Last night was the end of daylight savings; hooray, I hear you cry, an extra hours sleep. Well maybe for you it was.
It was around 2 and I was having this dream that was full of sirens, loud sirens growing even louder. A dream where Rae suddenly jumps out bed and the room and is full of blue and red flashing lights. Hang on, this ain’t no dream.
Two firetrucks had screamed up our street, stopping outside our place. Peeking through the blind like a good sticky beak I could see the firemen walking up and down in front of the houses opposite, flashlights in hand. Eventually the siren was turned off and after more wandering up and down and several conferences in the middle of the road the trucks drove off leaving the street in peace and quiet.
For half an hour. Then they came back.
Seeing as how this morning all houses are still standing and there’s no sign of a bush fire I can only assume this was totally unnecessary and that the Metropolitan Fire Brigade hereby officially owes me an hours bonus sleep.