Too Nice

Dropped the kids off this morning and walking out to see such a beautiful day it was just too nice not to go for a walk around the ovals.

On the way I had a family say hi and overheard two women having a chat that finished with “would you like to continue your walk with me?”. Seems I wasn’t the only one whose spirits were lifted.

The view from the Derrimut centre.

My Tweets For The Week

  • One exhausted boy curled up in our bed. A day recuperating and he should be fine for school tomorrow. #
  • Morning coffee not so good this morning so it's time for a very rare lunch time coffee. #
  • Bert watching Doctor Who. Can hear him calling "Donna, don't go in there, Donna!" #likefatherlikeson #
  • Tonight's bedtime battle was fought on two fronts. Oh so exhausting. #
  • Too many new things to learn – my brain hurts. #
  • Most productive day in ages. Broke the back of a monster project, more sorted out and invoicing done. Not bad for a Tuesday. #
  • Thought this track sounded like Risky Business. Tangerine Dream 'Love On A Real Train' has made my day. Thanks @abcdigmusic #
  • Any chance you could tell your kid to stop ripping up that tape and get him to pick up the mess he just made? #thoughtnot #
  • Summer really was in a hurry to get away this year. #
  • And this morning's vomiting child sweepstakes winner is….Kennedy Malloy! Midnight to five thirty. Long day ahead. #
  • Wondering if Rae will fall asleep on the train this morning. #
  • She's one tough chick. Moo at kinder now, and danced her way in. #
  • You know those catering vans that go around to larger business/worksites/factories? Reckon I could get one to drop my place right now? #
  • Today seems to be a 'let's call Tony about our web site' day. #
  • I was just given 'A Bad Idea I'm About to Do: True Tales of Seriously Poor Judgment and Stunningly.. via @amazonkindle #
  • Argh. No Weetbix! Coffee for breakfast until I can get to Coles. #
  • Gone retro, listened to a CD in the car on the way to this appointment. #
  • Spotted two hipsters in Derrimut. Poor things, they must be so lost and scared. Didn't want to startle them though by offering help . #
  • Oh dear. The Bug looks to have claimed poor Rae now. Please Bug, stay away from me, I have too much to get done. #
  • Wow, according to @7NewsMelbourne Derrimut is one of the hottest suburbs in Melbourne for property. #
  • And that would be the bug hitting me. Oh boy I've seen where this goes and I'm not looking forward to it. Not good to have both parents out. #
  • For you own safety I'd just stay completely clear of Derrimut. This is not pleasant. #
  • Ooh good, now Henry. #
  • Rae and I absolutely smashed. Moo and Henry a little bit better. #
  • Ah, the amazing restorative power of water crackers and dry ginger are. Slept all day, 24 later I may be back on the road to being human. #
  • Pre-season? Who cares! Go the Mighty Tigers!! #gotiges #
  • Just when we think we're safe Henry recreates a scene from The Exorcist in the kid's toilet. #willthisneverend #

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Project One Done

Well, one project down for the long weekend. My desk has been cleared, cleaned and restructured. I even took the time to properly label the cords in to the power boards and USB ports, something I’ve never done before and curse every time I go looking for the right cord to unplug or jiggle.

This is my desk now, all tidy and ready for work. Nothing much to see. There’s my one antenna android, my Kogan retro DAB radio, the pinup coaster from Rae, and my pen caddy. One pen, one highlighter, one marker and one pencil makes it so much easier to just grab what you need. I know not that many people love them by I swear by Microsoft Natural keyboards, I’ve used them as long as I can remember and a ‘normal’ keyboard feels odd to me.

Tony's Desk

Project Two is the front and back garden which will now have to wait until tomorrow morning and with a bit of luck I may even get to make a start on Project Three – the overflowing bookcase here in the office.

The Truth

He knows the truth, at 4.

This morning I asked Henry to pick up a plate from the floor.

“Yes Dadda.” He then paused and, oddly, said “I listen to you dad because your the boss of the fam… I know who the boss of the family really is. It’s mamma.”

