Not Bloody Good Enough

I don’t care anymore. Rob and I left at half time, disgusted.

So we came back a little in the second half – big-f’n-deal. What’s the point in doing it for half a game? The Tigers this year are a waste of talent, waste of season, waste of time.

The reports say Spud will announce his resignation after tonights loss. I feel sorry for him, he’s a decent bloke, but some people have to pay at my beloved club and hopefully Spud doing the decent thing will be the start of many involved in this ongoing debacle taking that long hard look so often talked about but so seldom done.

Finally you’ve done it. You’ve broken my heart Tigers.

Pictures Again

After The Advertiser pointed out I claimed to have the worlds most boring web cam I realised that what I actually had was the worlds most boring non-changing picture masquerading as a web cam.

In the final pre end of financial year spending frenzy I’ve lashed out and purchased a small powered USB hub. So as well as a printer, Palm, Ipaq, USB speakers, USB ADSL modem, graphics tablet, USB key and a card reader I can have the web cam plugged in and going pretty much all the time. Save for Nude Computing Day, a little known and misunderstood day that oddly always coincides with the one day a year I desperately need to check my email on the way to the shower, I think I’ll have it going most of the time.

Of course for most of the day it will be blank or black; after all I can’t let the readers of The Advertiser down.
Continue reading “Pictures Again”

Sell Sell Sell

Well it appears it’s open slather on Gmail invites now and the bottom has well and truly fallen out of the market. I feel like Homer with his pile of pumpkins after Halloween passed.

Still I made a killing before the boom peaked, enough to get a 256MB SD card for the Ipaq so I can’t complain too much. Anyway, with this much activity it can’t be long now until Gmail goes live and the whole world gets to see another great Google product.

Random Stuff

‘They’ removed the Pepsi vending machine at work. We’ve been promised it will be back next Monday. If it’s not there will be blood in the streets, or maybe just the corridors depending upon how energetic we feel.

If you’re 34/35ish go and download a copy of The Communards ‘Never Can Say Goodbye’ or ‘Don’t Leave Me This Way’. If you don’t have immeadiate flashbacks to your final year formal/prom/dance/whatever then you’re not really 34/5ish.

My Ipaq has won my heart even quicker than my Palm did years ago. It’s a great machine.

Ebay is a wonderful thing. How else could I find a 256MB SD card for half the street price?

I did the web site for the Mercure Grand Chalet Mt Buller. Check out the rate for a weekend on the mountain during the ski season. The tech support guy for the hosting company (not my regular one) complimented me on a job well done, which is a first for me.

And go wish the lovely Miss Marita a happy birthday just ’cause she’s lovely and deserves it. Happy birthday Marita.


I’m tired and grumpy and some *()#_*)#$ gives me a negative feedback on my Ebay profile when they never responded to my emails! Now my perfect record is gone. At least I had the satisfaction of responding in kind to the Bakers of Newcastle. And they’ve now got 2 negatives.
Continue reading “Right”

Geeking Out

Pardon me while I geek out. I’m writing this on my new Ipaq and am hoping that when I get back to my PC it will automatically upload.


Who is a happy boy then?

I found Root Beer – genuine, proper, ridgy-didge American A & W Root Beer (or if you can be bothered – their offical Flash only home page). After buying coffees earlier I only had enough in my wallet for one can so I’ve got to go back and pick up a six pack or two.

In the mean time my one precious can is chilling away in the fridge I’m doing the impatient dance at the LG‘s door.

It’s All Over

If you can’t win and believe in yourself when you have a six goal lead against the Dockers on a perfect winters afternoon in Melbourne how can you call yourself a football club? How can you expect your supporters to to turn up, to believe, to cheer, to have faith?

We were travelling home with the heaviest of hearts when we saw a young mum sitting at Flinders St with her young son decked out in a Tigers jumper two years too large.

“Poor kid.” I said.

“I know.” she replied, “What have I done to him?”

We had no answer.
Continue reading “It’s All Over”

It’s Fun Again

I work with computers all day, then come home and work with them some more. It seems I spend almost evey waking moment behind a keyboard so it’s not that surprising the fun element of PC’s has worn off a little.

But this week the fun has come back.

I love gadgets and have had a PDA for almost 5 years now. Mainly they’ve been Palms and I couldn’t survive without one. They’ve allowed me to get my finances in order, remember dates and appointments I’d have forgotten and store massive amounts of serial numbers, combinations and settings I’d have no hope of remembering otherwise.

Last night I said goodbye to my old Palm and moved to the Pocket PC camp. End of financial year sales and end of product run combined nicely so I could pick up a lovely little HP Ipaq H1940. After adding a Javo Clear Case and some screen protectors this morning I’m ready to go, and the little I’ve used it so far I’m mighty impressed. To come soon is a USB Bluetooth adaptor so I can sit in the lounge and surf the net and once SplashData release Splash Money for the Pocket PC I’ll be set.

The second thing to bring the fun in is a game. I normally don’t play games, a round of Age Of Empires everynow and then is about it, but at Daniel‘s suggestion I downloaded the trial version of Halo. Next day I went and bought the game.

It’s been many years since I’ve played a game and been this impressed, maybe even back to the mighty Elite, but this is amazing. The graphics, the story, the pure adrenalin rush of taking on the bad guys who actually seem to think about the best way of taking you down. It’s a stunning effort and after ten minutes playing I knew I wanted to master the game. I’m working now to get all of my business stuff done, get the lawns mown and catch up on the paperwork so I can sit down uninterrupted, with a clear conscience, and go kill a world full of nasties.