My Tweets For The Week

  • Me : Dear clients, it's too perfect outside to work today. Bank : Ha hem. Me : Sigh #
  • New @msfthardware Touch Mouse. Gestures are cool, may take a little getting use to though. #
  • Just heard Nicola Roxon on BBC 6 news. #
  • Technology fails on so many fronts this evening. #
  • Gout, where on earth did this attack come from? Can barely walk today. #
  • Ah, glorious drugs. Can walk again. #
  • What a fantastic evening out. So nice being grown ups with great grown up company. #
  • Rae has now told me five times that she has put the coffee machine on. Wonder if she'd like a coffee? #
  • Saturday morning drama class. #
  • Thanks to an odd conversation last night about football cards, pink chewing gum and attics I've just downloaded The Picture of Dorian Grey. #
  • Richmond forced to wear clash strip when playing Port but Pies and North don't have to. Just bizarre. #
  • BluRay movie to SD footy, really shows up just how poor footy coverage is on Channel 7 #
  • Management at this McDonalds is hopeless. Why is Phee still working 25 minutes after her shift should have finished? #

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Every Body Needs

A couple of years ago the house next door sold. They moved in, ripped up the front yard and replaced it with concrete and…well, that’s about it. We never heard or caught site of them and save for a light being on around the clock for a year or so they may as well have not been there. Some would say the perfect neighbours.

I’ve just arrived home from a client meeting to see a For Sale sign on their (overgrown) strip of lawn that survived the concrete. Bugger. Silent neighbours are good neighbours. Now the wait for who moves in next begins. My only concern is that the concrete apron out the front will be attractive to people with lots of cars, and the experience of living with cars parked just meters from our bed is not one we’d like to go through again.

The Neighbour lottery, cross your fingers we win.

Henry’s 1st Lego Build

Today Henry got to go shopping with Nana Lois and choose his birthday present. Of course he chose Lego – a really cool Lego boat.

He then came home and built it all by himself. No assistance at all. He counted off the bumps to make sure he had the right blocks and they were in the right place and displayed great patience to make sure it was perfect.

DSC_0041 (2)

My Tweets For The Week

  • Argh, kids school pick up coincides with Curiosity landing on Mars. #
  • On the phone as you drive in to the daycare centre. You are an idiot. #
  • Truly terrifying how easy this social engineering hack was #
  • Read this. Then turn on/change to email service with two factor authentication. Then start backing up to two locations. #
  • Something tells me Henry and Kennedy won't be having their Olympics at Kinder today. Poor kids were so looking forward to it. #
  • Not happy @microsoft have discontinued Live Mesh. No way I'm syncing 100GB of files on my network via @SkyDrive #
  • Looking for a replacement for Live Mesh? Try Allway Sync. I've just installed it and it seems to work fine. @AllwaySync #
  • The more I use @office Word 2013 the more I love it. I get transfixed by the way words and the cursor float across the screen. #
  • Oooops. Slamming a tradie for not responding to my calls or sms' and it ends up I had the wrong number. #thishumblepietastesgood #
  • After many years just getting back in to podcasts. Great alternative to The Young Peoples Music at the gym. Using @doubletwist on my phone. #
  • Haven't listened to @boagworld in four years. Good to see absolutely nothing has changed. #
  • I never wanted to believe that my dad was stealing from his job as a road worker, but when I got home all the signs were there. #
  • and that would be the forecast hail #
  • Rae's phone updated to ICS overnight. Colour me jealous. #
  • I meant Rae's phone updated to Jellybean. Too early to be tweeting. #
  • Where is my brain….I just type "SELECT star FROM' #
  • Bloke in front of me just told someone he is in St Kilda. He's standing in Deer Park post office. #
  • 20 minutes later…phone is now flashed to Jellybean. No longer experience Mother-In-Law-And-Wife phone envy. #
  • Don't think Henry is a big fan of the new 'we take it in turns to choose a movie' idea. #
  • Hoping that washing will hang itself out any minute now… #
  • Sigh. Self-hanging-washing-fail. #
  • Distracting myself from the paper by checking out where departing planes are heading. This one is off to Hong Kong. #
  • It may be cold but it's still nice to able to work outside. #
  • That @VictoriaPolice helicopter seems to be in a mighty big rush #
  • Thinking I may try C25K on my treadmill days. The fact there is an app involved is not swaying me at all. #
  • Deer local chicken shop guys. If you're too busy having a good chat to serve me I'll do what I just did – turn and walk out. #
  • Doh! 'Dear' #
  • Tiger Dreams #
  • Waiting in line at the deli for five minutes. Why is everyone doing their shopping at this time on a Sunday? #

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Next Steps

The whole gym thing is going well. I’m happy with how much better I’m feeling, my trainer is happy with where I’m at and a few people have been kind enough to say they’ve noticed a difference. Even though this is now just a standard part of the daily routine, and will be from now on, it helps to keep things a little fresh so I’ve decided to commit myself to doing something I never thought I would.

