My Tweets For The Week

  • Nice walk around the oval at Brimbank Park after dropping off the kids this morning. Unusual way for me to start the week. #
  • Watching Jarvis Cocker on while I work. #
  • Slightly tempted to keep Freddy's mo… #
  • Oh. Dear. My main PC appears not to want to start. This is not a good thing. #
  • Huh, hey, what? Who went and changed Twitter on me? #
  • Not often you get to say how much you like your mortgage holder. Thanks ME Bank. #
  • Today's Moo Meltdown(tm) brought to you by I Can't Find My Sandle And I Want To Wear My Boots Even Thought It's Going To Be Over 30 Outside #
  • Trying to cut costs by reviewing all of our insurance premiums. Fun way to spend an afternoon. #
  • Looking at moving home and contents from AAMI, any suggestions? #
  • Facebook seems all over the place today. Posts go up, then missing. Now my most recent posts are from three days ago. Odd. #
  • Door shut on the bedroom as Rae is giving it a makeover. #
  • It appears The Leather Doctor is making a house call to our new neighbours. Wonder what the rebate is on that. #
  • Came in for Bert's assembly today. Should be renamed Fidget Time. #
  • Wlll #foxfooty has started broadcasting, see you in October. #
  • Loving the HD broadcast on @FOXFOOTY #
  • That was a pretty good practice game, impressed with the Tigers effort there. #
  • Best thing was probably Maric's mullet. A Tiger legend is born. #
  • Tigers only 2 points down. I think I'll turn the telly off now and go to bed and count it as a moral victory. #
  • Ah, Buddy Franklin – he's no Richy Tambling #
  • Very impressed with @FOXFOOTY broadcast tonight. Slick, professional, hd, live – free to air should take note of how it should be done. #
  • BBQ cooked and cleaned, that's it for the evening for me. Early night to try and get some energy back for tomorrow. #
  • Rae off on adventure with the twins and Phee at work. Me at home looking after a poorly Bert. #
  • Seems nothing picks you up quicker than being able to lie in Mum and Dad's bed and watch Who Framed Roger Rabbit. #
  • Good soundtrack for Sunday morning work from @abcdigmusic, including 'Sunday Morning'. #
  • Phee singing a Spice Girls song. Stops and says "I love singing, even if it's really old." #

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