My Tweets For The Week

  • Oh no! I thought school photos were Wed, but they are today. #
  • Wow. @abcdigmusic are playing 'World (The Price Of Love)' by New Order. Fantastic choice that I haven't heard in years. #
  • It's rather crass having ads for sports betting in front of the video story on the death of Jim Stynes. Poor form @theage #
  • Council are trimming the trees in our street – about time, you can't walk along the footpath. #
  • While we're at it I wonder why we're the only street in our development with this sort of tree. #annoyingfallingleaves #
  • Died Pretty "D.C". @abcdigmusic is worth the price of any DAB+ radio alone. #
  • Just saw The Apprentice UK is back in two days time, can't wait. #yeslordsugar #
  • Back in Werribee for more tests. Maybe I should just move here. #
  • Sitting with no shirt on covered in sticky dots. Ah the dignity. #
  • So * that's * why they call it a stress test. #
  • Jason Akermanis, crawl back under the rock you came from and never come out again. #
  • Odd Facebook looks like it's just lost the last 4 hours or so of updates in my news feed. #
  • Think I may have finally solved my crackling/popping sound issue…fingers crossed. #
  • Over the moon The Apprentice is back. Lesson from episode 1: keep your mouth shut. #yeslordsugar #
  • Guilty pleasure, Transvision Vamp 'Velveteen' #
  • My two boys happily building Lego together on a Saturday morning. You can't ask for much more from life. #

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Game Time

Time for a quick game of “Where’s That Rotunda?’.

Name the suburb and the closest mode of transport.


I Seem To Have Joined A Gym

Many, many, many years ago I joined a gym and, surprisingly enough, I enjoyed it. It didn’t last that long, I think we moved and it all just became too hard to keep up.

Fast forward 20 or so years and I’m back.

My recent little scare (which looks increasingly like it wasn’t cardiac related) has caused some re-evaluation of how I go about living my life. I’m trying to be better with what I eat by cutting down on servings and trying to avoid the bad-but-oh-so-good stuff. I still have a long way to go but I’m definitely better than I once was. If I could only bring myself to eat some fruit, that would be a big help.

The worse thing though is my job has me sitting at my desk all day, every day and that’s not a good thing. Trying to find the time to get around to walking or exercising while running my own business and wrangling the kids just wasn’t working and all the time the little voice at the back of my head was saying “come on Tony, do something”.

A couple of weeks ago I was at the shops and took notice of some flyers lying on a table. It was for the new Jetts opening at the shopping centre. I took a flyer and a couple of days later I plucked up the courage to walk in the door. Travis, the manager, was fantastic. He took the time to take me on a tour, tell me about what they offered and there was no pressure at all. I thought about it over night and went back to join up the next day.

I went to the orientation this morning so I’m all set to go. Things sure have changed, you can now plug you iPod or USB stick directly in to the machines. I think last time I was at a gym I would have taken my Walkman if I wanted my own music.  I’ve signed up for a few personal training sessions to get some advice and a program to get me started. It’s still a scary thought to be heading back to a gym but oddly enough I’m looking forward to it, even if the machines looked more like instruments of torture than fitness aids.

A Little Trim

Ah, good to see our rates at work. Ever since we’ve been here the tree branches have hung low over the path and looked generally shabby. Yesterday the council came along and gave them all a good trim. Now we can walk along the paths and there should be considerably less leaf waste in a couple of weeks, even though we don’t have a tree on our naturestrip our house seems to attract leaves.

One question I have though is why we are the only street in our whole subdivision with this type of tree. It’s odd that we don’t all have the same.

The neigbour’s tree before the trim…



and after..


I guess it will also make it a lot easier to see what’s going on in the street.

It’s Tipping Time

Well people, it’s that time of the year again. Even thought it’s a t-shirt and shorts day we’re only a few days away from the first game of the footy season. And the first game of the footy season means it’s time to get tipping!

Yes. The Anthony Malloy Memorial Footy Tipping Competition is once more open for business (I think this is its 10th year) so head on over to and join up. The less you know about footy the better you’ll go. Maybe this year it will finally head to the UK, hey Nigel?

Nuts To Them

Just wondering when nuts became a unit of measure.

I had to buy some gel for a strained muscle this week and the guide said to use an amount “ranging in size from a cherry to a walnut”. I bought some shaving cream today and on the back it said to use “an amount the size of a hazlenut”.

What they need to do is Australianise the instructions. “A quarter of a Tim Tam”, “a Violet Crumble” or “half a Mintie” makes a lot more sense.

