The Clan

Thanks to mum, for the first time in many, many years the whole lot of us were all in the one place at the one time yesterday. She had organised a lunch at Plunkett Fowles winery and afterwards the opportunity to have a family photo taken was too good to pass up. So, with many thanks to the random stranger plucked from his lunch table to take it, here is the Malloy extended family portrait.


Thanks for all the work put in to getting us together mum. It was a great day.

My Tweets For The Week

  • Multitasking today. As I work I've begun the slow process of ripping our favourite DVDs to the network. #
  • Business and important docs backed up to @crashplan. Hope it's ready for the 50GB of photos now heading its way. #
  • Oh, how I wish I had enabled Undo Send for my Gmail account….sigh. @gmail #
  • Favourite three eps of UK Apprentice – The Interviews, The Scavenger Hunt, Make An Ad. #apprenticeuk #
  • Are @Microsoft time travelling? Copyright notice on the new MSE beta is (c) 2012. #
  • Left over Chinese for lunch…..thanks again Zita! #
  • I can't believe people still do splash screens. #
  • Opened a 1lt tub of lemon survey. I don't think there'll much left to go back in the freezer. #
  • Glad so many of my clients seemed to have marked Dec1 in their calendar to start a major projects. 9 emails in one afternoon, all big jobs. #
  • How on earth did it get to be 1.00pm already!?! #

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Turn Off Turn On

Lately Rae has been out or away a little and I’ve found myself changing my night time habits. I would once have put on a movie or plonked on the couch and watched telly once the kids are in bed but increasingly now I find I’m turning the telly off and switching on the radio. I’ve always thought of the radio as a morning and day time thing and never really listened at night until now but I’ve found having music playing so much more relaxing.

Maybe it’s having the DAB+ or media centre set up for music that makes the difference. Is it just me who has favourite night time albums? Some that spring to mind are The The’s Beaten Generation, Sinead O’Connor’s I Do Not Want What I Haven’t Got or Paul Kelly’s Nothing But A Dream. Tonight I have Koffee playing which is perfect for this time of night.


The The The album is Mind Bomb, not The Beaten Generation, which is a track from the album.

Kinder Time

We’re just back from an information night at the kinder the kids will be attending next year. It was a good evening apart from the fact they all really need to go to a course on how to give a presentation (here’s a hint : don’t put paragraphs of text on the slide and stand there reading them. And also, your corporate philosophy isn’t really more important to us than what we need to bring on kinder days so maybe spend more time on later and nix the former).

The kids got to see their room for next year and the amazing outside space. Mr Henry didn’t want to leave my side until he saw the huge construction set and then he was off. Their teacher said hi and asked their names. When she asked Kennedy “and what’s your name?” Miss K stood tall and said “Moo Moo”. Looks like she’ll be Moo for life. Henry can’t wait to get back now and I know that every day he’ll be asking how long until they start.

My Tweets For The Week

  • Looks like the Mormons are on the prowl in the neighbourhood today. #
  • I need peppermints. #
  • My new site for The Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand : #
  • Who is Mary and why do I have a reminder to call her? #
  • Peppermints! How I love my wife. #
  • Star Wars burlesque. DID THEY READ MY MIND! #
  • Stupid international restrictions on buying ebooks…. #
  • For @danielbowen RT @ClaireSlevin: Blimey 🙁 RT @LDN This is what the Tube map looks like if you can't use stairs #
  • Dear Fremantle Dockers. You still have the worse song in the league. That is all. #
  • Just received an SMS from Houston. That's pretty cool. #
  • My happy Tiger girl. @Richmond_FC #
  • Anyone searching Red Fox issue @RedFoxHosting – there's a network problem at @m247 data centre. No eta on a fix. #
  • What's the world coming to. My mother in law now has a better Android phone than I do. #
  • Haven't listened to any Hip in a long time. Bobcaygeon always makes me smile. #
  • Installing Firefox, haven't done that in years. #
  • Rainy morning. Mum shopping, Phee working, young ones watching Rio, dad reading paper with coffee and no interruptions. Everybody happy. #
  • Took advantage of @crashplan 50% off offer and moved to them for off site back up. Impressed so far, only 20GB of uploads to go… #
  • Yum. @raezm just bought a dozen oysters. Mmmmmmmmmm. They didn't last long. #
  • "Henry, you get 50 for that." Rae dispenses discipline AFL style at the Malloy household. Not sure how many points were added to his record. #
  • Sunny afternoon spent working and ripping movies to the network. #joysobeingyourownboss Did get a nap in though. #sonotsobad #
  • Now that's cool, I actually got to use a <hr> tag. And it was used semantically as a content divider, not for presentation. #

