My Tweets For The Week

  • At the @astor_theatre , choc top in hand. Bring on the glory that is The Last Stepdaughter in 70mm #
  • Thank you @astor_theatre for The Last Starfighter. Magnificent print, even if it was missing a bit. Wonderful to see it on the big screen. #
  • Please, let the owners of The Astor know we want the Astor be a cinema for many years to come. #ProtectTheAstor #
  • Huge endorphins rush tonight. I can't move but feel amazing. Weeeeehhhhhhh. #
  • Walk out to find Henry building Lego and Bert reading a book. #likefatherlikesons #happydad #
  • The washing machine has been running non-stop since 7.15am. Still two loads to go… #
  • Cursing Rae for going out tonight, doesn't she realise we have The Apprentice UK to watch! #
  • Ray at the movies, kids in bed, dishes done so it's time for some lemon sorbet and junk television #
  • Cat on my lap means I can't return sorbet to freezer. Had better eat it all then. #
  • Ooooops, accidentally dialed the wife while was out to lunch. #
  • Just noticed my invoices from Net Logistics come from Britney Turing-Machine –
    Billing Robotic Clerk, Account Services Division. Cute #
  • Lovin' the 70s inspired 'Mess' on The Unauthorized Biography of Rehnhold Messner'. #
  • Unforeseen consequence of losing weight, wedding ring slipped off twice today. #
  • Just said bye to Mum and Peter who are off to Canada tomorrow. You car is safely tucked up at our place now, say hi to Vancouver for me. #
  • Some Sundays for Sunday morning music while I do my best to avoid the sports section. #
  • That retweet was meant to say looks like @VictoriaPolice have had their twitter account compromised. #
  • An afternoon stroll at the shops, just me and Rae. How novel, and lovely. #
  • Wow, we may have lost the Dreamtime game but suddenly not so upset at the footy. #
  • Mum and Peter over half way to Canada. Sigh, I really should have tried to hide in their luggage. #

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Bye Ties

Is it odd to be sentimental over ties? It’s been almost five years since I’ve had cause to wear a tie on a daily basis and they’ve been sitting in our cupboard for all this time. I think I’ve worn one once, to a wedding, in this time, but that’s it. Someone requested ties on Freecycle the other day so Rae suggested we offload them to someone who wants them.

I’ve kept the tie I was married in and my dad’s ties but the rest are now sitting in a bag by the front door, ready to start a new life somewhere else. It’s strange to feel a little sad to see them go.


Working It Out

If you have the misfortune of following my Facebook feed you’re probably getting sick of my check-ins to Derrimut Jetts. I’m using Facebook to track my visits and I’ve been aiming to go every day.

Yesterday was a bit of a breakthrough day. Despite the effects of this cold I’ve had for over two weeks I completed my program and felt fantastic afterwards. I also completed all my pushups without failing and didn’t collapse when I hit my  target on the rowing machine.

Then when I hit home I checked my weight. I’ve snuck below 92kg so I’m aiming to break 90 by my birthday.  What started out as just a desire to get a bit more fit seems to have blossomed in to a full on lifestyle change. It’s become so bad I dreamed about better techniques for push ups last night. I’ve improved my diet, stopped kidding myself that ‘just a bit more’ won’t matter, cut out a whole heap of junk and am pushing myself to do better.

So what’s made the difference? The first is having a trainer. I can’t overstate how much of a help Adam has been. He pushes me just enough and doesn’t take no for an answer. He’s got in to my head too, I can hear him saying ‘Posture Anthony!’ Every time I slouch at my desk.

I’ve also stopped kidding myself. No one else is going to make me better, if I want to improve myself it’s up to me. Eating junk will make me feel blah, doing no exercise is bad for me. It’s simple and obvious but tough to admit after you have been deluding yourself most of your life.

There have been a few inspirational women along the way too. Ren, with her amazing transformation,  opened my eyes to what you can achieve when you put your mind to it and Kim from Met Fitness,  what she said made sense and changed the way I thought.

And finally there is my amazing wife who hail, rain or shine drags herself out of bed every morning at 5.00am to go to the gym. She is doing so well and is so committed to what she wants to achieve you can’t but help be inspired and want to work as hard as she does.

Now if only I could turn this new found motivation towards lawn mowing..,.

Dry Heat

Two heat and dollar related issues today.

