
It must be spring. Bert was excited yesterday to notice our first lime growing. The poor lime tree has struggled, unlike the giant lemon tree next to it so it’s great to see this sign of life. As for the mushies, I swear they weren’t there yesterday but when I went out the front this morning there they were. Must remove them before the kids decides to sample one.

2012-09-21 10.21.43

2012-09-21 09.37.39


Not only can Mr Henry dress himself way cooler than I ever would be able to it appears he now has the moves down too. Ladies, lock up your daughters.


My Tweets For The Week

  • Haven't enjoyed an album as much as PSB's 'Elysium' in a very long time. If you have to be working at 8.30 you may as well have good tunes. #
  • Think I can hear @audiolympics cheers from here. #champagneinchorley #
  • How did this get by us? Indiana Jones now out on BluRay. There goes the weekend. #
  • Gas bill arrived today – wow, it must have been a cold winter. #
  • Bella is going crazy, must be a huge storm on the way. #
  • Blu-ray nirvana. #
  • Just downloading the new Ben Fold Five album. #
  • Love 'On Being Frank' from #NewBenFoldsFiveAlbum PSB and BFF, feeling positively prehistoric. #
  • Hail the size of golf balls! *If Lego people played golf. #
  • Moo doing backwards writing – freaks me out just a little. #
  • Love going to the gym with Rae, makes time fly. #
  • Friday night curry even better at Saturday lunch. #
  • We've got a surprise night off. Nothing on at the movies, what should we do? #
  • Sunset #
  • Loving the new darker edge to this season of Who. 3 fantastic episodes so far. #

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My Tweets For The Week

  • Gym at 6, kids off to kinder and school and deck and outside setting done all by 10. Now for work. #
  • I can't believe Westpac still make you wait 5 days to clear a cheque, especially one from the RBA. #
  • Nice thing about paying off bills with tax return is that the money budgeted to pay them can now be saved. #
  • At the school. One teacher has taken her class and the white board outside for the afternoon. School sure ain't what it once was. #
  • Second coat for the deck done. Roll on summer. #
  • Just put Win 8 RTM on my laptop. No way it's going anywhere near a desktop. #
  • 1kg to go to get to my goal weight. #
  • Playing with large (to us) sums of money makes me nervous. #
  • Just went outside – that wind is unbelievable, you'd have to yell to be heard over it. Just waiting for roofs to start flying off. #
  • This probably dates me in so many ways but I'm loving the new Pet Shop Boys album. #
  • New Kindles look fantastic. Wish we could order them in Aus. #
  • New Shoes #
  • Bert's in for a surprise when his mum turns up for assembly today. Wish I could see his smile. #
  • First go at making Pad Thai. Definitely won't be the last. Yum. #
  • I'm sure one of the eight kids must be in time, just not sure which one it is. #danceclass #
  • Hoping new sound card sorts out a couple of issues. #
  • Time for dinosaurs on a spaceship with the young ones. #
  • Dinosaurs On A Spaceship – an absolute cracker of an episode, everything Who should be. #
  • Why the A team on a Sunday @7NewsMelbourne ? #

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Malloy And Son – Web Sites and Pizza Menus Since 2012

Normally I work alone, or with Bella sleeping at my feet as my only companion. Thanks to the teacher’s strike here in Victoria I have an officemate. Bert is keeping me company today while his teacher joins tens of thousands of others in the city. He’s been very busy this past hour peppering me with questions for his work – writing pizza restaurant menus. So if any of my clients suddenly find references to Meat Lovers or Vegetarian popping up in odd places this would be why.


My Tweets For The Week

  • Think I've done some serious damage to my right foot. Off to doctors who will send me for an x-ray. Argh. #
  • Saw doctor. He thinks pain may be gout related. Doesn't feel right to me but will go with his solution and see what happens. #
  • Muesli obsession getting out of hand, now having some for sweets. #
  • Not enough liquid centred Butter Menthols in the world today. #
  • First blow fly of the season. #
  • Poor Moo, grazed her hands. You probably heard her wherever you are. @ Derrimut Primary School #
  • Safari 6 bug that seems to only affect one person. Sadly this one person is the person who gives sign off on the project. #
  • Have to go to Carlton tomorrow for a meeting. Well keep an eye out for Mick. #
  • How can my tax return match so evenly the major bills that have just come in? #
  • Fair warning – I'm issuing a man flu alert for me. #
  • Wow – is this the most unusable web page ever? #
  • Struggling, just want to sleep. #
  • Karcher deck washing attachment FTW 30-40 minute job done in under 10. #
  • Great start to Fathers Day. I couldn't ask for more wonderful kids. #
  • Witnessing the most amazing display of arrogance directed towards a waitress that I have ever seen. #
  • Just heard Newman has resigned as Captain. Class act putting his Tigers first. Wish I had gone in now. #gotiges #
  • Really enjoyed the new Who episode. 'Remember me' indeed. #

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Working for yourself you don’t get many perks but being able to be flexible with your time, within reason, is one of them. Today Rae came home early. I picked her up from the station and as she had a little time before her appointment I suggested lunch out.

