My Tweets For The Week

  • Haven't enjoyed an album as much as PSB's 'Elysium' in a very long time. If you have to be working at 8.30 you may as well have good tunes. #
  • Think I can hear @audiolympics cheers from here. #champagneinchorley #
  • How did this get by us? Indiana Jones now out on BluRay. There goes the weekend. #
  • Gas bill arrived today – wow, it must have been a cold winter. #
  • Bella is going crazy, must be a huge storm on the way. #
  • Blu-ray nirvana. #
  • Just downloading the new Ben Fold Five album. #
  • Love 'On Being Frank' from #NewBenFoldsFiveAlbum PSB and BFF, feeling positively prehistoric. #
  • Hail the size of golf balls! *If Lego people played golf. #
  • Moo doing backwards writing – freaks me out just a little. #
  • Love going to the gym with Rae, makes time fly. #
  • Friday night curry even better at Saturday lunch. #
  • We've got a surprise night off. Nothing on at the movies, what should we do? #
  • Sunset #
  • Loving the new darker edge to this season of Who. 3 fantastic episodes so far. #

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