Just wondering if we are the only family in the world who don’t have a clothes dryer. It’s a conscious  decision on our behalf, they just suck money out of your wallet and as good as we think we would be we know we’d probably end up using it every day; not to mention a certain teenager who would probably hand wash one pair of socks and then put them in the dryer for two hours before walking away,

Out frugality came back to bite us on the bum this morning though. Mr Albert, generally Mr Reliable, has gone and lost two of his school jumpers and the one remaining is sopping wet on the line. Of course I only discover this at 8.00am. He’s gone off today out of uniform. I’ll go through the lost property boxes this afternoon and hopefully one will turn up,

The other heat related issue is heating. I’m home alone now during most days, just me in the office and it’s getting bloody cold. I don’t want to turn on the central heating just for me and no matter how many jumpers I put on my fingers and feet are freezing. Any advice on the best (ie most cost efficient) method of heating a smallish office? When I defrost this evening I’ll check the comments.

My Tweets For The Week

  • The Sports "Don't Throw Stones" on @abcdigmusic . Reminds me of my sister Judy who bought me the album for a birthday present. #
  • Adam Goodes out for six weeks with a left quad injury. The amazing thing about this story is that I now know what and where a left quad is. #
  • Hey @Richmond_FC the site is down. #
  • I just pledged on Ben Folds Five (@BenFolds): Brand New Album! @PledgeMusic #rock #benfoldsfive #doitanyway #PMUpdates #
  • Had this cold for almost two weeks now and it just won't shift. Driving me mad. #
  • Thumbs up to Henley, so far so good. Inspector came today and is organising repairs to dodgy install in ensuite. #
  • This is where I lived when I first moved to Melbourne almost 25 years ago. #
  • My son is a dork, and my house is a mess. #
  • Classic. Tradie just left. "If supervisor calls can you tell him I left about 2.30, 3?" #
  • Club Penguin requires intense concentration. #
  • Arms feel like jelly after that workout. #
  • It's exactly the sort of day I imagine Ray Badbury describes at the start of Something Wicked This Way comes. #
  • I'm keeping an eye out for sellers of lighting rods. #
  • Walked half way across Richmond from the car to to my seat and not out of breath. That's a first. #
  • Love driving home with the scarf out the window. #gotiges #
  • Happy mother and mother – in-law day. #
  • Listening to Rae and ZIta scream at the footy on the telly I'm transported back 30 years. On mother's day it's rather appropriate. #

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My Tweets For The Week

  • Time for a quick spot of lunch by the Yarra. #
  • Three people on bike hire bikes, no helmets. #
  • Rae on the plane to Canberra, home made hamburgers done, early night all round. #
  • Wayne Brady, a genius on Whose Line. #
  • Kids put to bed in separate rooms. All asleep in five minutes. Sure beats the half hour hell we normally have. #
  • I think this cold is winning. #
  • I give in, heater going on. #
  • "Black Lace are only remembered for Agadoo, so it could be worse." Jarvis Cocker on Pulp possibly being only remembered for Common People. #
  • That awkward moment when you run in to your personal trainer with an arm full of fish and chips. #
  • Five of us barking like seals. Waiting for the neighbors to start throwing fish. #
  • Soldiering on with Costal. For now… #
  • Codral not working, not enough tissues in the world. Blergh. #
  • Thursday night, Apprentice UK time! #yeslordsugar #
  • Feel human again after two days, now to try and catch up. #
  • Just putting up the chicken wire. Rae is out tonight so I'm watching The Blues Brothers #
  • In negotiations with kids r.e bed time. I'm sticking to 'you can watch Scooby Doo' and then bed. #
  • "One Timex digital watch, broken." #
  • gawd, I could tweet every line of this film… #
  • Shopping centre carnage! #
  • "sell me your children" #
  • "I hate Illinois nazis." #
  • Ah, Bob's Country Bunker #
  • I had one of those posters once. #
  • We'd especially like to welcome the members of the representatives of the Illinois law enforcement communuty. #
  • "Hit It" #
  • Use of unnecessary violence in apprehension of the Blues brothers has been approved. #
  • Sorry for all the Blues Brothers quotes tonight, but I love that movie and Rae left me unsupervised. #
  • Drama, dentist, doctor….busy morning. #
  • I use my scanner about, oh, once a year. Today when I *need* it I find it doesn't have any 64 bit drivers. Hello @Officeworks #
  • Let's see if I'ce recovered from that cold, off off to the gym. #
  • Well, that would be breakfast, coffee and papers done, time to start the day. Maybe. #
  • Finally put Foxtel app on my phone, it's pretty cool. #
  • Now the proud owner of a hedge trimmer. Luckily also proud owner of first aid kit. #
  • #gotiges but why on earth are wearing our clash strip? #
  • Hey @Richmond_FC why the clash strip? #
  • What the hell Tigers! #

