go the extra few panels to cover our needs completely.

Here’s our roof as it was last Wednesday.


And here it is as it was this Wednesday.


One week from quote to installed. Now we just have to wait for the inspector next week and then it’s all up to Origin. That’s the one part of the process I’m not looking forward to.

My Tweets For The Week

  • With an expected max of 40 today is all about the path of least resistance. #
  • Have a sparky booked to do some work which involves crawling around in our roof. Wondering if the heat will mean it's a no go today. #
  • I would just like to thank our evaporative air-conditioner for doing a magnificent job today. It really doesn't get enough credit. #
  • The young ones just watched their first episode of Doctor Who. Bert, especially, was very impressed. #thingsthatmakeageekdadhappy #
  • Turned work PC on for the first time in over a week, now to turn off the out of office. Sigh. Holiday is over. #
  • Listening with great envy to Rae and kids having a great time while sit here writing another stored procedure…. #
  • First work phone call for the year, thought it would have been earlier 🙂 #
  • Max is on the telly. 1999 was not a good year for music. #
  • So hard to work knowing my family is swanning off down to Barwon Heads for a picnic with Nana. #
  • Just had automatic power saving plugs installed. #
  • Can't believe IE just helped me solve a problem. #
  • What on earth did I do before discovering @pastebin #
  • Anyone know where the other white Wii remote has gone? Anyone? #
  • Wife, kids and friends down at Tourqay (No doubt looking at hordes of wildebeest) and I'm here working away. Sigh. #
  • Ooops, that should have been herds of wilderbeest. Sigh. Again. #
  • Crunchy asian salad with added cashews for lunch. I must be ill. #
  • Wondering if the battery on my phone will run out before Origin answer. Done my BAS, finished project, brought in the washing still on hold. #
  • Battery ran out. #
  • Just realised I'm turning in to my old boss. There's pile of notepads and papers beginning to form a wall on my floor. #
  • Just watched Rare Exports, absolutely loved it. #
  • Epic feet dragging as I really don't feel like mowing the lawns. #
  • Lawns done, even managed to fix the whipper snipper so the whole place looks okay. Now to clean my office. #
  • Rae and Moo bowling on the Wii. Still haven't found The Missing White Remote. #
  • Hmmmm. It's vegan and it's tasty. Having huge problems with that. #

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My Tweets For The Week

  • Doctor Who christmas special ready to go, now just need an excuse to lock the kids in their room for an hour so we can watch it. #
  • Top 400 Awesome 80s videos. It's just awesome. #
  • Having a wonderful time. This 'holiday' thing is great, why wasn't I told about it before? #
  • finished The Hanging Garden by Ian Rankin @beathhigh over half way http://t.co/MCACoRzC #Kindle #
  • Couldn't be more relaxed if I tried. #
  • New Years Eve dread, waiting for signs of visitors arriving at the ferals. #
  • Love a good 80s brass section. #

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My Tweets For The Week

  • Began moving sites over to the new server, so far so not so painful. #
  • Can't believe it. Chose the 10-2 slot for installation and they turned up bang on 10. #it #039;sachristmasmiracle #
  • I hope Bert's school shoes can hold themselves together for one and a half more days… #
  • Happy Gravy Day one and all. #
  • We're all set to walk to school this morning, step out the door and it's raining. Grrrrr. #
  • For those wondering what Gravy Day is; the best Christams song ever http://t.co/IuqJOPcR #
  • One plus of Foxtel so far – hockey in HD. Recording today's game to watch when I'm not so busy. Fingers crossed for a Canucks game one day. #
  • Ah, @paul__kelly on BBC 6 Music, my work here is done. #
  • Spent the evening planning server migration from old host to new VPS. #livingthelife #
  • Made my last school lunch for Bert's 1st year at school this year. Can't believe he's finished Prep #
  • Bert home after a celebratory lunch out. Waiting for the first 'what can I do Dad?'. #
  • "I don't want to be a princess when I grow up. I want to be a doctor!" Cop that Disney and go Moo. #
  • There shall be less swearing this Christmas for I have purchased an electric knife. #
  • (and I bought the remastered 1st season of Twin Peaks at the same time) #
  • Bing Crosby, now it's Christmas. #
  • Wondering if I have weather related migraines. Not a nice way to be spending Christmas eve. #
  • The Happy Feat penguins? Carols just jumped the shark. #
  • Just failed the 'can you tie a pony tail' test. #
  • Either Rudolph has put on weight or that was thunder waking me this morning. Merry Christmas one and all. #
  • Wow. Hail and storm. UPS surge protector tripped. #
  • That was a serious storm. http://t.co/FRbE5J7H #
  • Any suggestions on where I can get a new UPS on boxing day? #
  • Here we hail again. #
  • Tis the season for yelling ads. #
  • Ferals are having a party. Looks like we're sleeping on the sofa tonight. #
  • Classic Law & Order from the 90s, Foxtel looking better by the day. #