My Tweets For The Week

  • Wow, boys are still asleep. Think we may be a little late for kinder today. If they need sleep there's no way I'm waking them. #
  • Lots of sirens out there, wonder what's going on. #
  • Poor Mr Henry is croaking like a frog. #
  • Hubble bubble…it's dinner. #
  • Working outside, rain on the tin roof is deafening so may have to head back in. Hope Rae isn't caught in this on her way home. #
  • I hate it when any of the kids are sick. Poor Mr Henry is not having a good night. #
  • Footy day at school. Bert convinced he will be the only TIger. Sea of Bulldogs walking through the gates but I did spot one more Tiger boy. #
  • Why didn't I install Visio with office, this download is taking forever. #
  • Happy Leap Day. May Leap Day William turn all your tears to candy. #
  • Mr H has croup. Now have some medication to knock the symptoms on the head and he gets a bonus day of dvds in bed. #
  • Toy Story 2 on the big telly is working its magic on Mr H right now. #
  • What the heck (as Mr H would say). Just found an envelope with a cheque in it! #
  • Saved on our health (with better cover) and car insurance but AAMI is still, surprisingly, our best bet for home and contents. #
  • Just had two police knock on the front door. Thankfully wrong address! Two cars have been up the street for a couple of hours now. #
  • Just installed @icetv on the media PC and on my phone. Wow. Love the remote recording capability. #
  • And N.O Day dawns. Today I finally get to see my all time favorite band, New Order, live. Looking forward to a fine time…. #
  • Argh, too much to get today so I won't get to play with Windows 8. #
  • Argh, isn't it tonight yet!? #
  • Tickets in wallet, can't really concentrate on anything now. #
  • Support are on. Position staked. Now for the waiting. #
  • Home from New Order sensational concert, way too weird to sleep now. #
  • Wired! I meant too wired to sleep. #
  • Not quite firing on all cylinders this nothing. Calling on caffeine to come to the rescue. #
  • Oh boy, this is not a good morning to have your server lock up. #
  • Fantastic support from Net Logistics, highly recommended for your VPS needs. #
  • I seem to have spent most of the day with a cat attached to my lap. #
  • And he's the pic I meant to attach. #
  • Going to Taco Bill and not having nachos seems sorta wrong. #
  • Poor Bert had been vomiting since last night, major plan revisions for today now. Just hoping whatever it is doesn't spread to the others. #
  • Thought Bert had turned the corner but he just proved ne wrong in the most spectacularly manner. #noschooltomorrow #hopeitdoesn'tspread #
  • Bert still not the best, hoping for improvement and some sleep for all of us tonight. #

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Melt My Heart

Poor Mr Henry is barking like a seal today so he’ll be staying home from kinder and spending the day in bed.

I was talking to Moo and said “It will be a bit strange today, with no Henry at kinder with you.”

She looked up at me with those big eyes and said “Don’t worry Dadda, I can look after myself.”

