Two heat and dollar related issues today.
Just wondering if we are the only family in the world who don’t have a clothes dryer. It’s a conscious decision on our behalf, they just suck money out of your wallet and as good as we think we would be we know we’d probably end up using it every day; not to mention a certain teenager who would probably hand wash one pair of socks and then put them in the dryer for two hours before walking away,
Out frugality came back to bite us on the bum this morning though. Mr Albert, generally Mr Reliable, has gone and lost two of his school jumpers and the one remaining is sopping wet on the line. Of course I only discover this at 8.00am. He’s gone off today out of uniform. I’ll go through the lost property boxes this afternoon and hopefully one will turn up,
The other heat related issue is heating. I’m home alone now during most days, just me in the office and it’s getting bloody cold. I don’t want to turn on the central heating just for me and no matter how many jumpers I put on my fingers and feet are freezing. Any advice on the best (ie most cost efficient) method of heating a smallish office? When I defrost this evening I’ll check the comments.
I’ve got a drier I probably use about once a month or less. Can be useful in emergencies.
Assuming your central heating can’t do just one room, sounds like a portable heater would be in order. Oil heaters are probably fairly efficient. Come to think of it I might even have a spare one you can have on permanent loan.
We have no clothes dryer either. Ours died early last year and we haven’t replaced it.
I’m the same with the clothes dryer, it’s such a waste of money, but now that we have real winters again, it may be worth the investment. There are some that stop when they sense the clothes are dry.
Regarding a small heater, there are these little portable ceramic heaters that are supposed to be very efficient and if you can keep your office closed whilst you are in it, they are not supposed to use too much electricity.
I use a dryer though we’ve now got it down to a socks/jocks and towels only these days with heaps of clothes airers to hang up the rest. Can’t use the line as the dog eats clothes. LOL