My Tweets For The Week

  • I seem to have brought an extra child home from school today, oddly enough though it's a lot quieter than normal. #
  • Sick of your little games winter, just accept we're over and leave me alone. #
  • Need some aluminium dross material or zircon sand? Then call my latest site #
  • They are loading a trailer and cars at the ferrals. #
  • Street is full of trailers and four wheel drives lining up at the ferrals. Wondering if they are doing a midnight flit. #manysherrifvisits #
  • Rae tells me the ferrals were still going at 2.20am. All quiet there this morning. #
  • Found out some news today that makes it look like The Ferrals had no option bit to leave their house. Even though they made life hell a few #
  • times I feel sad for them. #
  • Woo hoo, all inspected now so we're finally feeding power back in to the grid. #
  • Sheriff's and locksmiths at The Ferrals. #
  • Ask me another question and then talk over my answer again, go on… #
  • Couple having dinner next to us. 3 hours later we pull in to get petrol. They are filling up in the car next to us. Freaky. #

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Henry’s Lego Who

Henry has been busy building little Lego of late and yesterday he went on a Doctor Who building spree.

Can you spot :

  • The Doctor, Rory and Amy
  • The TARDIS
  • The Statue of Liberty menacing the hostel
  • The Face Of Bo
  • Tiny The Triceraptops
  • The large robot from Dinosaurs on A Spaceshop
  • A Dalek
  • A modified blue Dalek
  • A Cyberman
  • A Weeping Angel
  • A red eyed Ood on it’s ice planet
  • The SIlence


My Tweets For The Week

  • Rae bravely taking the four kids to the show while I work. Perfect day for sugar highs. #
  • New pb, just jogged for 25 minutes. #
  • Need to employ someone to stand behind me and poke me everytime I hunch up over my desk. #sorelowerback #
  • Oh great, a bee swarm in our garden. #
  • Anybody know where I put the charger for my camera battery? #
  • Bees have now gone thanks to Chapman Apiaries #
  • Bees are back looking for their queen. Another day to stay inside. #
  • So, putting those bright yellow flowers in pots next to the front door may not have been such a good idea. #attackofthebeescontinues #
  • Last swipe-only debit card expired but no replacement. Who needs groceries… #
  • Fantastic day off spent with Rae. Movies, lunch out, ice creams by the bay and to top it off a bbq with great company. Couldn't ask for more #
  • 2 hours spent in the deepest darkest recess of NIC configuration only to find the the #$#@! cable was the problem. Idiot. #
  • Never thought I'd hear the phrase 'it's Sheena Easton on 6 Music'…. @BBCChrisHawkins #
  • Best way to keeps the kids quite is to slip them a tablet.
    10.1" Android tablet that is. #
  • I get to take someone to the @astor_theatre for their first time today. Can't wait. #
  • Thank you @astor_theatre , Lawrence Of Arabia was spectacular. #
  • Given I've only just woken up I think I'll give myself a day off pretty much everything today. #
  • Wow, can't believe they won. Go team! #coversthepasttwoweeks #
  • Love daylight savings but it's hell getting the kids to sleep #

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My Tweets For The Week

  • Rae bravely taking the four kids to the show while I work. Perfect day for sugar highs. #
  • New pb, just jogged for 25 minutes. #
  • Need to employ someone to stand behind me and poke me everytime I hunch up over my desk. #sorelowerback #
  • Oh great, a bee swarm in our garden. #
  • Anybody know where I put the charger for my camera battery? #
  • Bees have now gone thanks to Chapman Apiaries #
  • Bees are back looking for their queen. Another day to stay inside. #
  • So, putting those bright yellow flowers in pots next to the front door may not have been such a good idea. #attackofthebeescontinues #
  • Last swipe-only debit card expired but no replacement. Who needs groceries… #
  • Fantastic day off spent with Rae. Movies, lunch out, ice creams by the bay and to top it off a bbq with great company. Couldn't ask for more #
  • 2 hours spent in the deepest darkest recess of NIC configuration only to find the the #$#@! cable was the problem. Idiot. #
  • Never thought I'd hear the phrase 'it's Sheena Easton on 6 Music'…. @BBCChrisHawkins #
  • Best way to keeps the kids quite is to slip them a tablet.
    10.1" Android tablet that is. #
  • I get to take someone to the @astor_theatre for their first time today. Can't wait. #
  • Thank you @astor_theatre , Lawrence Of Arabia was spectacular. #
  • Given I've only just woken up I think I'll give myself a day off pretty much everything today. #
  • Wow, can't believe they won. Go team! #coversthepasttwoweeks #
  • Love daylight savings but it's hell getting the kids to sleep #

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We have some visitors in our garden today, a swarming buzzing group of buzzing visitors. They’ve formed a nice clump in the bush next to our letter box and this is how I first noticed them – the postie bypassed our place today, riding on the road to avoid us and I wondered why.

Well, here’s why.


