Kinder Surprise

I was woken up this morning by Rae tapping me on the shoulder.

“Ah hon, I think the kids start kinder today, not on Monday.”

Once I could focus my eyes I could read the brochure that we were given last year and, sure enough, they were to start kinder today. Why on earth we thought it was next Monday we’ll never know but even with them having a little sleep in we were able to get them organised and things together so we could take them off on time.


The second surprise packet of the day was out Mr Henry. We had been worried about Mr-I’m-My-Dad-All-Over would cope but he was the one who waved by and happily wandered off to explore the room while Little-Miss-Social hung back and followed his lead.

It’s only a half day today so I’ll have two very excited kids home for lunch, I can’t wait to see how they went.

My Tweets For The Week

  • Organising New Order tickets from emergency bed. #
  • Made a mistake when I was changing insurance plans so I can't transfer out of this hell. Fixed now but too late for this issue. #
  • Moved to CCU! Sunlight and no crazy people off their heads on ice shrieking the place down. Life instantly looks better. #
  • Showered and brushed teeth for first time in two days. I feel human again. #
  • No pain today, a good start. Now to figure out how to get out of here. #
  • A menu! Things are looking up. #
  • Ask for an Age from the newspaper lady. "Oh, we don't get many asking for one of those, I don't have any." Sigh. I really want to go home. #
  • Bit down. Have to have a CT scan now as they can't confirm where pain is coming from which means another day away from home. #
  • Patients really need to learn how to turn down their phones… #
  • What did we do in hospitals before smart phones? Oh, I remember now, magic pen colouring and puzzle books! #
  • Quick question. When did they start making 'pork' out of water? #
  • Double strength patch, that's going to be a killer headache in the morning. #
  • For once not being allowed to eat breakfast is a good thing. With a bit of luck there is a CT scan ahead today and with that an answer. #
  • Argh, retweet and reply too close together. #
  • I am be-gowned. Oh the indignity. #
  • Heart rate down, everyone happy so looks like scan is going ahead soon. #
  • Not looking good to escape tonight. Going slightly mad in bed 24. #
  • I'm free! Thank you everybody for all of your messages, they all meant so much at a pretty scary time. #
  • Eerily still outside this morning. #
  • Andy Murray fan? Tune in to BBC Five Live at 0930AEDT/2230GMT to hear my mate Nigel @audiolympics talking about him. #
  • Watching a mum hold her cigarette 30cm away from her toddlers head while she has a smoke. #notmyplacebutwishitwas #calmtonycalm #
  • Watching a mum hold a cigarette 30cm away from her toddlers head while she has a smoke. #notmyplacebutiwishitwas #calmtonycalm #
  • Haircut time. #
  • Kids are watching The Muppet Movie, Rainbow Connection blaring through the house. #
  • Rae heading out, too hot and too tired to be a parent so I'm ceding that duty to Mr Jim Henson and the box set of muppet movies. #
  • Buy @Optus shares, Phee has a phone. Android, of course. #
  • Who the $@*! starts moving out of their rented house at 10:15PM on a Saturday night!?! #
  • Falling asleep on the couch on a warm Sunday afternoon doesn't automatically make make me An Old Man. Does it? #
  • For the few overseas followers I have – 10:00PM, time for bed. 29 degrees (centigrade) outside. #

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Australia Day

I’m going to write up a little thing about my recent adventure soon but I’d just like to reflect one part of being Australian. Because I have the great fortune of being born here, over the last three days I was able to call a free government health service that made sure I was sent an ambulance, I had prompt emergency treatment, I had a chest xray,  I had an ecg, I had  a cardiac ct scan using the latest technology available, I was given drugs to help me, I had three nights in a hospital and will receive ongoing care.

And none of this cost me a cent.

A happy and healthy Australia day everyone.