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Let’s Get Physical. Or Not

Argh, the problem of physical media is raising it’s head again.

It’s been many years since I converted all of my CDs to MP3s and the boxes of discs still sit in the garage until we can decide what to do with them. Like a mate is doing I may just leave them there until it becomes some body else’s problem. There’s way too much sentimentality attached involved for me to be able to just turf them all. I was forced to buy a CD a couple of weeks ago, the first in years, as it was significantly cheaper to have it shipped from the UK than to buy it on iTunes. The first thing I did was rip it to my hard drive and now I’m left with a disc and packaging that I no longer want.

Rae and I love our movies and we don’t go out much (thank you lovely children) so we had invested quite a deal in our movie collection which was at last count over 450 DVDs. That was fine when we had space and watched movies on a dvd player but things have changed.

First off we changed our room around and removed all of the shelving. We can now fit in two lovely comfortable couches but there’s nowhere to store the discs. This isn’t so much of a problem though as we no longer have a standalone DVD player; we watch everything through a PC. Windows Media Centre allows us to play our music, view photos, listen to the radio (local and internet), record/watch television and have our movie collection all run through a dedicated media computer. For us it’s fantastic as television shows and movies live on a server that we can access them from anywhere in the house, but now we have 450 movies sitting in boxes next to the CDs.

These should be easier to throw away than the CDs but the big problem is back up. The movies take up significantly more space and even though they are backed up on two different servers/machines in the house a back up isn’t a backup unless it’s automated and off site. I have two back up services that I use to back up files and photos but the backing up over the net all of those movies just isn’t practical yet so I’m stuck. I’d love to move to an all digital environment but need the physical discs, just in case.

I know it’s very much a first world problem, and one we’re incredibly lucky to have, but that won’t stop me from having a moan.

My Tweets For The Week

  • I just bought: 'Black and Blue: An Inspector Rebus Mystery' by Ian Rankin via @amazonkindle This is one I haven't read. #
  • for Mel #Kindle #
  • Hey @producteev is there any sign of an Android app? @weloveastrid no longer starts on my phone and I don't want to have to move. #
  • Ah, carpal tunnel my old nemesis, it's been a very long time and I can't say I'm glad to see you. #
  • No sitter today so I've taken the lappy out on to the deck to get some work while the kids play around me. #thewayworkshouldbe #
  • Someone at the BOM needs to give the weather radar a good kick. #
  • Read riot act to supplier and, surprise, surprise, a replacement unit just happened to arrive this morning and can be collected tomorrow. #
  • Rae is away for work. So the question is – Dinner tonight. Special treat or make them eat their vegies? #
  • Lying on the couch listening to Elvis Costello. #
  • Looks like Henry has made a new friend at the playground. Pretty impressive for my shy boy. #
  • Anything in A2 today? We received two news sections. #
  • Cars 2 now screening at Cinema De Malloy. Three very happy young ones. #
  • Just realised the nurse who is alleged to have lit the fires was on news last night saying he tried to save residents. Sickening. #
  • Goodbye WinFast, hello Hauppauge #
  • And a little afternoon nap to top off a perfect Sunday afternoon, #
  • Stop what you're doing and go and registry to be an organ donor now. #

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