Screw the Carbon Tax, this is important.
Oddfellows peppermints are disappearing.
Over the past couple of months The Best Peppermints In The World have become harder and harder to find and when my sure thing of finding them in the local IGA failed this week I feared the worse; that Allens had discontinued my all time favourite lolly.
Things became so desperate I rang Allens today and spoke to a lovely lady in their customer service department. She had obviously had a few calls because as soon as I said ‘Oddfellows’ she interrupted me to let me know that they are still being made. Coles stopped stocking them years ago but Woolworths has only just removed them from their shelves and now they are only available in independents or petrol stations. I asked if there was some form of factory outlet (with the aim of buying a lifetime’s supply) but there isn’t one.
So now I’m going to have to spend one day a week cruising milk bars, small supermarkets and petrol stations so I can get my fix. Another day of the week I’m going to have to devote to my ‘Save The Oddfellows’ campaign. Tonight I’m writing to Woolworths voicing my displeasure.
So, if you see any packets hanging around please let me know, I don’t want to have to resort to ordering them from New Zealand.