I’m going to run.

I’ve decided to do the C25K program – that’s Couch to 5 kilometres. It’s a measured build up to get non-runners (eg me) from doing nothing but couch sitting to running 5k in three months. Of course I’ve found a way to incorporate geek in to the process. I’ve downloaded C25K Pro and will have that on my phone as I run it out on the treadmill. It’s mid August so lets see if I can reach my goal by mid November.


For years now I’ve had Weetbix for breakfast. It’s been so long I can’t remember what I ate before that. Maybe it was toast. Hmm, maybe Corn Flakes. Any way. On a recent trip to Sydney I went all out for breakfast in my room and part of that was ordering some muesli.

Now those who know me will know what a big deal that is (truly!). Eating breakfast that contains fruit is almost inconceivable. But eat it I did. Then a couple of weeks later in hospital I ordered muesli again. And I liked it. And I then I bought some to have at home. And then I tried a different brand to see what other muesli was like and now I’m trying another.

The odd thing is that the day after I started eating it at home an email dropped in to my business inbox. It was a lovely mail from someone who had been recommended by an existing client. She, obviously, was after a web site for her business and that business is selling organic muesli.

A False Economy

Recently I was helping a mate whose client had had their web site hacked. I pointed out that using a host who only charges $80p/a for hosting (and makes claims about how cheap they are in their own name) probably wasn’t a great idea if they wanted to make sure their site was secure. He went back to them and suggested a new host to stop it happening again.

“Oh no, that’s way too expensive for our web site.” they said.

Guess what.

Two weeks later their super cheap host has been hacked again and their website is down again.

The company is all about maximising their customer’s wealth. Seems they have a little to learn about the difference between cost and value.

My Tweets For The Week

  • Saved by the new @Office feature of restoring an unsaved draft. Even so I'd still prefer autosave #
  • Tried a smaller keyboard. One day and aching wrists already so it's back to my much loved @Microsoft natural keyboard. #
  • At the sane time I ditched my Logitech mouse and returned to a @Microsoft mouse. They really do make great keyboards and mice. #
  • Being driven to distraction, I know who that missed call is from but can not for the life of me figure out what they want. ARGH! #
  • Just filled out Prep enrollment for twins. The same form filled out twice – only difference was the name on page 1. They need a twins form. #
  • Brain going a million miles an hour, think sleep is a long way off tonight. Contemplating going to the gym. #
  • Billy Bragg in Melbourne in October – who wants to join me? #
  • The more I use @Office Word 2013 and @SkyDrive the more I'm impressed. #
  • Didn't take much. @billybragg announces an Aus tour and on goes Workers Playtime. #
  • While I don't think anything could ever drag me away from @gmail the new looks great. @Outlook #
  • Hoping this is the last doctor visit for the year. #
  • Council collecting hard garbage, no more bin scabs cruising out street. #
  • An update seemed to kill the new @office for me. Couple of system restores and three attempts at a reinstall and it's back. #
  • Just spent 10 minutes in the sun tracking planes as they left Tulla with my new plane tracking app on my tablet. #couldIgetmorenerdy #
  • Nice to have light again at this time of the night, kids still playing (read – screaming and running around) outside. #
  • Yum! @coles toasted muesli is delicious, can't wait for breakfast. #
  • Icicles on my weather apps this morning. Not telling Rae it was -1 when she left for work. #
  • Lemon wedges for the baked fish tonight courtesy of our tree. Yum. #
  • I'm having my office at the sunny end of our next house. #
  • Trying not to be seduced by this perfect day in to thinking winter may be on the way out. #
  • Kids Have Been So Good It's A Quick Pikelet Making Break #
  • Pikelets For The Kids #
  • Chicken and prawn red Thai curry. Great Friday night dinner. #
  • Cotchin, you are a star. #
  • Nahas, you are a star. #
  • Ivan, you are a star. The mullet reigns supreme. #gotiges #
  • Tigers, what are you doing…. #
  • They broke my heart the weeks running, now I'm disgusted. #gotiges #
  • Nahas, I want to have your man babies. #gotiges #
  • You too Tuckie #gotiges #
  • Matt White grabs the jumper after his goal. Love to see it. #gotiges #
  • Sorry for doubting you Tigers, great comeback after being challenged. Onwards and Upwards #gotiges #
  • One child at work, three others full of beans at 7 on a Sunday morning. #
  • Any @nikon (D60) users have a fix for a card slot that keeps ejecting the card (ie it won't go in at all). Nothing stuck inside the slot. #
  • Mmmmmmm. Leftover curry for lunch. #
  • To quote dad it seems that Moo has been vaccinated with a gramophone needle. She won't shut up today. #
  • Just used the food processor for the first time. Ridiculous how excited I am at what I can now do. #

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