Bye Ties

Is it odd to be sentimental over ties? It’s been almost five years since I’ve had cause to wear a tie on a daily basis and they’ve been sitting in our cupboard for all this time. I think I’ve worn one once, to a wedding, in this time, but that’s it. Someone requested ties on Freecycle the other day so Rae suggested we offload them to someone who wants them.

I’ve kept the tie I was married in and my dad’s ties but the rest are now sitting in a bag by the front door, ready to start a new life somewhere else. It’s strange to feel a little sad to see them go.


One Reply to “Bye Ties”

  1. I gave away most of my ties and suits to Blaxk Saturday victims who has nothing to wear to funerals etc. I heard the call go out on 774 at the time and just thinking how horrible the whole thing was and how they didn’t have a stitch to wear to the funerals of loves ones bought me to tears. So I went upstairs, told Karen, broke down again and donated them.

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