20 Down

20+ places looked at, just the one we want to see inside of. Another 20 or so tomorrow.

Disheartening to say the least. I don’t cope well when I don’t have a secure place to call home, here’s hoping tomorrow’s lot throw up at least a couple more options.

Why I ‘m A Tiger

Even with all the crap flying around today my Tigers can still make me smile.

Driving home over the bridge I realised that the tooting of a horn was coming from the van beside me; not doing anything wrong I ignored them.

They tooted again, and them some more.

Oh so casually I glanced sideways to see two young guys grinning like crazy and waving a Tiger t-shirt at me. Big thumbs up from both sides and they sped away.

Oh we’re from Tigerland, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Since We Last Spoke

Barlow McEwan and Tribe has been notified that we will be out on the 9th. It’s only 24 days notice; she pointed out that ‘legally we require 28 days’ and I very calmly pointed out that legally we were entitled to quiet enjoyment of the property but that hasn’t happened. “I won’t get in to that now.” she said. I didn’t think she would want to.

We have hit the net, got agents to fax us rental lists, photocopied the Melway pages to plan our attack, created check list for the properties to help us keep track, cleared all commitments for the next few weekends, already wrangled some people in to help (more welcome!), organised a supermarket worth of boxes and generally got the plans rolling.

Priority One – get a place ASAP.
Priority Two – get packed as early as possible. The move will be on one of two weekends – the 31 Jan/1 Fen or 7/8 Feb.

It may be rushed, but doesn’t have to stressful. We can hope.

We’re Going

We’re going. The idiots win. Rae has explained why.

I hate to see them think they have won, but for the sake of our family we have to go. Tomorrow morning I’m calling Barlow McEwan and Tribe, telling them we are moving, we will give them as much notice as we can but it won’t be 28 days, that we will not be charged extra for this and that we are investigating ways to be compensated for the cost of leaving early.

We will want to move in one day so if anyone out there can, and wants to, lend a hand let us know. We will need cars and bodies but will reward you with pizza, beer and bundles of good karma.


Move most likely 31 of Jan/1 Feb or 7/8 Feb. We have to be out by the 9th.


Some people say we spoil our cats. Really, I don’t know what they’re going on about.

Belter waiting for dinner.

Tech Support

At work today we, the members of the IT department, were standing around trying to figure why a server stopped, well, serving.

“Computers, could be anything.” I said “Who knows what’s going on.”

Mutterings of agreement. Then it occured to me.

“Um, well I guess we should.”

My Precious

An update on the Dr Who DVD situation for all those who have asked.

I haven’t slept since Christmas day. I’ve hidden all the scissors. People are turning against me. I have noticed Phee is paying close attention to the box, I think her mum has secretly bribed her to ‘accidentally’ open it. The cats seem to be playing very close to it as well, they have sharp claws. Even the fish seem to be swimming in its direction and we all know how sharp their fins can be.

For now the car and dvd are still safely in their wrapper. Must stay alert though, never drop my guard if my precious is to stay a collectible.

Happy New Year No More

Our holidays are over, both Rae and I face the dreaded return to work tomorrow. Still, we went out with a bang. Lying under the stars, drinking a very nice drop of red, watching Ferris Bueller in the Botanic Gardens then spending the evening sleeping on the beach is as good a way to say goodbye to relaxing times as you can get.

Tomorrow 2004 starts in earnest; back to work and my web business officially reopens for business. Deep breath now, and here we go.

The Time Machine In A Red Dress

Let’s take a trip back some time to the early ’80s. Tony is sitting in his room, most probably reading a Dr Who novel freshly purchased from Angus and Robertson. Suddenly his peace is shattered by a shiny silver Sony tape player in the next bedroom and a little girl with a booming voice belting out the soundtrack to Annie, tackling all parts with equal aplomb. Little was he to know that this little girl, his sister none the less, would never stop singing from this day forth.

Fast forward 20 years.

His little sister now makes a living from teaching other little kids to sing. She’s also playing Miss Hanigan in a local theatre companies production of Annie and for Christmas she thinks it would be a good idea to give Tony’s daughter the soundtrack to Annie.

Tony is now stuck in his room, watching Dr Who DVDs, while a young lady (who apparently shows promise in the vocal department) sits in her room, belting out the soundtrack to Annie, tackling all parts with equal aplomb.

Everything old is once more new again.