My Tweets For The Week

  • Todays snap frozen fingers brought to you by 'a quick stroll around the ovals seems like a good idea'. #
  • Cool @BBCChrisHawkins playing 'Getting Away With It'. Just the lift I need. #
  • Should not watch Master Chef, especially a beef challenge, after an early dinner. Starving now. #
  • "Next week TEN screens The Shire twice a week." And just what have we done to deserve that! #
  • Maybe tomorrow I'll get a @trello android beta invite… #
  • Ah @BBCChrisHawkins, Temptaion to start my morning, thank you. #
  • Let's see if a little Pulp will help turn the day around. #
  • 25 minutes in and they finally start cooking. #masterchef #
  • Oh boy – looks like BTGuard forgot to renew their domain name. @BTGuard is that what's going on? #
  • Poor Bella, she's kept me company all day and is quite happy snoozing at my feet but it's time for her to go out. #
  • I've noticed some very spammy emails getting in to my inbox lately @gmail. #
  • This rocks RT @: #
  • Hmmm, retweet didn't work. Google handwriting recognition for search on tablets and phones rocks. #
  • Thinking I may have been a bit optimistic putting the towels on to wash this morning. #forecastersgotitrightforonce #
  • Just another reason to love @raezm . Walk in to my office this morning and there are two pack of Oddfellows on my desk. #
  • Ah, 'Beatles and The Stones' by The House Of Love. Thank you @BBCChrisHawkins . #
  • Only used OneNote and Word so far but I like the new Microsoft @Office 2013. Moved some docs to @SkyDrive too and intergration is great. #
  • 2nd day in a row that door to door salesman has been wandering our street. He has bright red shoes, stands out against today's grey. #
  • Just watched Risky Business. Can't decide if it or Pretty In Pink had the best 80s soundtrack. #
  • Dad's taxi about to make it's first run for the day. #
  • Thanks for the beta invite @trello. I can now run my business from my phone. #
  • Three weeks in a row Tigers, are you trying to kill me? #
  • Can't believe it still hurts this morning. #gotiges #
  • Dear free to air networks, please take note of the Gem and Foxtel Olympic coverage. HD is the only way to broadcast sport. #
  • Why don't we play handball in Australia? Looks like a cool sport. #
  • barracking for Norway. #thingsyouonlydoduringtheolympics #

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How Did They See Me Coming?

This morning we went to the shops with one purpose in mind – to pick up a new pair of slippers for me.

So can someone please explain how on earth I’ve come home with a pair of slippers, two pair of runners, a food processor, two coffees and a Club Penguin membership?



Rae is out with most of the kids so it’s just me and Mr H for lunch. Henry is happy with reheated home made pizza and last night’s rice paper roll ingredients leftovers have made a very tasty salad for me. Happy accident lunches are some of the best.

Back To The 80s

We’ve started re-doing the kids lounge room with the aim of making it a more kid friendly space. Part of this is getting rid of the arm chairs and replacing them with that great 70s (or for me, 80s) staple – the bean bag. The kids love ‘em, even if they do play havoc with Moo’s hair.



Peppermint Gold

It’s so hard to find OddFellows these days that when I stumble across packs I scoop them up. This morning I found the mother load at an IGA and was very tempted to grab all 20 packets, especially as they were only $2.50. Sanity prevailed though and I just grabbed 4. They should get me through the day.


