Last night my Tiges by one point with a defensive mark 20 seconds to go.
Today Rae’s Dogs by one point after a goal with 20 seconds to go.
We’re both off for a good lie down.
Life between coffees.
That’s why I love football.
Last night every player played for the team and for Spud to deliver a fantastic one point win. I don’t think we stopped cheering from when Hall took the mark on the line until after the third rendition of the mighty Tigers glorious anthem. My heart was thumping from the first minutes as we piled on the goals, through the Hawks come back and up to the heart attack inducing final minutes as we clung to the lead.
Passion, commitment, skill and the Tiger fans roaring in delight. Who could ask for more? It was so exciting I think I replayed the whole game at least three times as I lay in bed trying to get to sleep.
Next week I’ll go back to tipping them.
1 point!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay who tripped over and broke the internet?
Sorry for the outage on this (and other blogs rae, marita, jen and trish) over the past 24 hours or so and any mail sent to me has probably disappeared under the carpet of some backroom in the net never to be seen again.
The highly technical description is that something went wrong somewhere. That something could have been me being an idiot or that a computer did something somewhere it shouldn’t have. I know, I know, most likely it was ’cause I’m an idiot but I’m clinging to the second option. Anyways, we’re all back online so what’s there to complain about?
During this brief break from my email account I have discovered just how good Gmail can be – and what’s more I can invite someone else to grab an account to so if you want one now drop me a line.
Germs. That’s what we’re talking about. Germs on Phee.
Every now and then our Princess Vacant just forgets to wash her hands, no matter how many times we yell and scream it just doesn’t seem to be on the ‘Important Things I Must Do Without Thinking’ register.
This has become increasingly frustrating so tonight I had an idea (yep, that’s mine for this year used up already). I grabbed the jar of Vegemite and spread some over her hands. After going through ten minutes of me saying ‘pretend this vegemite is germs’ followed by her saying ‘but it’s Vegemite, it’s not germs’ it slowly dawned on her what I was trying to get at. For an artistic kid she can be very literal.
So she set the table, opened doors, rubbed her face, touched plates and so forth for a while. We then went back and looked at where the germs (‘but it’s really only Vegemite’) had been put and how they moved on to me when I touched the same places. Finally she seemed to get it.
So I then made her go and clean up the mess. Fancy leaving Vegemite all over the place like that. Honestly, that child.
Time for a retraction. Regular readers (you know who you are, both of ya) may remember my lament for pizza past. Well, I am happy to report that A Miracle in South Kingsville ©®™ has transpired; JB’s Pizza has got its pizza making mojo well and truly back.
We gave them one last chance a while back and we’re now glad we did, they may be charging a whole extra dollar for a pick-up now ($7.50) but the new oven must be making a difference. They still have no idea how to deal with customers but the pizza has returned to it’s former glory.
Now if only we could get back our cool cafe all would be well with the world.
Phee has her first school assignment and, just like her dad, has left (for her, it’s a matter of forgotten) about it until the night before. Not even I could be hypocritical enough to growl at her for doing what comes naturally, It’s now 20 minutes past her bed time and she’s no where near finished. Rae’s sitting at the table cutting out letters and, um, ‘providing encouragement’.
My role in this is to cower in the office with headphones on and provide the occasional cup of tea to the worlds best mum; next time I don’t think I’ll get off so easily.
My name is Tony and i am a jersey addict.
I picked up my fifth hockey top this weekend so now as well as the Canucks home, away, third and retro styles I have the Team Canada away jersey. If I can pick up the Canucks training jersey and Team Canada alternate I’ll have one for each day of the week. I thought it must be an illness and according those who should know (Hi Catherine and Chris) it’s F42.1 Predominantly compulsive acts (obsessive rituals).
Woo Hoo! I’ve just got one of the most prized possessions on the net at the moment – a Gmail account!
Thanks to a heads up from Daniel I’ve made it into the Beta testing. Drop me a mail at awmalloy a.t gmail d.o.t com. If their publicity is right I may never delete it!