My Tweets For The Week

  • Nice walk around the oval at Brimbank Park after dropping off the kids this morning. Unusual way for me to start the week. #
  • Watching Jarvis Cocker on while I work. #
  • Slightly tempted to keep Freddy's mo… #
  • Oh. Dear. My main PC appears not to want to start. This is not a good thing. #
  • Huh, hey, what? Who went and changed Twitter on me? #
  • Not often you get to say how much you like your mortgage holder. Thanks ME Bank. #
  • Today's Moo Meltdown(tm) brought to you by I Can't Find My Sandle And I Want To Wear My Boots Even Thought It's Going To Be Over 30 Outside #
  • Trying to cut costs by reviewing all of our insurance premiums. Fun way to spend an afternoon. #
  • Looking at moving home and contents from AAMI, any suggestions? #
  • Facebook seems all over the place today. Posts go up, then missing. Now my most recent posts are from three days ago. Odd. #
  • Door shut on the bedroom as Rae is giving it a makeover. #
  • It appears The Leather Doctor is making a house call to our new neighbours. Wonder what the rebate is on that. #
  • Came in for Bert's assembly today. Should be renamed Fidget Time. #
  • Wlll #foxfooty has started broadcasting, see you in October. #
  • Loving the HD broadcast on @FOXFOOTY #
  • That was a pretty good practice game, impressed with the Tigers effort there. #
  • Best thing was probably Maric's mullet. A Tiger legend is born. #
  • Tigers only 2 points down. I think I'll turn the telly off now and go to bed and count it as a moral victory. #
  • Ah, Buddy Franklin – he's no Richy Tambling #
  • Very impressed with @FOXFOOTY broadcast tonight. Slick, professional, hd, live – free to air should take note of how it should be done. #
  • BBQ cooked and cleaned, that's it for the evening for me. Early night to try and get some energy back for tomorrow. #
  • Rae off on adventure with the twins and Phee at work. Me at home looking after a poorly Bert. #
  • Seems nothing picks you up quicker than being able to lie in Mum and Dad's bed and watch Who Framed Roger Rabbit. #
  • Good soundtrack for Sunday morning work from @abcdigmusic, including 'Sunday Morning'. #
  • Phee singing a Spice Girls song. Stops and says "I love singing, even if it's really old." #

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The ‘New’ Bedroom

Due to popular demand (hi Helly) here’s a look at what Rae has done to our room. I can’t find a ‘before’ pic but it was a lot less red and a lot more beige.  New curtains, new lamps and couple of pillows have made it look like a completely new room. It’s all very rich and luxuriant and now feels like a proper grown up bedroom, well done hon.

The 'new' bedroom.

Friday Afternoon

I remember reading years ago, even before having children, that kids do better at school if they see their parents are actively interested in the school and their schooling. This must have really stuck with me and it’s the reason today that the young ones and I went to the school early for Bert’s class assembly.

It was held in his room, sorry, ‘learning space’. A few parents were there and we watched the kids report on what they’d done during the week, some awards were given out and happy birthday sung for those with a birthday this week. It was fun to watch, especially as Henry couldn’t get far enough away from a little girl who took a shine to him, and the half hour or so went very quickly.

On the way home I asked Bert, as I always do, what the best part of the day was. “Assembly.” I was bit surprised as he wasn’t involved in any way so I asked him why. “Because you came dad.”

Now that’s how you end a week.

One Down

My first copy of The Guardian Weekly arrived in the mail today. One subscription down, one to go. It’s still in its wrapper and will be my reward tomorrow if I get all my work done.

The Guardian Weekly, still in its wrapping, on my desk.


We don’t really ‘do’ Valentines Day. A card, a kiss, a coffee is about it. Tonight though we were lucky and Zita gave us the night off.

It was wonderful, a picture perfect summers evening. We went off to Williamstown, had fish and chips at Nelson Place, went for a stroll in to Williamstown and then back for an ice-cream. You couldn’t ask for a better night, or a better valentine.

Rae in Williamstown


Waiting, waiting, waiting…

We went to Shepp for a little holiday just after Christmas and while we were there we went shopping. Rae disappeared so I checked out the magazine display and ended up buying one. No, not a PC magazine, or a men’s health type one or one with scantily clad ladies. No, I bought a copy of National Geographic, and what’s more I read it cover to cover.The thing is I enjoyed it so much I decided to take up their special offer of $40 for a 12 month subscription. How old am I?

Then last week I was perusing OzBargain when I saw The Guardian Weekly had an amazing offer – $20 for a year’s subscription – so I took one out on the spot.

Now I’m waiting, waiting, waiting patiently for both of them to appear in my letter box. Both should expire at the same time so I’m going to have to keep an eye out for offers later in the year, I trust one of you will remind me.

