I was woken up this morning by Rae tapping me on the shoulder.
“Ah hon, I think the kids start kinder today, not on Monday.”
Once I could focus my eyes I could read the brochure that we were given last year and, sure enough, they were to start kinder today. Why on earth we thought it was next Monday we’ll never know but even with them having a little sleep in we were able to get them organised and things together so we could take them off on time.
The second surprise packet of the day was out Mr Henry. We had been worried about Mr-I’m-My-Dad-All-Over would cope but he was the one who waved by and happily wandered off to explore the room while Little-Miss-Social hung back and followed his lead.
It’s only a half day today so I’ll have two very excited kids home for lunch, I can’t wait to see how they went.