The Bottomless Pit

The pity about a bit of effort in the third quarter and the pity about the disgusting reaction of fans is that it will detract from just how indescribably terrible Richmond were tonight. But what can we do? Mark Robinson claims action has to be taken now, and makes an argument for that action to be taken now. Come clean Tiges and tell us what’s wrong with Coughlan then give him however long her needs off to recover, send Gasper to Coburg to find his form, drop the non performers, we have nothing to lose. Surely it can’t get any worse.

Mind you I’m not upset, nor heart broken and surprsingly my spirit is still intact. After all, how can you feel anything when your team loses by 75 points, making a losing aggregate of 225 (or so) for the past four games?

It’s a bottomless pit we find ourselves in, a tunnel with no light at the end and sadly I feel there is no hope. They should remember their membership ad from a couple of years ago. “If you don’t bother turning up, why should we?”
Continue reading “The Bottomless Pit”

Rolls Around Again

Rae pointed out to me that it’s my two year Blogging anniversary today, good on me. I may put together a ‘greatest hits’, I’d do it now but to celebrate this auspicious day I’m leaving the wife and kids at home, donning the wet weather gear and heading off in to the night to see my Tigers get creamed by Adelaide.

Quick two year summary.
Best Thing : Rae and Stink.
Worst thing : The Neighbours From Hell.

Thanks to those still reading, it looks like the owners are finally moving in next door so there should be plenty more to come.

So Near

Hockey is over for the year, the mighty Canucks, after scoring with 5 seconds to spare to force over time in the do-or-die game 7, fell to Calgary.

That’s it until, hopefully, October for the ‘nucks when we start the roller coaster ride all over again.

At least I have my Tiges until then.


October can’t come quickly enough.

Tiger Shame

These people (click on ‘More’ below if you can’t see the pic) and many others ought to be ashamed of themselves.

If you’re a supporter, especially if you’re a member, work for the club not against it. I go every week too, I’ve seen almost every loss for the past season and this year, I know the frustration, but I keep on going ’cause I love and want to support my team, not to look for reasons to act like idiots against them.

Grow up.
Continue reading “Tiger Shame”

Ups, Downs and Roundabouts

Poor Spud. Surely nothing can save him now. Rob and I left at the fifteen minute mark of the final quarter, unable to watch as the Tiges meakly surreneded to the Cats. No game plan (again), poor skills (again), turn overs (again), no commitment to the ball or body (again), indecisive (again) and a general lack of desire (again) marked the Tiges perfomrance last night. With 2 wins from our last 17 games and the fans and media baying for blood Danny’s call for solidarity in the face of adversity will fall on deaf ears and that will be his sad figure you see lining up at Centrelink in a few weeks time. It’s a shame, I like Spud but I feel that his time has now come.

To make up for this 2 hours of heart breaking and soul destruction Rob and I headed off to Ascot Vale for Steve’s bucks night. Not that Steve will ever know he had a bucks night, after all you have to be conscious to have memories of an event. Still we had a few drinks, had a bit of a chat to Colin and some guy whose name may or may not have been Rick and as we turned up just in time we enjoyed the, um, ‘entertainment’, incorporating more athleticism than the entire Richmond Football Club had shown a bare hour earlier, that Steve will be told about for a good time to come. Lucky Steve has a brother willing to step in and take his place for these trying events. What a guy.

Steve, when you wake up in a few days time, hope you had a good night and hope you can detox in time for the wedding, after all it’s only a few weeks away.
Continue reading “Ups, Downs and Roundabouts”

Happy Anniversary

I just want to say you’ve been in my life a while now, and I can’t imagine it without you.

You’ve provided me with joy, happiness and companionship. Always deliver more than I could want, never let me down and my family and friends love you too.

Yes, that’s right, the television has been with us for one year today. I hope we never part.

Blame Rae

For all those wondering why Melbourne is sweltering through 29 degrees at 7.30pm in the middle of freakin April it’s all due to Rae.

Two days ago she picked up the fan from the sun room and said “we don’t need this any more, I’ll put it in the shed”.

Little Did She Realise

Last day of holidays today so Rae, Stink and I headed off down to Geelong for a spot of lunch, a stroll in the sun along the beach then a walk back along the edge of town.

Rae, foolish girl she is (ha!), thought it was my idea for a lovely way for the family to spend a glorious Autumn day together.

She should have checked the footy schedule.

Is it just a coincidence that the Tigers take on Geelong next Saturday and could my real motivation have been to dig up some dirt in an effort to get my boys over the line?

She’ll never know if you don’t tell her.

I Want A New Mother

That’s it. I’m want a new mum. One who doesn’t hit me during the football, one who can see her team is a group of thugs, one who has the good grace not to support a winning team, one who doesn’t drag my daughter in to barracking for The Dark Side and one who doesn’t tap me on the shoulder as she sings her victory song, twice, and with great gusto. I guess she shouldn’t mind me being a bad sport too.

Of course the new mum will have to bake and bring cakes to the footy like my old mum.

At least my ‘nucks went 2-1 in the first round of the playoffs against the Flames in Cow Town. Yet again sporting salvation from half a world away.

Bloody Tigers.