My Tweets For The Week

  • Me : Dear clients, it's too perfect outside to work today. Bank : Ha hem. Me : Sigh #
  • New @msfthardware Touch Mouse. Gestures are cool, may take a little getting use to though. #
  • Just heard Nicola Roxon on BBC 6 news. #
  • Technology fails on so many fronts this evening. #
  • Gout, where on earth did this attack come from? Can barely walk today. #
  • Ah, glorious drugs. Can walk again. #
  • What a fantastic evening out. So nice being grown ups with great grown up company. #
  • Rae has now told me five times that she has put the coffee machine on. Wonder if she'd like a coffee? #
  • Saturday morning drama class. #
  • Thanks to an odd conversation last night about football cards, pink chewing gum and attics I've just downloaded The Picture of Dorian Grey. #
  • Richmond forced to wear clash strip when playing Port but Pies and North don't have to. Just bizarre. #
  • BluRay movie to SD footy, really shows up just how poor footy coverage is on Channel 7 #
  • Management at this McDonalds is hopeless. Why is Phee still working 25 minutes after her shift should have finished? #

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