My Tweets For The Week

  • Last night I try to (accidentally) burn the house down, this morning I smash my beside light. Just going to sit in a chair and touch nothing #
  • Mmmm. Cup of tea in the afternoon with my wife. No, we haven't retired, just enjoying her day off. #
  • Had to leave charming company to pick up grumpy teen from work. Sigh. #
  • * smug smile of satisfaction as he pats his 18 month old Android that is still better than the latest iPhone * #
  • No Rain on @BBC6Music @BBCChrisHawkins , can't help but smile. #
  • 6 Music – Sinead O'Connor live with some great tracks, fantastic – thanks @BBCChrisHawkins @ClaireSlevin #
  • Coffee break spent setting up a network extender, as you do… #
  • Just back from trip to the city to pick up poor, sick wife. Bella not happy to have to give up her bed to Rae. #
  • I like minutes from meetings where my name doesn't appear in the Actions box. #
  • Now I see it on the webcam I really want one! #teatowelclub #
  • What's happened to @eztv_it ? #
  • And now Twitter comes back with the tweet it said it couldn't send. Sorry @ClaireSlevin for the double up! #
  • You know the computer problems are bad when The Age lies unopened on the table on a Saturday morning… #
  • Netgear LAN over powerlines rocks. #
  • finished Mortal Causes by Ian Rankin #Kindle #
  • Third of the way through my Rebus marathon @Beathhigh , now on to Let It Bleed. #
  • Waiting in the car for Phee to finish work. #
  • Dear Channel 9, the movie is actually called Misery, not Misey. #epgneedsasubeditor #

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Made Up Word

This morning Rae and I were having a little kiss in the kitchen. Phee turned around and said “Ewhhhhh, they’re snogging! You know, from Harry Potter, snogging.”

My bet is she thinks it’s a made up word, like muggles or quidditch.

Gettin Sum Kultcha

Albert and Kennedy running down steps at the back of Federation SquareToday was the last day of Rae’s mini holiday so I took the day off too and we spent it in the city, or more to the point, in and around Federation Square.

The main purpose of the trip was to see the MSO provide the music for a screening of the Oscar winning animation of Peter and The Wolf. It was fantabulous – the three young ones were enthralled, although Henry thought the wolf was bit scary. The live musical accompaniment was something special, with Henry taking a look every now and then to see which instruments were being played. I think it’s on again tomorrow and would be well worth the trip.

After the show/screening/performance we wandered on off to Screen Worlds. I’ve been twice now but both times with kids in tow. One of these days I’m going to go by myself so I can take in each and every exhibit. It’s unbelievable that an exhibition of such quality is free, I know I’m going to need a few hours to do everything justice.

A wander through the square and in to the city proper for a something to eat. The less said about where the better but the kids were happy. Then it was back to Fed Square and a stroll by the river to the kids playground at Birrarung Marr. The kids had a blast – running and jumping and sliding and climbing along with seemingly every other child in Melbourne.

With some time to kill we then walked up to the NVG. I was in heaven as I got to stand and soak in Collins St, 5.00pm, The Bar and Rooftops. The kids were getting a little restless by this stage so an ice-cream from Nana, another quick burst on the playground for the boys and it was time to head home.

We spent almost an entire day together just in and around Fed Square and it was fantastic. Everyone had a great day, the kids are now exhausted (Mr Henry is fast asleep) and with dinner being cooked by Zita, a lovely evening outside and a nice cold drink you really couldn’t ask for anything more.

