Our beautiful twins turn five today. Five, I can’t believe how quickly those years have flow.
Happy birthday Mr Henry and Miss Kennedy.
Life between coffees.
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I have hardly any photos of me with the kids, generally because it’s me behind the camera or phone, so I’m really happy to have this one of Henry and I. I snapped it while we were waiting to pick up Bert the other day, one of the ways we pass the time on cold days waiting in the car. Must do it more often.
Tonight Rae and I were able to have an evening out thanks to Zita sitting the kids. We headed off to Carlton as Rae had scored free tickets to ‘Cabin In The Woods’.
There were a few lessons from the movie.
1. Joss Whedon is very, very clever. The movie was fantastic – funny, witty and scary all in equal measure. It was a great self knowing horror film and I absolutely loved it.
2. Some people should not be allowed to go to the movies. If you are old enough to attend this film you are old enough to know to turn off your freaking phone. For most of the movie one patron a few rows down to the right had her phone on and in a darkened cinema its white screen was doing a fair impersonation of a lighthouse. When I rule the world the world these people will be placed in stocks and told the endings to movies such The Sixth Sense and The Crying Game before they get to see them.
3. The Nova. I haven’t been there in almost ten years and it was looking a little tatty back then. Things haven’t changed and you get the feeling that it could do with a little TLC.
Even though the movie was fantastic the best part was just getting to spend the evening with my beautiful wife. Having dinner, going for a walk, just spending time together. A great way to finish off the weekend.
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The Age reports today that NME have declared Joy Division’s Love Will Tear Us Apart and Pulp’s Common People are the number one and number two greatest tracks of the past 60 years. I’m more than happy with this, although I can hear the cries of rock and roll purists from here, and I’d be just as happy to have them swapped around.
The greatest thing for me though is that I’ve seen both of the songs performed live by the band (or remnants there of) in the past 12 months.
Three years ago mum gave us a belated house warming present – two fruit trees. One lemon and one lime. It’s taken a while and despite the fact I have two brown thumbs we finally have lemons. This years crop numbers three and here is the Lemon Of Hope I mentioned almost two years ago. You can even see the tree on the day it was planted.
While we’re not at the stage of trying to offload excess lemons on neighbours and friends it’s still very exciting to have grown our own fruit. The lime tree is still struggling along and had a little spurt this year so maybe in three years time our lemons may be joined by the Limes Of Hope.
This is more for historical interest but we’ve just had a little earthquake here. According to the USGS it was magnitude 5.2. I was sitting at my desk when my chair started moving from side to side and my desk, that I was leaning on, started to wobble. It lasted about 10 seconds and as I was too confused (who on earth is doing that to my desk?) to really comprehend what it was. Interesting thing is that Bella had been going crazy this evening, wanting to go in and out every couple of minutes. Listening to the radio it seems we weren’t as badly hit as some suburbs, will be interesting to read the paper tomorrow.
Here’s Bert with his pride and joy – his first book. Entitled ‘I Can’ it’s an engrossing tale of all things he can do. Complete with blurb and hand drawn illustrations it’s a must read. He’s already planning his next book, which will be available once dad gets more toner for the printer.
Well done Bert!
(Yes, I’m working on the Kindle edition.)