My Tweets For The Week

  • Organising New Order tickets from emergency bed. #
  • Made a mistake when I was changing insurance plans so I can't transfer out of this hell. Fixed now but too late for this issue. #
  • Moved to CCU! Sunlight and no crazy people off their heads on ice shrieking the place down. Life instantly looks better. #
  • Showered and brushed teeth for first time in two days. I feel human again. #
  • No pain today, a good start. Now to figure out how to get out of here. #
  • A menu! Things are looking up. #
  • Ask for an Age from the newspaper lady. "Oh, we don't get many asking for one of those, I don't have any." Sigh. I really want to go home. #
  • Bit down. Have to have a CT scan now as they can't confirm where pain is coming from which means another day away from home. #
  • Patients really need to learn how to turn down their phones… #
  • What did we do in hospitals before smart phones? Oh, I remember now, magic pen colouring and puzzle books! #
  • Quick question. When did they start making 'pork' out of water? #
  • Double strength patch, that's going to be a killer headache in the morning. #
  • For once not being allowed to eat breakfast is a good thing. With a bit of luck there is a CT scan ahead today and with that an answer. #
  • Argh, retweet and reply too close together. #
  • I am be-gowned. Oh the indignity. #
  • Heart rate down, everyone happy so looks like scan is going ahead soon. #
  • Not looking good to escape tonight. Going slightly mad in bed 24. #
  • I'm free! Thank you everybody for all of your messages, they all meant so much at a pretty scary time. #
  • Eerily still outside this morning. #
  • Andy Murray fan? Tune in to BBC Five Live at 0930AEDT/2230GMT to hear my mate Nigel @audiolympics talking about him. #
  • Watching a mum hold her cigarette 30cm away from her toddlers head while she has a smoke. #notmyplacebutwishitwas #calmtonycalm #
  • Watching a mum hold a cigarette 30cm away from her toddlers head while she has a smoke. #notmyplacebutiwishitwas #calmtonycalm #
  • Haircut time. #
  • Kids are watching The Muppet Movie, Rainbow Connection blaring through the house. #
  • Rae heading out, too hot and too tired to be a parent so I'm ceding that duty to Mr Jim Henson and the box set of muppet movies. #
  • Buy @Optus shares, Phee has a phone. Android, of course. #
  • Who the $@*! starts moving out of their rented house at 10:15PM on a Saturday night!?! #
  • Falling asleep on the couch on a warm Sunday afternoon doesn't automatically make make me An Old Man. Does it? #
  • For the few overseas followers I have – 10:00PM, time for bed. 29 degrees (centigrade) outside. #

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