My Tweets For The Week

  • Ceremony on @abcdigmusic . #
  • Ouch. Quick glance at the bank balance tells me holidays are over. #
  • Hail is deafening on the deck roof. #
  • Offering very short odds that Rae will get here way and the heater will be on before the night is out. #
  • And the heater is on. #
  • An American and an Englishman both tipped higher than me last weekend. Neither has seen a game. Sigh. #
  • National Geographic turned up today – Titanic issue, looks interesting. #
  • Just had to look up what my own business land-line number is, can't remember the last time someone asked for it. #
  • Chooks! #
  • Brethalysed on the way home from Veronica and Steve's First time in 15 years. #
  • Argh, wasted hours looking at why dates didn't validate using jQuery only to find out it's an issue only for Chrome. #
  • Finally got the opportunity to correct the resolution on the PC monitors at gym. Once I can set the aspect rations on the tv's I can quit. #
  • Guy around the corner using a clapped out 70s vintage Victa to mow weeds as high as his waist. #
  • I Moved Office Today #
  • Happiness Has A Colour, And It Is Pink #
  • Maple syrup and hockey, thank you Canada. #
  • Elvis Costello on Sesame Street. #
  • For Rae #
  • Can't decide if I should have a 'rest' day from the gym or go do half an hour on the treadmill this afternoon. Been every day for 2 weeks #
  • Such a hard game for a Tiger supporter to watch, can't be happy no matter what the result. #
  • Wonder if Eddie regrets deleting Mick's phone number right about now. #
  • Great. An old hotmail account, not used in over a decade was compromised overnight and spammed everyone in the address book. #
  • Dusty Bert #
  • Moo Moo Jack #
  • What a fantastic way to spend an afternoon! #gotiges #
  • And for my wife, #Godogs #
  • We're above the pies on the ladder. Stop the season now! #
  • This is madness. Missed the gym today so now I'm about to try some pushups. I must be going insane #
  • Oh God . I just finished a movie and switched over to the Doggies v Saints game. #
  • Henry tucking in #
  • Just called Etihad 'Telstra Dome'. I need a nap. #
  • Is there any better sound than of Lego being stirred in a tub while searching for the piece you need? #
  • Sunday afternoon relaxing and reading National Geographic. #iamanerdandiamold #
  • Sunday afternoon treat. #
  • What have I done? Not only can Rae now spot the diff btw HD and SD she is also complaining about the SD quality download from Foxtel. #
  • Wondering how long ago I removed the ethernet cable from the Foxtel box…. #
  • Wow. @Richmond_FC are now above Collingwood and Geelong! #gotiges #

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Seems To Be Working

I think it’s been about two weeks now since I started at the gym and can’t remember taking a day off in that time. I’ve had three sessions with a personal trainer, and will probably continue with him for a little while more just to make sure I know what I’m doing. I’m attempting to go every day, to make it a habit (yes Kim, that’s thanks to your advice) and today I actually noticed two things.

One, I’ve slipped back a notch on my belt. That’s pretty cool. Two, I can bend my left leg! When I first started I physically could not bend my left leg, it just wouldn’t move. Tonight I sat down to do my stretches and without thinking I tucked my left leg in to my right. It took me a couple of minutes to realise I’d done that. So, a couple of real physical changes and that’s enough to give me the motivation to keep on going.

My Tweets For The Week

  • Years ago there was a meme about finding google search terms that returned only one result. I just found one! #
  • Too tired to concentrate now, been a long day. Time to shut up shop and try to disengage brain before bed. #
  • I have a clever wife. She's off to Canberra today and leaving me at home with kids who were awake around 5. #
  • Adobe support "Click on the Deactivate option". Me : "There is no Deactivate option.". Rinse and repeat for 10 minutes now. #
  • Creating system image of the new PC now it's all been set up. #
  • "If we're going to die let's die looking like a Peruvian folk band." Ponchos are cool. #
  • Instagram for Android 'eh? Let's see what all the fuss is about. #
  • Moo #
  • Twins #
  • Lego Time Again #
  • Making The Most Of The Indian Summer #
  • Watching Moo and Bert play footy in the backyard is one of the funniest things I have seen in years. #
  • The footy players. #
  • Ooh, that's going to hurt tomorrow. @jetts247 #
  • 10 minutes wrestling with the wrapping on the paper. It's going to be one of those days. #
  • Must be more burning off today, smoke smell is really strong outside. #
  • Dear almost all other residents of my street. Bring your bins in, on a public holiday collection is next day of the week, including Sat. #
  • I think I'm now the only person on the street who hasn't put their bins out. #
  • Live Screamadelica, perfect music for a perfect afternoon. #
  • No emails or phone calls since lunch – has everyone left for the weekend already? #
  • Last bbq for the season. Even broke out the barbie light. #
  • Stupid lower back, can't even sit up straight to do stretches. #
  • Just realised we spent a small fortune at @tacobill tonight and weren't given any scratchies. Sigh. #firstworldproblem #
  • Bit scared the neighbour's recent DIY is about to rip itself apart and come hurtling over the fence. #prayingforawindchange #
  • For Sale. One teenager who needs to be dropped off at work at 6.30 on a Saturday morning. Yawn. #
  • Channel 7 commentators, your 'humour' sounds terribly forced. Stuck to analysis, please. #
  • Two games on at the same time, only one Foxtel… #
  • Better be quick if you want hot cross buns from Coles Derrimut. #
  • Embarrassed for GWS, and that's coming from a Tigers support. #
  • And slippers make their first appearance for the year. #

