My Tweets For The Week

  • Celebrating our first vomit free night in over a week. #
  • Home made coffee and pancakes for a holiday breakfast, great start. #
  • How many more coffees can I get away with before I have to go and start the lawns? Running out of paper to read too. #
  • First part done, lawns cut right back, now off to Bunnings to get the supplies for part 2. #
  • Prep done for Part 2, quick wash of the car and on we go. #
  • Busy day but lawns have been done and new seed put down. Fingers crossed the weather gods are kind. #
  • Rae cooked a perfect roast tonight, fantastic way to finish a long weekend. #
  • Total victory – The Bug claims Phee on her birthday. We all feel doubly sorry for her because we know what the next 24 hours holds. #
  • Oh dear. Just heard Moo tell H "Put your bloody arm off the chair". Will go and have a chat about appropriate language once I stop laughing. #
  • Grrr. Stuffed up a project for a client today, now have to fix it up first thing in the morning. How can tomorrow be going wrong already? #
  • Woo Hoo, first National Geographic of my subscription just arrived in the post. #
  • Man. @7NewsMelbourne should be ashamed for giving that quack any air time at all. #
  • Rain and warmth is most welcome, grow little grass seeds, grow! #
  • Well done @Richmond_FC , fantastic news on re-signing Dimma. #gotiges #
  • That downpour lasted exactly as long as it takes to run from the classroom to the car. How did they time that? #
  • Sharing a dozen oysters with Rae, now that's a way to start the weekend. #
  • Argh. Just saw a photo on Facebook of a roller skating rink and now it's killing me – what was the name of the rink in Shepp? #
  • Seems like it's point kicking practice for @Richmond_FC this afternoon. #gotiges #
  • Much excitement – new grass growth from the seed sown last week. It was the perfect week of rain and warmth. #
  • Interesting that there are for dads here with their kids at the park, no mums in sight. #
  • Dads day at the park. #
  • "four" dads. #

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