Smart woman that she is, she said ‘sure’.

We popped on over to the local Sunshine Golf Club (which is in Derrimut). We got to sit on the balcony, look at the views over the course to the city and a have a chat while enjoying a great (and inexpensive) lunch. Half an hour later back to work and Rae is off but it left me smiling.



My Tweets For The Week

  • Massive spikes in Hard Faults/sec causing audio distortion – any idea on what could be causing this? Faulty RAM? #
  • I just had a client ask me to tell me what domain names are available. #
  • If you want a laugh Google 'Richard Simmons whose line is it anyway jet ski' #
  • One boy on the couch, the other boy coughing up a lung. Not good for what looks like a great day ahead. #
  • Nothing like a warm breeze and a hint of Spring to lift the mood. #
  • Second cup of coffee today. It must be the weather, it's made me all giddy. #
  • WHAT! No, it can't be 2.00pm already. Rewind the clock please. #
  • Numeracy and Literacy night at school tonight. Just me and Bert. 'twas a lot of fun. #
  • Just upgraded to 16GB of RAM. Go on Dreamweaver, I dare you to stutter now. #
  • By the looks this massive storm will hit just as the school bell goes. #
  • Here it comes #
  • All sunshine and lollypops after 15 minutes of rain. #whatstorm #
  • Poor Moo has a very upset tummy. Wondering is she has an intolerance as this happens every now and then. #
  • Beginning to think that mowing the lawns and getting washing on the line may be the only constructive things I achieve today. #
  • Poor Moo #
  • Oh boy, looks like Bert is now out for the count. Poor boy. #
  • Mr Ralph Taranto, Melbourne should hold a parade in your honour. @astor_theatre #savetheastor #
  • Go Tigers! #
  • After a look next door and some fantastic observations from Rae we're now 99.99% it was being used as a grow house. #
  • 4 packets of OddFellow Peppermints but no milk. Not sure if that's a shopping win or fail. #
  • Finished week 2 of C25K today. Week three looks nasty with longer jogs. #
  • Just watched Saturday Night Fever. Not the style of film I was expecting it too be. #
  • Richmond defeat Essendon. Carlton go down to Gold Coast and Collingwood thumped. Best. Weekend. Evah. #
  • This bug is winning. Slept most of the day away and already fading fast again. #

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My Tweets For The Week

  • Massive spikes in Hard Faults/sec causing audio distortion – any idea on what could be causing this? Faulty RAM? #
  • I just had a client ask me to tell me what domain names are available. #
  • If you want a laugh Google 'Richard Simmons whose line is it anyway jet ski' #
  • One boy on the couch, the other boy coughing up a lung. Not good for what looks like a great day ahead. #
  • Nothing like a warm breeze and a hint of Spring to lift the mood. #
  • Second cup of coffee today. It must be the weather, it's made me all giddy. #
  • WHAT! No, it can't be 2.00pm already. Rewind the clock please. #
  • Numeracy and Literacy night at school tonight. Just me and Bert. 'twas a lot of fun. #
  • Just upgraded to 16GB of RAM. Go on Dreamweaver, I dare you to stutter now. #
  • By the looks this massive storm will hit just as the school bell goes. #
  • Here it comes #
  • All sunshine and lollypops after 15 minutes of rain. #whatstorm #
  • Poor Moo has a very upset tummy. Wondering is she has an intolerance as this happens every now and then. #
  • Beginning to think that mowing the lawns and getting washing on the line may be the only constructive things I achieve today. #
  • Poor Moo #
  • Oh boy, looks like Bert is now out for the count. Poor boy. #
  • Mr Ralph Taranto, Melbourne should hold a parade in your honour. @astor_theatre #savetheastor #
  • Go Tigers! #
  • After a look next door and some fantastic observations from Rae we're now 99.99% it was being used as a grow house. #
  • 4 packets of OddFellow Peppermints but no milk. Not sure if that's a shopping win or fail. #
  • Finished week 2 of C25K today. Week three looks nasty with longer jogs. #
  • Just watched Saturday Night Fever. Not the style of film I was expecting it too be. #
  • Richmond defeat Essendon. Carlton go down to Gold Coast and Collingwood thumped. Best. Weekend. Evah. #
  • This bug is winning. Slept most of the day away and already fading fast again. #

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