The Last Game For 2002

Last night’s game was wonderful, with the Tiges coming home to win their third in a row. Prior to the game there was a parade of nations – eight international teams competing in the first ever international Australian Rules competition were introduced to the crowd. Canada, Nairu, South Africa, Samoa, Denmark (!), Japan, Papau New Guinea and Great Britain. They got a great reception from the crowd and then got to see a magnificent exhibition.

Heading home that night on the train I was waiting on the platform at Flinders Street with a few members of the Canadian team. They were so excited at having seen real football played at its spiritual home and were chattering madly. A thought struck me. As my train pulled in I asked if any of them were Richmond fans – one spoke up. I asked if he really was, he said ‘sure man’ so I threw him my scarf and jumped on the train. As the train pulled out he waved it at me and yelled out his thanks.

I bought a new scarf today, to replace its brother that will soon find a new home in Toronto. Go Canada!

One Reply to “The Last Game For 2002”

  1. What a lovely thought, wish you had have got his name could have started another good friendship.

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