My Tweets For The Week

  • Monday morning, must be specialist appointment time. #
  • Lady just day down next to me in waiting room wearing a perfume a girlfriend wore in late 80s. Wow, amazing how scent can take you back. #
  • Flashback may be assisted by the salmon colour scheme in the room. #
  • My trusted Galaxy S just died. Sigh. On the plus side my replacement Galaxy Nexus should arrive soon. #
  • Oh, hello Nokia. We meet again. Don't get comfortable though, your time here will be strictly limited. #
  • Worse. Sleep. Ever. Careful kids, dad has his cranky pants on today. #
  • Seriously. There is not enough coffee in the world to get me through today. * clunk – head hits desk * #
  • Confused. So out of it but managed to read the paper, get two loads of washing on, kids organised and Bert to school early. #
  • Very impressed, mother in law carries around a spare Android phone in her car boot. #
  • Huge thanks to Zita for loaning me her old Galaxy S. I feel whole again. #
  • Odd. Windows just popped up a message saying my (genuine) Windows install was not genuine. Wonder what caused that. #
  • I. Need.My. New. Coffee. Machine. (Yes, Need) Just deliver it today and nobody gets hurt… #
  • Happiness is a new coffee machine. #
  • Not the best of nights in many ways. Let myself down, let kids down, kids let us down. Will try to make tomorrow a better day. #
  • Tracking two deliveries on the web. When will they have live GPS tracking of parcels… #
  • My glasses are 'On For Delivery' but the city is Wollongong. Wonder where they are. As I have a doc appt soon they must be in Melb. #
  • What happened to the computer parts ads in the GG? #
  • Knew I should have called in advance to see if the doctor was running on time. #
  • HAH! I knew it, delivery guy came while I was the doctors! #
  • Doctor tells me to go home and lie down all afternoon and then come back this evening for more tests. Yeah, right, like that's an option. #
  • Oh god, in Melbourne IT support hell on behalf of a client. #
  • Been on hold for half an hour now – 15 minutes ago I was told I next in line. I hate having to call Melbourne IT #
  • Back at the doctor. They'll be giving me my own room before too long. #
  • 7.30 and all the young ones are still asleep. Not game to leave the bedroom in case I wake them.They've needed a sleep like this for ages. #
  • My new phone is in FedEx's Derrimut facility. Would prefer it to be in my Derrimut house. #
  • My new Nexus just arrived (it's a basic pleasure model.) Thanks @Kogan for a great deal and speedy delivery. #
  • You have to be kidding. @melbourneit why does it take up to 72 hours to email me the domain password? #
  • Wondering if commercial networks will lead with Nixon our Rudd. #tossofacoin #itsmelbournesonixon #
  • Just changed our health insurer. The things you do on a hot summer afternoon. #
  • I don't want to create a $#$% account, I just want to buy the font! #
  • Just listened to Rae's presentation for tomorrow. The attendees are in for a treat. #
  • Looking at the radar there's a tiny gap between two big storm cells. We're right in that gap – can see clouds to my left and to my right. #
  • Woo Hoo! I'm an anecdote! #

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Phone Trouble

No there’s nothing wrong with my new phone – it’s beautiful and I couldn’t be happier with it. The Facebook app even runs okay on it. I’ll be happier still in a month when I can move my account away from Optus and start saving even more.

The trouble came when I was playing around with my Contacts. I went to edit Rae’s information and accidently deleted her mobile number. ‘No problem’ you say, ‘just put it back in’. Yes, well, thing is, um, I don’t know her number.

The exchange went a little like this.

“Hon, what’s your mobile number?”

“Your mobile number, I need to put it in my phone ‘cause I accidently deleted it.”

“You don’t know my number?”

“Um, no, when I want to call you I just tap your face.”

“You hit me every time you want to call me?!”

Needless to say I’m making an effort to learn it now.

Not So Fast

Seems I may have got a little ahead of myself yesterday. I just logged in to check the status of my back up glasses and it seems that, unlike Rae’s, mine are coming all the way from the States. Carlstadt, NJ, USA to be precise. The helpful database at i-parcel tells me they are ‘in transit to country of destination’ and should be here on March 2nd. So that’s down to two deliveries this week with a little luck.

The good thing is that if someone was to ask me where I got my new glasses from I can say ‘New Jersey’.

It’s In The Mail

Big week for deliveries this week.

First off I’m waiting on a new pair of glasses. I’m for all intents and purposes blind without my glasses, I have a focal point of about 5cm in front of my nose so I’ve been tempting fate for far too long by only having one set when I am so dependent on them. Rae had great success with Clearly Contacts recently so I’ve ordered myself a back up pair. I’m a bit restricted in the frames I can get given the thickness of my lenses but they should look cool.

Second is a coffee machine, which I wish I hadn’t bought. My old machine gave up the ghost recently – it floods the bench whenever you use it. I found a great deal on Ebay for a replacement and feeling good that all of our major bills had been paid I thought ‘why not?’. Foolish, foolish me.

Over the weekend my phone, my lovely lovely phone, began to play up. It would restart itself instead of turning off, it would not respond to touch, it became almost impossible to turn on, it crashed for an hour when I tried to start Navigator and this afternoon it began to ring but the screen stayed blank. There was no way I could answer the call and now it won’t turn on again. The phone is crucial for my business, it’s the one number everyone has to call me on so I can’t be without one. I also use it a lot for email, calendar and notes for the business too so it’s not something I can be without for too long. I’ve ordered a replacement today which should be here in a few days and while I haven’t spent a fortune I wish I had the coffee machine money to put towards it. Sigh.

Hopefully by the end of the week I will have forgotten the expense and will be enjoying my new toys. Until then I reserve the right to mope about the money flowing out the door while I wait for the delivery vans to arrive.