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Easter Saturday

Yesterday we took a quick trip to Bendigo. It’s equidistant from Shepparton and our place (give or take a little bit) so was the perfect place to catch up with the Jankes and Mum and Pater. We had coffee by the lake, toured the Grace Kelly exhibition (mildly disappointing – poorly planned, too many people to comfortably take it all in, too dimly lit and many exhibits lacked context) and then an afternoon back at the lake for lunch and crazy running around the playground time for the kids.

Autumn Skies

It was a perfect, relaxing Autumn afternoon and we’ve decided that later in the year we’ll arrange a holiday there to take in the city and surrounds properly as a few hours really doesn’t do it justice.

Me and MumMe and Helly

Lunch Time

The Kids

The Grown Ups

An Unexpected Benefit

I’ve discovered an unexpected benefit of exercising at a gym and it’s tech related.

Ever since I stopped driving to and from work four years ago I haven’t had much use for my iPods. They’ve languished on my desk, getting a sync every now and then to keep them up to date but were hardly used. Now that I’m out of the house regularly sans kids they are back in favour, especially my 2nd gen shuffle that I had never used. It’s the perfect size to clip on to my shorts.

Of course this calls for a ‘Gym’ playlist so over the past couple of days I’ve built up 6 hours of gym specific music and hit play on it for the first time this evening. Born Slippy fired up, I smiled and off I went.

Are exercise, you truly are a wonderful thing.

My Tweets For The Week

  • 25 minutes at @jetts247 gym #it #039;sastart #betterthannothing #
  • What on earth is an 'orwil' strip? #
  • Ah Mr Henry. When the pretty girls call to you to chase then you should go chase them, not cling tighter to your dad. #
  • BBC – Doctor Who – First Preview of the New Series! #
  • What the!?!? My work PC has just BSOD twice. Maybe it knows I asked for a quote for a new system last week. Glad I did that now though. #
  • Come on @metrotrains you've made a mistake regarding the RSL. Let them sell for as long as they need. #
  • More doctor's appointments, and this one included a flu shot. #
  • Can smell smoke in the air. #
  • Ugh. Aches and pains this morning. Not sure if it's the gym or flu shout. #
  • Personal trainer? More like personal torturer. After 40 years of neglect though my body probably has the right to complain. #
  • Well, so far so good, I can walk… #
  • Started Photoshop on new and old PC at same time. New one was ready to edit before the splash screen had appeared on the old. #
  • Fantastic transfer of backups between computers with @crashplan Just one click and backups continued without a pause. Great job Crashplan. #
  • Never noticed that before. Playing a song in Windows Media Player. Start up Media Center and it appears as 'Now Playing'. #
  • Getting a little excited about heading in to the G tonight. It's been way too long. #
  • Richmond lose the opening game, sun rises in the east… #
  • Tired, sore and cranky. That's me. #
  • Moo is still keeping the faith @Richmond_FC . #gotiges #
  • I note that the @Richmond_FC players have been all but silent on Twitter today. #
  • "I'd do this with a protest in the room!". Quote of the night to Rae. #
  • It was actually "I'd do this with a priest in the room.". Quote of the night to Rae. #
  • So Collingwood, how's that 'let's sack a premiership winning coach' plan going? #
  • No training session today thanks to (unrelated) twinging back. Will mow the lawns instead. #
  • Lawns done, weeds sprayed. 24 hours until next punishment session with trainer so I'm off to do anything that involves bending while I can. #
  • I like the scores overlaid on the ground on the Foxtel broadcast. #
  • Smoke detector batteries done, air con vents shut, manual clocks reset. Roll on winter. #
  • Feel so good after stretches this morning I can't believe I head back to agony this afternoon. #
  • A bit of Sunday morning Star Wars never hurt anyone. #
  • Never noticed before but the trenches in the death star look like the 3d buildings in Google Maps. #
  • Bert is concerned for ask the people on the Death Star when it blows up. #
  • Wow, now that workout was fantastic, sure I will hurt a little tomorrow but that was great. #

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The Second Session

I ached for two days after my first personal trainer session. Really, really ached. I could barely get in and out of the car until Friday night. Arms, stomach, chest, legs – everything was sore. I wondered just what I’d got myself in for, if it was worth it.

