My Tweets For The Week

  • Wow, boys are still asleep. Think we may be a little late for kinder today. If they need sleep there's no way I'm waking them. #
  • Lots of sirens out there, wonder what's going on. #
  • Poor Mr Henry is croaking like a frog. #
  • Hubble bubble…it's dinner. #
  • Working outside, rain on the tin roof is deafening so may have to head back in. Hope Rae isn't caught in this on her way home. #
  • I hate it when any of the kids are sick. Poor Mr Henry is not having a good night. #
  • Footy day at school. Bert convinced he will be the only TIger. Sea of Bulldogs walking through the gates but I did spot one more Tiger boy. #
  • Why didn't I install Visio with office, this download is taking forever. #
  • Happy Leap Day. May Leap Day William turn all your tears to candy. #
  • Mr H has croup. Now have some medication to knock the symptoms on the head and he gets a bonus day of dvds in bed. #
  • Toy Story 2 on the big telly is working its magic on Mr H right now. #
  • What the heck (as Mr H would say). Just found an envelope with a cheque in it! #
  • Saved on our health (with better cover) and car insurance but AAMI is still, surprisingly, our best bet for home and contents. #
  • Just had two police knock on the front door. Thankfully wrong address! Two cars have been up the street for a couple of hours now. #
  • Just installed @icetv on the media PC and on my phone. Wow. Love the remote recording capability. #
  • And N.O Day dawns. Today I finally get to see my all time favorite band, New Order, live. Looking forward to a fine time…. #
  • Argh, too much to get today so I won't get to play with Windows 8. #
  • Argh, isn't it tonight yet!? #
  • Tickets in wallet, can't really concentrate on anything now. #
  • Support are on. Position staked. Now for the waiting. #
  • Home from New Order sensational concert, way too weird to sleep now. #
  • Wired! I meant too wired to sleep. #
  • Not quite firing on all cylinders this nothing. Calling on caffeine to come to the rescue. #
  • Oh boy, this is not a good morning to have your server lock up. #
  • Fantastic support from Net Logistics, highly recommended for your VPS needs. #
  • I seem to have spent most of the day with a cat attached to my lap. #
  • And he's the pic I meant to attach. #
  • Going to Taco Bill and not having nachos seems sorta wrong. #
  • Poor Bert had been vomiting since last night, major plan revisions for today now. Just hoping whatever it is doesn't spread to the others. #
  • Thought Bert had turned the corner but he just proved ne wrong in the most spectacularly manner. #noschooltomorrow #hopeitdoesn'tspread #
  • Bert still not the best, hoping for improvement and some sleep for all of us tonight. #

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