My Tweets For The Week

  • Todays snap frozen fingers brought to you by 'a quick stroll around the ovals seems like a good idea'. #
  • Cool @BBCChrisHawkins playing 'Getting Away With It'. Just the lift I need. #
  • Should not watch Master Chef, especially a beef challenge, after an early dinner. Starving now. #
  • "Next week TEN screens The Shire twice a week." And just what have we done to deserve that! #
  • Maybe tomorrow I'll get a @trello android beta invite… #
  • Ah @BBCChrisHawkins, Temptaion to start my morning, thank you. #
  • Let's see if a little Pulp will help turn the day around. #
  • 25 minutes in and they finally start cooking. #masterchef #
  • Oh boy – looks like BTGuard forgot to renew their domain name. @BTGuard is that what's going on? #
  • Poor Bella, she's kept me company all day and is quite happy snoozing at my feet but it's time for her to go out. #
  • I've noticed some very spammy emails getting in to my inbox lately @gmail. #
  • This rocks RT @: #
  • Hmmm, retweet didn't work. Google handwriting recognition for search on tablets and phones rocks. #
  • Thinking I may have been a bit optimistic putting the towels on to wash this morning. #forecastersgotitrightforonce #
  • Just another reason to love @raezm . Walk in to my office this morning and there are two pack of Oddfellows on my desk. #
  • Ah, 'Beatles and The Stones' by The House Of Love. Thank you @BBCChrisHawkins . #
  • Only used OneNote and Word so far but I like the new Microsoft @Office 2013. Moved some docs to @SkyDrive too and intergration is great. #
  • 2nd day in a row that door to door salesman has been wandering our street. He has bright red shoes, stands out against today's grey. #
  • Just watched Risky Business. Can't decide if it or Pretty In Pink had the best 80s soundtrack. #
  • Dad's taxi about to make it's first run for the day. #
  • Thanks for the beta invite @trello. I can now run my business from my phone. #
  • Three weeks in a row Tigers, are you trying to kill me? #
  • Can't believe it still hurts this morning. #gotiges #
  • Dear free to air networks, please take note of the Gem and Foxtel Olympic coverage. HD is the only way to broadcast sport. #
  • Why don't we play handball in Australia? Looks like a cool sport. #
  • barracking for Norway. #thingsyouonlydoduringtheolympics #

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