My Tweets For The Week

  • Waiting on a delivery. Any bet it will come during the ten minutes it will take me to pick up the twins… #
  • Made it home just in time to catch the delivery guy. #
  • Back in the land of laser printers again after a flirtation with ink. It's wireless and duplex, very nice. #
  • Not sure why but today I decided to use Windows Media Player for music instead of ITunes. #livingontheedge #soundsexactlythesameregardless #
  • I really should have listened to 'Get Ready' more, it's a great album. #
  • Kids first full day at kinder today. I'm expecting two very tired twins this evening. #
  • OneNote, one of @Microsoft best apps that no one knows about, is now available for Android. Go, download it now. #
  • Re-reviewing our hospital cover. So many options my head is spinning. #
  • Bugger. The freezer in the garage became unplugged over night. Lost a bit but thankfully fully packed drawers were still frozen solid #
  • No lolly teeth at either Coles or IGA. What is the world coming to? #
  • I feel like I'm back in 1986, this costume (in so many ways) rocks. #
  • I'd feel a lot better if Rae and Phee would stop laughing at my mustache though. #

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A Great Day

My lovely wife celebrated a birthday yesterday, one that ended in a zero so we had a party here at home for her. It taught us two things.

One. We are incredibly lucky to have the friends and family that we do.

Two. We can control the weather. Seriously, if you want rain just ask us to organise a bbq for a largish group of people and we can offer a money back guarantee that, at least for Derrimut, you will get water falling from the skies the night before and day of the bbq.

Thanks again to everyone for making it a wonderful day. It’s not often you get to see Jimi Hendrix chatting to Janis Joplin, or Band Aid Freddy fighting Wembley Concert Freddy for a crown. Lots of good memories to take with us.

Rae, the birhtday girl.





My Tweets For The Week

  • Tennis done. Cricket all but done. School just about to go back. Must be footy time any day now. #
  • Any one else have problems when they get new glasses? My eyes are all over the shop today. #
  • Kids too busy playing with Lego and on Club Penguin to watch a movie. #noneedforpaternitytest #
  • Any bar tenders out there? I know the ingredients for a Montenegro Mule, just not sure on proportions. #
  • Why do they put screws in glasses so they face down? Surely it would be safer to have them face upwards in case they work loose? #
  • Surprise. Kids actually start kinder today, not next Monday. Thankfully Rae re-read the letter. Only a half daytoday but excited kids. #
  • Stupid computer – how can there be so many solutions to 'no valid ip configuration' and not a single works…. #
  • Love it that Rae can get a movie from @oovie_australia in the city and I can return it just around the corner. #
  • Here's a tip. Frozen pork belly looks very much like frozen chicken fillets. #changeofplanfordinner #
  • Bert back to school this morning, back to the old routine. #
  • First back to school crisis solved – school hats found in the old school bag. #
  • Reading the 'CpmmWeb Virtual Payment Client Integration Guide' is as scintillating as it sounds. #
  • Moo just had a mega meltdown before we left the house but she has learnt that screaming "I WANT LUNCH OUT TOO" will not get her lunch out. #
  • Proud that Moo chose Dora stickers over Barbie #
  • Saturday morning Blu Ray fun – pod race sequence and then light sabre duel from The Phantom Menace. #
  • Stunned by the number of Doctor Who fans here. #
  • Wow, the Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular was, well, spectacular..@steven_moffat #
  • New neighbours moving in, dropped the truck off at 11 lsat night. At least they had the decency not to unload it then unlike previous mob. #
  • I blame you @richard_annable – my printer stopped working today! (But thanks for the excuse to go to Officeworks) #
  • Quickbooks all up to date and totally unrelated – just noticed the temp has dropped 10 degrees in about 10 minutes. Where's the rain though? #
  • Weather playing havoc with television reception. Do all channels (talking digital) originate from the same transmitter in Melbourne? #

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The program for the Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular in Melbourne, 4 February 2013I’m just back from attending The Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular with Daniel Bowen and his boys. It lived up to its name, the event was truly spectacular. The music was amazing and the guest appearances by Matt Smith (via video) and Cybermen, Sularians, Judoon, vampires, Ood and The Silence (in the metal/flesh/slimy scales) kept everyone entertained. The composer, Murray Gold was there too and would have to have been thrilled with the reception for his music.  Funniest part was when there was a technical hiccup that delayed one piece from starting. Suddenly, and completely unprompted, dozens of sonic screwdrivers were being waved in the air by audience members, buzzing away to try and help. It was wonderful to see and got a round of applause.

What truly amazed me though were the fans. Growing up Doctor Who was such a cult show I could never have dreamed of being in the same room with ten, let alone 1500 other Who fans. They ranged from a baby to seniors. There were bow ties aplenty, great home made outfits and a few spot on Tennant’s wandering around. I couldn’t help but smile at the thought that my show is now so popular.

The second most popular sequence, after Matt Smith’s video, would have been a montage of all of the regenerations starting with William Hartnell. Using the purely unscientific method of me listening to the applause and shrieks David Tennant is the most popular doctor, Matt Smith a very close second. My poor Peter Davison trailed a long way behind. SIgh. I do wonder how many of the young fans wondered who on earth Paul McGann was when he popped up.

One fan stood out for me though, he was wearing a Sylvester McCoy t-shirt. He must have been hanging on to that baby for over 20 years just waiting for the day. To you sir, I tip my fez.