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My Tweets For The Week

  • Directly outside my cardiologists window is a huge bucket of KFC on a pole. #
  • See, here it is. #
  • Rae out to dinner. Homemade pizza for the kids, steak and salad for me. #nomnomnom #
  • Just looking at the new features for Dreamweaver in CS6 and wondering if good old DW is a mature product already. #
  • No one tell Rae, but I've turned the heater on. #
  • This chicken and sweetcorn soup is making me thirsty. #
  • Two stupid mistakes in 20 minutes, I need to step away for a break. #
  • finished A Night to Remember by Walter Lord #Kindle #
  • Almost ran over three white rabbits driving home along Swann Drive just now. I'm sure that is some form of bad luck. #itswabbitseason #
  • Google Drive or Sky Drive? GDrive launches with an Android app so wins by default. 5GB is a tad on the measly side though. #
  • Kids transfixed by the Tintin movie. #
  • 90000 people and not a sound. #
  • Looks like my Google Drive is ready to play with. #
  • Pulp turned up to 11…what else could I do? #
  • Um, where on earth has today gone? #
  • Just started reading Game Of Thrones. Hope all the names sort themselves out in my head eventually. #
  • Oh dear. Bert has just discovered the network drive that contains all the movies for the media PC. Too smart by half that boy. #
  • Cracker of an episode of The Apprentice UK tonight. More than ever I want to go to Edinburgh. #yeslordsugar #
  • Just commenced a warranty claim with Henley for an issue with our ensuite. Anyone want to have a guess at when it may be resolved? I say 1yr #
  • Coffee machine seal broken. Being the Malloy's we have a back up machine to cover this emergency. #
  • Are Go using a VHS tape to broadcast The Goonies tonight? #
  • When I form a band I'm going to call it 'Captain Stubing's Shorts'. #wastedmorningonthecouch #
  • Rae away tomorrow and my major concern is how I'll get to the gym 'cause I'm at a conference all day. How things change…. #

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My Tweets For The Week

  • House is very quiet today with kids back at school and kinder. #
  • Back in to the seeing of kinder and school pick up. #
  • That should be back in to the swing #
  • Just saw the Kath and Kim trailer. Me thinks their time may have well and truly passed. #
  • Happy to hear@Optus are boosting the network in Derrimut soon. #
  • Even though it's the American version Whose Line still makes me laugh. #
  • Woo Hoo! 8 new power points in my office. #nomoredaisychainsofpowerboards #
  • Poor Mr Henry, no kinder for him today. #
  • Feel blah, No gym yesterday (by orders) and have to wait until 6.45 for my trainer session tonight. What on earth has happened to me… #
  • Another letter from @optus spruiking their imminent network upgrade arrives on the day 3G has been down all morning. #
  • Been two weeks since my last trainer session and even though I've gone almost every day I'm still dreading going tonight. #
  • Oh gawd. Off for my punishment. Wish me luck. #
  • I think my trainer is trying to kill me. #
  • Story on The Age – read for free. Same story on The Hun site – pay up to read. Tell me again The Hun how this is good for you? #
  • finished Dead Souls by Ian Rankin. #Kindle #
  • In the course of a 15 minutes drive today I saw three semi's speed up to run red lights. Scary. #
  • Just back from the gym, now for breakfast, then lawns. #
  • So still and quiet outside I almost feel guilty for starting up the mower. #
  • Can't believe I'm barracking for Essendon, but Carlton does that to you. #
  • Is the footy on 7 really dark tonight? #
  • Just finished delicious egg white omelette made by the beautiful @raezm. Great start to the day. #
  • Why do I find watching a Tigers game on telly so much more stressful than watching at the ground? #

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Henry’s Guide To Time Travel

Mr Henry wasn’t feeling too well this morning so he was with me in the car today as I was driving along.


“Yes Henry?”

“I know how we can make it the olden days again.”

“How Henry?”

“It’s easy Dadda, we just have to paint everything black.”