My Tweets For The Week

  • Waiting to go in to theatre. Wife just left in stitches st the thought of me having to wear stockings. #
  • Back on the ward. Bit sore but appears all went okay. #
  • Always odd waking up in hospital. Good night sleep though and so far not too much pain. Can't wait to get home. #
  • RT @ToriaURU: Nice in depth article of what the future could hold with Google in your life – all of it. #
  • All clear to go home. They have to remove drainsge tubes though. Now wishing I hadn't seen Prometheus. #
  • Oxycoton ftw #
  • Why on earth is my install of Office 365 talking to me @Microsoft and what's the use of offering a look for the Office without samples? #
  • Argh, I meant Office 13, not 365. #
  • Discovered @trello this week – at last I've found my perfect online project management tool. Just waiting for their android app to launch. #
  • I may have accidentally bought a Goole Nexus 7 tablet. It may be beyond awesome. #
  • Think I'll spend the day with my new best friend #googlenexus7 #
  • just when you think you can't find any joy in football… #
  • Just had video chat using Google Talk on my Nexus 7. Very cool. #
  • Watching footy on Channel 7 is like watching a vhs tape. #
  • Up early trying to keep kids quiet while Rae sleeps a little more. A thousand thanks to Zita for taking Phee to her early shift. #
  • Trying to think of an excuse to lie in be for six hours so I can finish Homeland. #
  • Who ever thought I'd be jealous of my wife because she's going to gym. #
  • Strong Of Pearls is still one of my favorite songs and albums. #
  • Come on Tigers, wish I was there. #
  • Can't watch. Tax return done. #
  • Two heartache games to kill off our season. Gutted again. #

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The Fatty Irony

People talk of sweet irony…well here’s some fatty irony.

After my gall bladder removal I can now head off to Taco Bill and eat a mound of nachos, wash it down with barrels of alcohol and finish with 20 Death by Chocolates if I feel like and for the first time in years I’ll be in no threat of an excruciating attack of pain – just when I get to a stage in my life when the thought of cheese, drinks and sweets has turned in to a turn off.

Great timing as ever Tony.

But, given how good I feel these days, it’s an irony I can live with.

The Gall Is Gone


I had my gall bladder removed on Monday. Have to say the experience at John Falkner was a lot better than my emergency visit to Western Health this year, even if John Falkner seems incredibly cramped – like they are trying to squish a 21st century hospital in to an early 20th century building and just doesn’t quite fit.

Funny thing is this isn’t the first bit of my body I’ve removed at John Falkner. When I as 8(ish) I came down to Melbourne to what was then a Catholic hospital to have my tonsils out – I remember the building vividly and that I was in the same wing, although not too sure about the floor.

This time though my procedure was key hole and I was in for just one night. I’m still pretty sore (no pain as such, just bruising and discomfort where they poked and prodded me during the op) and I’m hoping that will go away over the next day or so.

The hardest thing is going to be remaining inactive though. I’m not meant to do any strenuous exercise for at least two weeks (no gym!). I’m already finding it hard not to lift stuff around the house or to just lie down and rest. In one way it’s good I’ll be able to resume my work quicker than if I was a manual worker but in another way it’s not so good ‘cause it’s very easy to sit at the PC and ‘just check my email’. I’ve done a little work today, probably more than I should have, so tomorrow I’m promising myself (and Rae) that I’ll stay lying down. I’ve started Homeland, so let’s see how far I can get in to that.

My Tweets For The Week

  • Watching Bella decide the best place for a nap in the sun. The spot with easy access to scratching branch wins. #
  • Really impressed with Cafe Lagenda in Deer Park, great to have a cool restaurant close by. #
  • Quick look at the new @theage app for android tablets. Very impressive. A newspaper-less future looks more and more likely. #
  • Nicer working from the kitchen table when all the kids are home. They're being nice and quiet so I can get stuff done. #
  • Slowly catching up on Amazing Race Australia, loving it. #
  • Lost day today, feel as though I have achieved the sum total of nothing. #
  • Gas bill came. Amount used a lot more than this time last year. Has this winter really been 25% colder? #
  • Just saw a heading in a mag 'Red Meat Increases The Risk of Dying'. Thought we all had the same risk of dying. #
  • Such a winter day – it's like night time here. #
  • Rae out for the evening. Kids have requested Dad's hamburgers. #
  • Absolutely gutted. #
  • Just finished watching Kumare – what an amazing documentary. #
  • Worth being up early just to see the moon, Venus and Jupiter all lined up in a row. #
  • Need to head off to gym to work off that breakfast, but there are papers still to be read. #

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