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My Tweets For The Week

  • Listening to Harvey Danger, Little By Little. Still one of my all time favourite albums. #
  • Kindle tells me I'm 15% of the way through The Hanging Garden. That's enough for the evening. #
  • Poor wife on the way home thanks to tooth. Frustrating that today it's quicker for her on train than for me to go in and pick her up. #
  • New mouse for my work PC. For the first in years I'm trying a Logitech instead of Microsoft. #
  • At the school picnic for our sins. #
  • Watched the opening of Hard Boiled again this morning. I'd forgotten how spectacular (and bloody) that restaurant scene was. #
  • Any recommendations for an Australian based Windows VPS provider? #
  • Just received my VPS details.Deep breath and here we go… #
  • Go say hi to Emilio at http://t.co/qxm4dXjC – my latest site that's just gone live. #
  • Not sure on this Logitech mouse just yet, may be heading back to Microsoft before too long. #
  • Grrrrrr. One mistake in entering an IP address for the VPS and now I have to wait another 24 hours for the change to propagate. #
  • Looks like The Age has started it's summer time diet already. #
  • Just improved the sync on subtitles for John Woo's The Killer. Can't wait to watch it now. #
  • Just saw a horrific accident. I hope it wasn't as tragic as it looked. #derrimut #
  • We've discovered an odd thing in our back yard – anyone have any idea what it may be? www,http://t.co/YAdWVhhn #
  • Just saw second car accident for the day, police and ambulance blocking off road. #derrimut #thinkiwillstayathomenow #
  • Sadly the 2nd accident was a fatality. http://t.co/JEwr8muC I've seen people do crazy things on the road. #
  • 'the road' was meant to be that road. It's long, straight and no speed limiting devices. Idiots just can't help themselves. #
  • And sadly this is the result. #
  • Woo Hoo! VPS finally propagated. #

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More Concrete

A bit more digging has revealed a bit more.

At the moment is seems one of two things. A cover for something that should have been on our plans but isn’t or a block that was dumped by builders. If only they had have moved it 20 cm closer to the house we never would have known it was there.


What In The Earth?

We went shopping today. Or plan was to buy a seat/day bed for the deck but they were all too expensive so we went for a stroll around Masters. On our journey we found the perfect plants for the back garden. We’ve wanted some greenery out the back for ages and these were great and within budget.

We brought them home and started digging. All was going well until I was swinging the pick for hole number 2 and whack – I hit rock. At least I thought it was rock. The more we scraped and tried to find the edge the more puzzling it became. Slowly the rock revealed itself to be a rectangle of concrete.

It’s not on any of our plans but does sit within the easement boundary. There’s no identifying marks and it only has one hook thingy. Anybody have any idea on what this may be?


So now our quick one hour planting has turned in to a major renovation of the back yard. This will be covered up before too long but before it is we’d love to know what it’s doing there.

Just When You Think You’ve Got Away

They drag you back in….

After careful analysis of the fixture for next year, remembering just how freaking cold it is sitting at the ‘G on a cold winter’s afternoon, being well and truly jack of Channel 7’s treatment of the average footy fan and Rae receiving a bonus at work we’ve bitten the bullet and Foxtel is coming back in to our home.

It’s been about seven years since we unplugged Foxtel and we haven’t missed it all, except for the football. We just don’t watch television that much any more and having an extra 20 or so channels on the basic package only gave us more stuff not to watch. When they dropped the AFL channel that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Now that Foxtel will be broadcasting every game live it has become a much more appealing proposition. We love our footy and being able to see both of our teams no matter when or where they are was just too appealing. I had a quick look at the channels on the basic package that we had to take to get the sports and most seem very similar to the extra channels on free to air. We’ve gone HD too, even though there’s an extra cost (which is ridiculous) but there’s not much point in having a nice telly if you’re not going to use it.

So next week there’ll be an extra box and an extra remote. We’ll probably fire it up every now and then over the next couple of months but come late March it will give the media PC a run for its money. I’m just waiting for some geek on the forums to overcome Foxtel’s latest update and let us run the pay channels through the media PC.

Foxtel on my media PC. Now that would be heaven.

My Tweets For The Week

  • Struggling already and it's only 9.45… #
  • Let's try that again – Tonight's 'Rae Is Away Music' – Ben Folds Five, Whatever and Ever Amen #
  • Absolutely no focus this morning so I went and mowed the lawns. Feel better now and can actually get work done. #
  • Ah, working from the deck. Perfect day for it. #
  • Perfect day outside, may take the lappy out the back and work from the deck today. #
  • Tried out an @oovie_australia machine at the shops this morning. Quick, easy and best of all today it was free! #
  • Homemade hamburgers and chips, eaten outside. Hard to top that for a dinner. #
  • Scrubbed the deck this morning (thanks Steve) before starting work. All set for a coat tomorrow morning. Plan is to do it early. #
  • Whose bright idea was it to put the Copy and Paste keyboard shortcuts next to each other on the keyboard? #
  • finished Black and Blue: An Inspector Rebus Mystery by Ian Rankin. My Rebus Kindle treck goes on. http://t.co/lCk3SByb #Kindle #
  • finished Black and Blue: An Inspector Rebus Mystery by Ian Rankin and gave it 5 stars http://t.co/lCk3SByb #Kindle #
  • Deck done. Hopefully will get another coat on tomorrow morning. #
  • In the interest of energy conservation and keeping things a bit cooler I'm working off the laptop today. #
  • Well done to us. 10% reduction in electricity usage compared to this time last year. #
  • Wow @BBCChrisHawkins @ClaireSlevin – The Pursuit of Happiness on the radio, and not *that* one! You've made my Friday afternoon. #
  • Looking at flights now. #christmasatslevs #
  • Ooops. Meant looking at flights now #boxingdayatslevs @ClaireSlevin #
  • Second coat done for the deck. Had enough left over to do the new table and benches too. Good start to the weekend. #
  • Just how many ways do I need to make an espresso….my wife is a bad influence on me. #
  • Watching Elvis in Hawaii. Aloha baby. #

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