Very Funny

Okay, jokes over.

Whoever has my mobile give it back. I will face the other way for ten seconds and when I turn back I expect to see it on the desk.

More Dr Who Stuff

Woo Hoo! From

The world’s most famous time traveller is about to turn 40 and, to celebrate, he has been given another berth on television.
The ABC will return Dr Who to television screens in prime time next month in recognition of the long-running program’s 40th anniversary.

Dr Who made its debut in November 1963 and was last on air in Australia on the ABC in March 1994.

From September 15, the ABC will screen the science fiction series from Monday to Thursday at 6pm, starting with episode one, The Unearthly Child, starring William Hartnell as the Gallifreyan Time Lord.

The ABC said it planned to screen all 700 episodes.

Warning – First Political Comment

I’ve refrained from any political or religious comment on my blog so far but this can’t be let go.

Gay marriage doesn’t help ‘survival of species’: Howard

“Prime Minister John Howard says he won’t support gay marriages because they do nothing to support the “survival of the species”. ”

Mr Howard, I guess this also means infertile women and men should not be allowed to marry. I also wonder about those who marry yet don’t have children. There surely must be something suss about them. Maybe we should implement a time line, say four years, and if there are no kids the marriage is automatically dissolved and new breeding partners must be sought. You could even set up a department to monitor all marriages; The Bureau About Babies Yet. I guess I can’t get married ’cause I view marriage as primarily an institution of support, commitment, respect and love. Shame, I think I make an okay father.

How can this man be the leader of our country? How? He may still be living in the 1950’s but there’s no need to drag the rest of us back with him.

Bad Web Design

Have a look at the Australia Post Search facility.

Type in a search term, mine was insurance (as I was looking for information on insuring a package), and then look at the descriptions for each page.

Amazingly bad. The only useful thing it returns is the page title (and even some of them come back as ‘untitled’) but the descriptions for each page are just an error message regarding javascript. To make it even more indecipherable the url’s are so unfriendly as to be unreadable. Sloppy programming on a very average site.

And whats more I just broke the law (see section 3) with that link.

Every Body Needs Good

After the high low of last night we decided the direct approach may be worth a shot. Talk to the parents and see what was their problem with us. As far as we know all we’ve done is ask their son not to wake us every morning at 5.30am. And pruned the rose bushes back (it’s as boring as it sounds).

So, me who is normally Mr-Avoid-Confrontation-At-All-Costs, I took a deep breath, buttoned my jacket and knocked on their front door. After my opening gambit of discussing the rose bushes the response was “I’m just not interested Anthony.” and the door was shut politely, yet firmly, in my face.

Daniel, you know what we’re trying next.


Canuck ZippoI hate smoking, hate smokers, hate smokes. Always have and always will. Although there’s one thing I envy them for.


They have an excuse to carry around Zippo’s. How I love these masterpieces of engineering; the feel, the sound, the smell. Everything about them is designed to stimulate the senses. I have a few collected from friends, lovers and my travels and this is my latest acquisition – combining two of my loves, the Canucks and Zippos. Now if only they’d do a Tiger version…

Oh Dear

You know you’re in trouble when you are in a pitch meeting for a site re-design and the following collection of phrases makes the committee’s eyes glaze over.

  • Eye candy.
  • Creative with space.
  • We want to encourage magnetism in the site. [????]
  • Engage the user.
  • We can design you your own sound.
  • A more hackneyed bunch of web-talk circa 1999 I have never heard. It’s amazing they will get paid so much to create their ‘highly dynamic, animated and scalable web application capable of operating in a an extremely broad range of platforms’. You really should read their proposal document. It’s hilarious.

    The redesign is all about graphics, images, sound, presentation. The complete antithesis of my user focused design principles (me, principles? Who woulda thunk?). So do I talk up, try to educate the committee and look like the bitter sulking employee who has had his lolly taken away or do I go against every grain of my being and let them hang themselves?


    Maybe I can take noose tying lessons to pass the time.

    And The Wind Shall Speak Your Name; “IDIOT”

    Maybe it was the wild windy weather, maybe it was the complete lack of sleep for two months but whatever ‘it’ was ‘it’ lead to Rae storming out of the house at 11.00pm clad in a fluffy pink dressing gown and getting involved in a mexican stand off over the position of our rubbish bin.

    Neighbourly relations have officially sunk to an all time low.

    I’m happy to stay – we’re annoying the hell out of ’em just by living there and that’s enough for me – but Rae is so upset at the way we are being treated she is determined to move and I can’t say I blame her.

    Looks like we’ll be hunting for packing boxes before too long.