My Tweets For The Week

  • Rae back at work, summer break well and truly over now. Sigh. #
  • If my phone/email is anything to go by then Rae isn't the only one returning to work today after summer holidays. #
  • After a meltdown of Chernobyl proportions last night a certain young miss seems to be trying very hard today. #
  • Could be first round of chicken pox OR a very selective insect. Will find out either way this afternoon. #
  • 'For Lease' sign just gone up on the house opposite. Those who know where we live know that's pretty pointless! #
  • At last, a new Wii remote means no more arguments over who has to sit out this round or share. #
  • Can't believe the amount of time I've spent 'fixing' an issue with the media PC audio that no one else would ever have noticed. #
  • Bella has to check the walk in closet every night, just in case…. #
  • Good news for Bert, the chickenpox spots are already fading. Must have been as mild a dose as you can get. #
  • Woo Hoo. Solar panels inspected and turned on last night, already saving money. #
  • Just watched Contagion. Really enjoyed it, even if it did make me feel a little Howard Hughes. #
  • Bugger, forgot to get milk yesterday. Early morning trip to Coles ahead. #
  • Bugger. Car won't start. #
  • Two children for sale. Will accept any offer, or pay you, must pick immediately. #
  • Anyone have a battery charger? Need to put the car battery on one to charge it up. #
  • In Origin Energy phone hell for my sins. #
  • ARGH! Origin Energy have just shuffled through two people back to the end of the queue I started in!!!! #
  • Origin Energy – you are always experiencing periods of high demand so what are you doing about it? #
  • Today just hasn't got properly started. Where's the reset button? #
  • Dead Snow, all sorts of very bloody fun. #
  • New battery for the red car. January is turning in to a very expensive month. #
  • Guy working on his garden with a dingo just up the street has ruptured the gas main. Three impressive vans dealing with it now. #
  • Seem to have been sucked into watching the tennis even though it's past my bed time. #
  • 15 hours on emergency trolley at Western General in Footscray and counting…. #
  • Have suspected Pericarditis, waiting to be admitted. #

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Three For Three

There’s great responsibility in our marriage when it comes to choosing a movie to watch. If you get it wrong and the movie turns out to be a dud it can have serious repercussions for days so after picking three for three of late (Rare Exports, Rise Of The Planets Of The Apes and Contagion) the pressure has become too much and I’m ceding to Rae while my streak is intact.

Tonight it’s all up to her but I have to say that her choice of Dead Snow looks inspired. Pressure will be right back on me to follow up that one.

Creature Of Habit

Rae will roll her eyes when I tell you I’m a create of habit.  It tends to drive her mad . “Coffee? No thanks, it’s after 3.30.” (you can’t have a coffee after 3.30, it’s just wrong.) would be just one of my many quirks that drive her mad.

Today is Thursday, the day Nana takes the kids so I can work, and my Thursday habit revolves around lunch. It’s my one day of the week I eat out so at midday off I’ll head and pick up my rice paper rolls and my sushi rolls, they know me now and I don’t generally have to ask. If it’s school time I’ll also generally have a take away coffee after dropping off Bert.

It will be interesting to see if things change this year with the young ones in kinder and the elder two at school. I’ll have every day of the week to work now. I wonder what new habits I’ll pick up.

A Pox On My Eldest Son

This morning Bert came wandering in. “Dad, these spots are really itchy.”

Yikes. I checked his bedding, where he’d been sitting and his siblings and there was no sign of bugs or spots on others so it was off to the doctor who has confirmed chickenpox. Yes, despite being immunised he’s managed to catch a dose. The doctor said she saw a few cases before Christmas and he was the second this week. He’s been swabbed (it’s a reportable disease, apparently) and sent on his way.

We’re now on spot watch for the others (who have been immunised, but….)  and on the look out to warn off any pregnant ladies.

My Own CFH Moment

I’m a regular reader of Clients From Hell so had to chuckle when I had this exchange today.

Client (irate) : “The email you set up for me isn’t working!”

Me : “Okay, are you sure you’ve been sent email?”

Client : “Yes! I’m not getting any of it.”

Me : “What are you using to check your email?”

Client “Outlook.”

Me : “Have you set up Outlook to check for mail?”

Client “No.”

My Tweets For The Week

  • This morning's work music – the magnificent @strangemoosic (Herman Dune) but I'd rather be with @raezm at the movies and shopping. #
  • That stomping you hear would be the sound of people putting solar panels on our roof. #
  • Unexpectedly stuck waiting for an hour. Fire up @AmazonKindle app on phone and keep on reading from where I left off at home. Love it. #
  • Ouch. Car service, four new tyres and insurance bill all on the one day. #anyoneneedawebsite #
  • I am wearing socks, in January. This is wrong. #
  • 96 people have submitted the form successfully but *you* can't so obviously the form doesn't work. Le sigh. #
  • Solar panels being bolted in to place. They are okay, hope none of the workers get blown off the roof though. #
  • Shiny panels now on our roof. Just up to our electricity supplier to get their act together now. #
  • Must be cold tonight, Bella is back on the bed. #
  • Greater Union hasn't changed since my last visit in 1989. This makes me happy. #
  • Finally watched Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, loved it. #
  • Looks like a rental inspection across the road. Dammit, they residents there now are nice and quiet. #
  • Just dropped Phee at work in my pj's. Look on her face when I said I was coming in to get coffees was priceless. #
  • Lemon Lime & Bitter slurpee ain't too bad. #
  • Watching old Law and Order on Foxtel – seems incredibly dark. Wondering if it is Foxtel or the way it was shot. #

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