Using Toys

For years I’ve had a microphone and a web cam plugged in to this PC.

The web cam gets occasional use when I remember to turn it on but the microphone has sat unloved behind the monitor pretty much ever since I bought it.

Until now.

I’ve just downloaded Skype and am all set to talk to anyone, anywhere. My Skype name is AWMALLOY so if you’ve got the program give me a call.

Grade 3.5

This morning Stink bounced out of her bed and came thumping on to ours.

“It’s back to school today!”

Hmmm, okay. Lot’s of excitement after a two week break, but Phee does tend to get excited so fair enough. We stumble off for coffee and showers to re-emerge to a beaming young lady.

“Will I get new textas today?” she asked, a big smile of expectation.

“Um, no.”

“Oh, I thought I would.”


“Because I’m in Grade 4 now and I’ll have a new teacher too.”

Now we know it’s not nice to laugh at her but where she gets these ideas from we have no idea.

“Phee, did you just have a long hot break?”


Poor Phee, not only did she only have a two week cold break she had to go back to Grade 3 just like the rest of her classmates.

Better luck next year little girl.

An Impatient Update

I was going to wait until they all arrived but I’m too impatient.

The Bluetooth USB adaptor arrived last Friday. I experimented all weekend before finally resorting to Google and now I can surf the net from my Ipaq. Experiments this evening show I can surf the net and even stream BBC6 from the comfort of bed, or the couch. I still get ‘wow’ moments from technology every now and then, although they seem less frequent than they once did. Tonight, as I walked around the house watching a streaming video on a computer small enough to fit in my hand was one of those moments.

My Execpack was waiting on the doorstep when I got home too. I feel a lot better now the Ipaq is in a proper metal case; the clear plastic one looked cool but didn’t afford as much protection. Spare styli and a car adaptor will come in very handy too.

Now it’s just the Canucks jacket to come. Hope it makes it before winter ends.

My Purchase

I’ve no real idea why I purchased this today.

Sanskrit Journal

The shop I bought it from probably won’t be around for long. It opened a month or so ago and no business seems to last at that address. It sells imported goods, mainly Indian. It’s probably been the dream of the woman sitting huddled over the tiny heater to open such a shop for years and now it’s her chance.

I’ve been looking at this book for a couple of weeks, walking by the window each day on my lunch time walk. I have no idea what I will actually do with it, I’ve never been able to keep a written journal for more than two days, but I felt that I should buy it. That I had to buy it.

Now it is sitting here in all it’s Sanskrit enscibed hand stitched glory, waiting.

Just When You Think It’s Time To Give In

For weeks now I’ve been convincing myself that the footy season was over. It got to the stage that Rob and I left at half time when we played Carlton, and l’ve only ever left that early once before.

Then came last night. We lost, and there’s no shame in losing to Brisbane, but weren’t humbled. We played with passion, commitment and will. When challenged the boys didn’t crumble. There was no fade out or stumble; it was as if the first half of the season had never happened.

Now those weekends I’d thought I’d not bother I’ve inked back in. I want to believe we’ve turned the corner. That we have begun the long journey back.

Please Tigers.

I really want to believe.
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