A Different Sort Of Day At Work

Today was meant to be The Lovely One’s (ie Trish) farewell do at work. You will notice I said ‘meant’. She called this morning to say she couldn’t make it – her wonderful pregnancy had thrown another curve ball her way by way of an unstoppable bleeding nose. She had it cauterised and packed yesterday and this combined with no sleep put pay to the farewell.

I said I’d take a taxi out to her place to pick up the company car, phone and credit card she wanted to return. Any taxi ride is good when your not paying for it, especially when its half way across Melbourne. After a quick detour to collect some mail I was at Trish’s and getting ready to have a cup of coffee.

That’s when it started.

Her nose began to bleed. And bleed. And then bleed some more.

Two tea towels failed to stem the bleeding so I got to do my first official mercy dash. Off we ran in to the Eye and Ear – parking is no problem when you have a pregnant woman gushing blood from her nose – where she was rushed in to emergency. it was lucky we arrived when we did – the tea towel couldn’t take any more and the only thing in the car was my jacket. I also learnt something else – cauterising doesn?t sound pleasant.

Richard (Trish’s husband) turned up an hour and bit later so I left. If I never see Trish again my last vision of her shall be of a pregnant woman, covered in a blood stained white smock with a towel on her neck, another wrapped around her head and a mask of gauze.

Two weeks to go for the poor thing, and as far as she’s concerned they won’t go quick enough.

The Car That Ate My Money

New carby. minor service, fix some bits and bolts (including one from the engine that somehow fell off) – $780 (convert) thankyou very much. Ouch. My car had better be like new when it gets home tonight (Rae’s picking it up).

Esxpense hasn’t finished though – rego is due in ten days time. There’s another $480.

So can someone explain to me why my savings never takes off?


While catching up on my hockey news I wandered over to the Minessota Wild’s site and found news of a disturbing theme park.

Apparently the Mall of America features ‘Cereal Adventure, an interactive theme park where your cereal comes to life’.

Now is it just me or does the thought of being chased through the night by a living Coco Pop fill you with as much dread as being accosted by a walking, talking Fruit Loop? Some things are best left dead. And covered in milk.

I’m Getting Fit. Or Dying. It’s Hard To Tell

Oh dear god. The other day I caught sight of my stomach in the mirror. I’ve been trying to avoid this for a very long time but with a full length mirror in the bathroom this is a task that requires greater powers of avoidance than even I can muster. After checking to make sure I wasn’t pregnant (phew, that’s a relief) I decided I had to do something about it.

That ‘something’ started this afternoon with a half hour hike around the lake. It would have been a glorious walk through the bush if I could have breathed using my screaming lungs, could have walked with my near geriatric legs and I really should have know better than to attempt those stomach crunches. I did manage to stumble back home and so far my heart is still beating. Best of all I managed to overcome the temptation to reward myself with a chocolate biscuit. What will power.

Regular readers (Hi Mum and Dad) will pleased to know the trees that Olivia Newton John planted are doing fine.

Come Aboard, We’re Expecting You

What to do on a beautiful late winters afternoon? Today that decision was easy – the new Spirit of Tasmania ships were in port. It took us an hour of lining up to get on board but the tour was worth it. Very opulent, very stylish. The ship (we were on number one) was so impressive we’re now contemplating a cruise.

The Ships In The Distance

Melbourne From The Deck

Spirit Of Tasmania 2

The Last Game For 2002

Last night’s game was wonderful, with the Tiges coming home to win their third in a row. Prior to the game there was a parade of nations – eight international teams competing in the first ever international Australian Rules competition were introduced to the crowd. Canada, Nairu, South Africa, Samoa, Denmark (!), Japan, Papau New Guinea and Great Britain. They got a great reception from the crowd and then got to see a magnificent exhibition.

Heading home that night on the train I was waiting on the platform at Flinders Street with a few members of the Canadian team. They were so excited at having seen real football played at its spiritual home and were chattering madly. A thought struck me. As my train pulled in I asked if any of them were Richmond fans – one spoke up. I asked if he really was, he said ‘sure man’ so I threw him my scarf and jumped on the train. As the train pulled out he waved it at me and yelled out his thanks.

I bought a new scarf today, to replace its brother that will soon find a new home in Toronto. Go Canada!

Farewell Footy, 2002

My 2002 Membership Card I’ve got my train ticket ready, jumpers waiting to be put on and membership card primed. It’s time to say goodbye to the Tiges for 2002. It’s our last game in Melbourne for the year with our final two being interstate.

I’m in two minds – I’m going to miss footy until next March but am glad to see the end of 2002. The poor Tiges, after coming so close to a premiership last year, will languish down the bottom of the ladder when finals come around in September. It’s been wonderful going with Rae, Phee and Rob and next year when Rob and I have reserved seats together it will be even better.

So long Tiges, here’s to 2003.

Another Mark Against My Name

Good way to start a Friday – Nigel at The Audi Olympics (one of my very few must read daily blogs) has added me to his Preferred Reading List.

Well, I did the adding – but it was at his request. That makes two links to me out there – I’m taking over the world.


Quick Review : Ignore them. They will go away.
Not So Quick Review (That Gives Away The Ending) : Mel Gibson stars as an ex-priest who rediscovers his faith after invading aliens are defeated when someone spills a glass of water on them.

Village Sunshine, Cinema 19, D 17

Rae told me I wasn’t allowed to give away the ending but I don’t care. Films such as this don’t deserve the cone of silence. Oh god this was bad. If you thought it sounded silly from the NSQRTGATE above then you are 100% correct. A movie that tries to be a serious examination of faith is so mired in silly sci-fi hokum (and I love my sci-fi, I truly do) that all you can do is ask for your money back at the end.

You’ll spend all your time wondering if Mel Gibson was awake at all as he acted, if Rory Culkin is just a clone of Macaulay and why Joaquin Phoenix is spending all that time in the cupboard.

You’ll jump because the music gets loud, you’ll sigh when the music is soft. This film that references War of The Worlds (click to listen to the Orson Wells broadcast) , Close Encounters, Aliens – even Predator should have concentrated on telling its own story. M N Shyamalan can make great films – we all know that. Go rent that, then rent Close Encounters of The Third Kind on DVD to see how to make gloriously perfect sci-fi movies.
Continue reading “Signs”