My Tweets For The Week

  • 25 minutes at @jetts247 gym #it #039;sastart #betterthannothing #
  • What on earth is an 'orwil' strip? #
  • Ah Mr Henry. When the pretty girls call to you to chase then you should go chase them, not cling tighter to your dad. #
  • BBC – Doctor Who – First Preview of the New Series! #
  • What the!?!? My work PC has just BSOD twice. Maybe it knows I asked for a quote for a new system last week. Glad I did that now though. #
  • Come on @metrotrains you've made a mistake regarding the RSL. Let them sell for as long as they need. #
  • More doctor's appointments, and this one included a flu shot. #
  • Can smell smoke in the air. #
  • Ugh. Aches and pains this morning. Not sure if it's the gym or flu shout. #
  • Personal trainer? More like personal torturer. After 40 years of neglect though my body probably has the right to complain. #
  • Well, so far so good, I can walk… #
  • Started Photoshop on new and old PC at same time. New one was ready to edit before the splash screen had appeared on the old. #
  • Fantastic transfer of backups between computers with @crashplan Just one click and backups continued without a pause. Great job Crashplan. #
  • Never noticed that before. Playing a song in Windows Media Player. Start up Media Center and it appears as 'Now Playing'. #
  • Getting a little excited about heading in to the G tonight. It's been way too long. #
  • Richmond lose the opening game, sun rises in the east… #
  • Tired, sore and cranky. That's me. #
  • Moo is still keeping the faith @Richmond_FC . #gotiges #
  • I note that the @Richmond_FC players have been all but silent on Twitter today. #
  • "I'd do this with a protest in the room!". Quote of the night to Rae. #
  • It was actually "I'd do this with a priest in the room.". Quote of the night to Rae. #
  • So Collingwood, how's that 'let's sack a premiership winning coach' plan going? #
  • No training session today thanks to (unrelated) twinging back. Will mow the lawns instead. #
  • Lawns done, weeds sprayed. 24 hours until next punishment session with trainer so I'm off to do anything that involves bending while I can. #
  • I like the scores overlaid on the ground on the Foxtel broadcast. #
  • Smoke detector batteries done, air con vents shut, manual clocks reset. Roll on winter. #
  • Feel so good after stretches this morning I can't believe I head back to agony this afternoon. #
  • A bit of Sunday morning Star Wars never hurt anyone. #
  • Never noticed before but the trenches in the death star look like the 3d buildings in Google Maps. #
  • Bert is concerned for ask the people on the Death Star when it blows up. #
  • Wow, now that workout was fantastic, sure I will hurt a little tomorrow but that was great. #

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