Today I think I found out it may be.

I’ve just had my second session with my personal trainer and I feel fantastic after it. I can walk and lift things, two things I struggled with after session one.  I could even chat with Adam as we went through each of the Machines Of Evil. It seems the first session was about pushing me beyond what I could do just to see what my body was capable of (or not, more to the point for me).

He’s now started work on getting me to the stage where I can start proper exercise. Or, to quote Adam, “I’m getting you to the point where I can begin to hurt you.”.

I feel so much better after this session (well, until I wake tomorrow morning) knowing that I’m going to be able to cope a lot better than I thought I would. It’s a good thing, I think I’ll be sticking with it.

The First Session

Everything aches, everything…

When I joined the gym they had an offer of 3 sessions with a personal trainer for $60 so, thinking it sounded like a good idea to get started, I said sure.

I went for my first session with Adam. Ladies and gents, never judge a pleasant smiling book by its cover. At the end of the session I was a quivering wreck on the floor. That’s not surprising though as we’re starting from a zero base. I haven’t exercised in, well, must be over 20 years so it’s no surprise my body decided it wanted to shut down almost as soon as we started.

The major issue is that thanks to a quirk of genetics my whole left side is weaker than the right and over 42 years the right has taken over – so much so the muscles in my left leg and arm have all but atrophied. I can’t do any weight work or I’ll injure myself straight away, and no running either for the same reason. The right side of my body tries to take the whole load. I have a pronounced lean and my hips are way out (apparently) so we’re starting from scratch. To quote Oscar Goldman “we can rebuild him”. I have to stretch every day to get things loosened up and I can see many more sessions ahead of me sweating away while Adam smiles at me.

My major concern right now is how on earth I’m going to recover in time to walk from Richmond station to the ‘G tomorrow night for the Tigers game. That and what on earth I’ll do if I drop the soap in the shower in the morning. Now I know why the invented soap-on-rope.

I’m Scared Of My Computer

I’m scared of my computer.

This evening I was chatting to Rae and came back to work to see my login screen. I thought it was odd that my PC had reset itself but thought it must have been an update, I’d been gone a little while.

This evening I was on a conference call for a client when one of my monitors went black. Oh oh. Then the other went black, then (almost unheard of with Windows 7) I received the Blue Screen of Death and the PC reset itself.

The thing is I’m now scared of my PC. I think it may be sentient. Last week I was concerned with how sluggish and temperamental it had become for no apparent reason so I requested a quote for a new system, just to see. The quote came back but it was more than I wanted to pay so I filed it away in my emails. I now think my PC may be able to read my emails and is upset with me so it has decided to misbehave more. I’m too scared to ask it to save a file, or to open the pod bay doors. I just know it would say “I’m sorry Tony, I can’t do that.”.

My Tweets For The Week

  • Oh no! I thought school photos were Wed, but they are today. #
  • Wow. @abcdigmusic are playing 'World (The Price Of Love)' by New Order. Fantastic choice that I haven't heard in years. #
  • It's rather crass having ads for sports betting in front of the video story on the death of Jim Stynes. Poor form @theage #
  • Council are trimming the trees in our street – about time, you can't walk along the footpath. #
  • While we're at it I wonder why we're the only street in our development with this sort of tree. #annoyingfallingleaves #
  • Died Pretty "D.C". @abcdigmusic is worth the price of any DAB+ radio alone. #
  • Just saw The Apprentice UK is back in two days time, can't wait. #yeslordsugar #
  • Back in Werribee for more tests. Maybe I should just move here. #
  • Sitting with no shirt on covered in sticky dots. Ah the dignity. #
  • So * that's * why they call it a stress test. #
  • Jason Akermanis, crawl back under the rock you came from and never come out again. #
  • Odd Facebook looks like it's just lost the last 4 hours or so of updates in my news feed. #
  • Think I may have finally solved my crackling/popping sound issue…fingers crossed. #
  • Over the moon The Apprentice is back. Lesson from episode 1: keep your mouth shut. #yeslordsugar #
  • Guilty pleasure, Transvision Vamp 'Velveteen' #
  • My two boys happily building Lego together on a Saturday morning. You can't ask for much more from life. #

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