I’m staying firmly inside. Mum tells me that I am allergic to bees, apparently I was taken to hospital after being stung by one when I was young. Although I have no recollection of this whatsoever I figure it’s better to be safe than dead. We’ve rung someone who will come and collect them this evening if they don’t  decide to leave by then.

The Show

Rae took the kids to the show this year and they’ve just returned, all running on no energy and 10,000kj of sugar. You’ll hear the crash from your place, where ever you are. Showbags were the highlight again and I even scored one although this year it wasn’t the Pepsi, Cadbury or Wizz Fizz bag, This year it was the Men’s Health bag. How times have changed, or, looking at the photo below, how they haven’t.


My Tweets For The Week

  • Was nice to be able to drive Rae all the way in to work this morning. #
  • Peak hour at the park. #
  • Farmer wants a peck on the cheek. #channel9cuts @rhettrospective #
  • Moo has taken to calling her brother's 'pea brains' when she's in a grump. I know I should stop her, but…. #
  • Slight win – our smart meter doesn't have to be replaced as part of the solar power sage. #
  • Is there any way to see the Grand Final live in HD in Melbourne or are we stuck with VHS quality? @7NewsMelbourne #
  • Who turned out the lights? It's like night time here all of a sudden. #
  • Last time I trust weather forecasters, off to get a gas refill for the bag. #
  • Channel 7 cut off Paul Kelly! #unaustralian #thismeanswar #
  • Another great grand final day, thanks everyone. #
  • Not difficult to tell the kids had a big day yesterday and nowhere near enough sleep last night… #
  • Boys obsessed with minecraft. #
  • Lemonade scones with jam and cream. Off the wagon for a weekend. #
  • Primal Scream in December – anybody wanna come along? #
  • Matt Smith has really become the Doctor in this season; five fantastic episodes and now the long wait for the Christmas special. #

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My Tweets For The Week

  • Weird to see the fog getting thicker as the morning rolls on. #
  • Nice call back option from Origin means I don't have to sit here for an hour on hold. #
  • Argh. Either installer didn't send in or Origin didn't request essential forms. Six months of generating electricity for no return. #
  • .@JackRiewoldt08 and @BobMurphy02 it's footy day at kinder. #
  • Endorphin's + caffeine. It's going to be a great morning. #
  • Ugh. Bert has shared his doozy of a cold with us. Just what I need after a shocker of a night's sleep. #
  • 'CUETY', there is no excuse to drive like an idiot in a child care center car park. #roadmoron #misleadinglicenseplate #
  • My head is spinning at the awesomeness of this Lego creation via @youtube #
  • I promise myself that next time I go to MSY I will purchase only what I went for. #newkeyboardandmouse #
  • Much better. Wireless comfort desktop mouse feels like a proper mouse. Comfort keyboard a good replacement for the natural @msfthardware #
  • Hawthorn winning makes it easy. Go the Swans! #
  • Why so serious Bert? #
  • Half an hour in and this Maccas birthday party is going off, with no birthday girl in sight. #
  • New mouse is fantastic. No longer fighting one of the few bits of equipment I need to get my job done. #
  • Loving the new season of Who. Power of Three chock full of classic Who references. #

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Today is a great day, a day of achievements. This morning I jogged for 20 minutes without a break and I hit my goal of 82kgs.

Just a couple of months ago I was over the moon when I managed to stumble through 2 minutes of jogging before collapsing in a heap. I remember being thrilled at being able to walk for 30 minutes on the treadmill before collapsing in a heap. Now I can jog for 20 minutes, walk for 5 minutes either side of this and feel like I can do some more.

As for the weight, well. When I had my little incident at the start of the year and I was asked in the hospital how much I weighed I probably muttered 97kg, which probably was being generous by a probably a couple of kilograms. I’m now floating around the upper 82s. When I set this as my goal I secretly thought I’d be happy to make it to 90kg. Now I’m here I have new things to learn – how to stay around this mark while continuing to exercise.

Inspiration to keep this up comes from weird places. The other day I popped in to Coles to grab some groceries. I was using the self checkout facilities when one of the check out chicks who knows me and the kids came up to me and said ‘wow, you’ve lost soooooooooo much weight’. I figure if your local cashier notices then you must be doing something right.

I’ve also made changes to my daily routine. My business is going gang busters at the moment and it’s made me realise I need every second of the working day to put towards it, at least for the next few months. So I’m taking a leaf out of my amazing wife’s book and setting the alarm. No, not for the crazy 5.00am time she gets up every week day, mine is for the much more civilised time of 5.50am so I can be ready to jump in the car when she gets home at 6 and head off. It’s worked so far this week, and worked again today when I had a sleep in until 7. I’m determined to make this part of my long term changes too. Better for me, better for my business.

I still have a way to go with my jogging – I’m only up to week 6 of the 9 week C25K program that is designed to get you from the couch to running 5 kilometres in a graduated program. After this morning though I reckon I can do it.