My Tweets For The Week

  • Celebrating our first vomit free night in over a week. #
  • Home made coffee and pancakes for a holiday breakfast, great start. #
  • How many more coffees can I get away with before I have to go and start the lawns? Running out of paper to read too. #
  • First part done, lawns cut right back, now off to Bunnings to get the supplies for part 2. #
  • Prep done for Part 2, quick wash of the car and on we go. #
  • Busy day but lawns have been done and new seed put down. Fingers crossed the weather gods are kind. #
  • Rae cooked a perfect roast tonight, fantastic way to finish a long weekend. #
  • Total victory – The Bug claims Phee on her birthday. We all feel doubly sorry for her because we know what the next 24 hours holds. #
  • Oh dear. Just heard Moo tell H "Put your bloody arm off the chair". Will go and have a chat about appropriate language once I stop laughing. #
  • Grrr. Stuffed up a project for a client today, now have to fix it up first thing in the morning. How can tomorrow be going wrong already? #
  • Woo Hoo, first National Geographic of my subscription just arrived in the post. #
  • Man. @7NewsMelbourne should be ashamed for giving that quack any air time at all. #
  • Rain and warmth is most welcome, grow little grass seeds, grow! #
  • Well done @Richmond_FC , fantastic news on re-signing Dimma. #gotiges #
  • That downpour lasted exactly as long as it takes to run from the classroom to the car. How did they time that? #
  • Sharing a dozen oysters with Rae, now that's a way to start the weekend. #
  • Argh. Just saw a photo on Facebook of a roller skating rink and now it's killing me – what was the name of the rink in Shepp? #
  • Seems like it's point kicking practice for @Richmond_FC this afternoon. #gotiges #
  • Much excitement – new grass growth from the seed sown last week. It was the perfect week of rain and warmth. #
  • Interesting that there are for dads here with their kids at the park, no mums in sight. #
  • Dads day at the park. #
  • "four" dads. #

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Fathers Day

After a horror day of niggles and arguments yesterday I thought the answer today would be to exhaust the kids. We dropped Phee at work and headed to their new favourite park on Forrest St. They belted around for an hour, screaming and laughing, and seem a little more sedate now.

The odd thing I noticed is that today must have been fathers day. There were four dads there with their kids and not a mum in sight. I wonder if the families had all been banished to the park so mum could have a rest, maybe one of them was having their fortnightly visitation, maybe like me the dads wanted a rest this afternoon.

Who knows.

Forrest St Park, St Albans

Too Nice

Dropped the kids off this morning and walking out to see such a beautiful day it was just too nice not to go for a walk around the ovals.

On the way I had a family say hi and overheard two women having a chat that finished with “would you like to continue your walk with me?”. Seems I wasn’t the only one whose spirits were lifted.

The view from the Derrimut centre.

My Tweets For The Week

  • One exhausted boy curled up in our bed. A day recuperating and he should be fine for school tomorrow. #
  • Morning coffee not so good this morning so it's time for a very rare lunch time coffee. #
  • Bert watching Doctor Who. Can hear him calling "Donna, don't go in there, Donna!" #likefatherlikeson #
  • Tonight's bedtime battle was fought on two fronts. Oh so exhausting. #
  • Too many new things to learn – my brain hurts. #
  • Most productive day in ages. Broke the back of a monster project, more sorted out and invoicing done. Not bad for a Tuesday. #
  • Thought this track sounded like Risky Business. Tangerine Dream 'Love On A Real Train' has made my day. Thanks @abcdigmusic #
  • Any chance you could tell your kid to stop ripping up that tape and get him to pick up the mess he just made? #thoughtnot #
  • Summer really was in a hurry to get away this year. #
  • And this morning's vomiting child sweepstakes winner is….Kennedy Malloy! Midnight to five thirty. Long day ahead. #
  • Wondering if Rae will fall asleep on the train this morning. #
  • She's one tough chick. Moo at kinder now, and danced her way in. #
  • You know those catering vans that go around to larger business/worksites/factories? Reckon I could get one to drop my place right now? #
  • Today seems to be a 'let's call Tony about our web site' day. #
  • I was just given 'A Bad Idea I'm About to Do: True Tales of Seriously Poor Judgment and Stunningly.. via @amazonkindle #
  • Argh. No Weetbix! Coffee for breakfast until I can get to Coles. #
  • Gone retro, listened to a CD in the car on the way to this appointment. #
  • Spotted two hipsters in Derrimut. Poor things, they must be so lost and scared. Didn't want to startle them though by offering help . #
  • Oh dear. The Bug looks to have claimed poor Rae now. Please Bug, stay away from me, I have too much to get done. #
  • Wow, according to @7NewsMelbourne Derrimut is one of the hottest suburbs in Melbourne for property. #
  • And that would be the bug hitting me. Oh boy I've seen where this goes and I'm not looking forward to it. Not good to have both parents out. #
  • For you own safety I'd just stay completely clear of Derrimut. This is not pleasant. #
  • Ooh good, now Henry. #
  • Rae and I absolutely smashed. Moo and Henry a little bit better. #
  • Ah, the amazing restorative power of water crackers and dry ginger are. Slept all day, 24 later I may be back on the road to being human. #
  • Pre-season? Who cares! Go the Mighty Tigers!! #gotiges #
  • Just when we think we're safe Henry recreates a scene from The Exorcist in the kid's toilet. #willthisneverend #

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