My Tweets For The Week

  • Monday morning, must be specialist appointment time. #
  • Lady just day down next to me in waiting room wearing a perfume a girlfriend wore in late 80s. Wow, amazing how scent can take you back. #
  • Flashback may be assisted by the salmon colour scheme in the room. #
  • My trusted Galaxy S just died. Sigh. On the plus side my replacement Galaxy Nexus should arrive soon. #
  • Oh, hello Nokia. We meet again. Don't get comfortable though, your time here will be strictly limited. #
  • Worse. Sleep. Ever. Careful kids, dad has his cranky pants on today. #
  • Seriously. There is not enough coffee in the world to get me through today. * clunk – head hits desk * #
  • Confused. So out of it but managed to read the paper, get two loads of washing on, kids organised and Bert to school early. #
  • Very impressed, mother in law carries around a spare Android phone in her car boot. #
  • Huge thanks to Zita for loaning me her old Galaxy S. I feel whole again. #
  • Odd. Windows just popped up a message saying my (genuine) Windows install was not genuine. Wonder what caused that. #
  • I. Need.My. New. Coffee. Machine. (Yes, Need) Just deliver it today and nobody gets hurt… #
  • Happiness is a new coffee machine. #
  • Not the best of nights in many ways. Let myself down, let kids down, kids let us down. Will try to make tomorrow a better day. #
  • Tracking two deliveries on the web. When will they have live GPS tracking of parcels… #
  • My glasses are 'On For Delivery' but the city is Wollongong. Wonder where they are. As I have a doc appt soon they must be in Melb. #
  • What happened to the computer parts ads in the GG? #
  • Knew I should have called in advance to see if the doctor was running on time. #
  • HAH! I knew it, delivery guy came while I was the doctors! #
  • Doctor tells me to go home and lie down all afternoon and then come back this evening for more tests. Yeah, right, like that's an option. #
  • Oh god, in Melbourne IT support hell on behalf of a client. #
  • Been on hold for half an hour now – 15 minutes ago I was told I next in line. I hate having to call Melbourne IT #
  • Back at the doctor. They'll be giving me my own room before too long. #
  • 7.30 and all the young ones are still asleep. Not game to leave the bedroom in case I wake them.They've needed a sleep like this for ages. #
  • My new phone is in FedEx's Derrimut facility. Would prefer it to be in my Derrimut house. #
  • My new Nexus just arrived (it's a basic pleasure model.) Thanks @Kogan for a great deal and speedy delivery. #
  • You have to be kidding. @melbourneit why does it take up to 72 hours to email me the domain password? #
  • Wondering if commercial networks will lead with Nixon our Rudd. #tossofacoin #itsmelbournesonixon #
  • Just changed our health insurer. The things you do on a hot summer afternoon. #
  • I don't want to create a $#$% account, I just want to buy the font! #
  • Just listened to Rae's presentation for tomorrow. The attendees are in for a treat. #
  • Looking at the radar there's a tiny gap between two big storm cells. We're right in that gap – can see clouds to my left and to my right. #
  • Woo Hoo! I'm an anecdote! #

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