My Tweets For The Week

  • Have @theage outsourced online sub editing too? "ConnectEast in trading holt" Sad to see this at The Age. #
  • Working on the lappy in the front yard while the kids barrel up and down the street on their bikes, Absolute 80s playing. Work is good. #
  • And now the cat has come to say hello. Where's Norman Rockwell when you need him? #
  • That's odd, 2nd post delivery for the day, several hours after the first. #
  • Two of the big winners in allocation of new police are Shepparton and Brimbank. Grew up in one, live in the other. Just a coincidence. #
  • Amazing what a difference it makes when you remember to forward a port. #
  • Lots of sirens going off nearby. #
  • Wishing I had hatches to batten down. The weather out there is wild. #
  • Another @theage howler "To expensive to play: All Blacks will not compete at 2015 World Cup " #
  • Very. very dark outside now. #
  • Very eery out there now – grey, still and quiet. #
  • Must be tired. Two rookie mistakes in updating files today, thanks be to @Microsoft for 'Previous Version' #
  • For all the build up that wasn't much of a storm. #
  • Lots of loud thunder now. #
  • Oh how I love you my UPS! I would have lost most of a form I have just coded without you. #
  • Okay, it's a proper thunderstorm now. #
  • One cat 'rescued'. All it cost was a pair of ruined slippers, a mud covered deck and a saturated husband and wife. #
  • Grrrrrr. The cool new Kindles are US only. I'd buy a Kindle Touch and Kindle Fire today if I could. @AmazonKindle #
  • Feels odd to be actually watching the GF this year. #
  • Channel 10 – you're epg seems to be an hour out. #

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‘Cause I Always Forget

Daylight savings starts tonight and I always forget how to change the clock on our oven. I checked on the web but couldn’t find instructions so I had to dig around and find the manual.

So, in case anyone else is looking for how to change the clock/time on a Damani electronic oven (our model number is DA6DOSS) you hold down the automatic cooking button (2nd from left, the shallow pan with wiggly lines above it) and the Stop button (third from left, shallow pan  with Stop above it) and use the + and – keys.

This has been a public service announcement…


I was heading out the back when a slithering caught my eye. I had a little look behind the planter box and found this guy there.

Any body know what he is?



My Tweets For The Week

  • Woo Hoo, had to go and pick up Bert but looks like my suggestion kicked off Town and Country on the @BBCChrisHawkins show! #teatowelclub #
  • They mowed their nature strip yesterday, woman in red blazer taking snaps today. Seems we may be getting new neighbours. #
  • One mystery MAC address on my network. Can not, for the life of me, figure out what it is attached to. #
  • Canucks pre-season starts today, here we go again… #
  • If there was a milk bar opposite Bert's school I'd buy out every lolly they had. #wishfullthinking #sugarcravingsgonemad #
  • Star Wars on Bluray was spectacular, the little ones loved it too. #
  • I am not a DJ : #
  • Truck backing up next door – can't tell if it's moving in or moving out though. #damnIneedasidewindow #
  • Confirmed – neighbours moving out. #
  • Two sleeping adults, 5 kids watching Yogi Bear, time to get some work done. #butit #039;sonly7.15onasundaymorningareyouinsane #
  • Never, ever, look at the colour of the water after steam cleaning your carpets. #
  • Poor Bert, came off worse in a confrontation with some paving stones yesterday and is a sad and sorry boy still. #

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I was in the kitchen the other day when one of the Rita’s was making toast for the kids. She finished buttering it and said “there you go, nice and melty”.

I had an instant flashback to hearing mum say the toast was nice and melty. I’d always thought that was just a Malloy word for nice light toast smothered in butter so it was quite a surprise but now I want to know, does anyone else love their toast melty?

My Tweets For The Week

  • Something, somewhere is not right. I have no idea what but it feels very odd today. #
  • That can't be right, no email to my business account in three days. Some times I hate technology. #
  • Argh. Back To The Future trilogy on BluRay turned up today and too much work to do to watch it. #
  • Love the fact the new roof means no glare; it's much easier to work from the kitchen table now. Coding away while the kids run riot outside. #
  • 3 hit with a belly bug. Not nice when you only have two loos…. #
  • I've just lost my main desktop PC. My main work PC. My main income generating PC. This. Is. Not. A. Good. #
  • Everything is backed up okay but the time to build a new one…oh boy. #
  • New HD in, Win7SP1 installing. List of software to install waiting to be ticked off. It's good I have a regime in place to cover this. #
  • Greetings from the new PC. Installs under way. #
  • Of course CS5 would be the problem child… #
  • Mouse Without Borders – like Synergy for PCs but with drag and drop file transfer. Great program, thanks @Microsoft #
  • Just heard Moo say "How about we turn it off and then turn it back on?" followed by "Told you it would work.". I couldn't be more proud. #
  • Worse tech week ever, today the network collapsed and I've lost a day fixing the mess. #
  • 9.00am and just back from a two hour drive around town. Time for a nap. #
  • Wondering if last night's results means the WIlls' will be coming to the GF BBQ #

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