We’ve cancelled our Foxtel, again.
Last year Rae received a nice bonus at work and we decided to splurge on Foxtel, primarily for the football. We went with the HD Sports package and after a few months of introductory of pricing it reverted to $81 a month. Now the footy has finished we sat back and had a look at what we spent our money on.
The short answer was not much really.
We got to see a few extra games live that we wouldn’t have, mainly the interstate ones, but we didn’t watch many, if any, other games. It was great to have the games in HD (are you listening Channel 7!) but even then some were only upscaled from the 7 feed. Despite paying so much we still couldn’t watch the most important game of the year, no, not the Tigers v Doggies, I meant the Grand Final, in HD.
When it came to watching shows on Foxtel we didn’t. We may have had the music channels on a couple of times in ten months, maybe a flick through some channels on a handful of other occasions but with the options available on free to air television and the series we have on our media PC there was not one show Foxtel offered that we couldn’t source elsewhere. Not that we watch much television any more, it seems to be on in the background more for noise than entertainment.
So it was pretty much a no brainer and Foxtel has now gone. The money will most likelyn be redirected towards extra payments on the mortgage. We don’t regret having had it as we said all along it would be a trial and we will probably miss it for those few games we’d really like to watch next year but it’s simply not worth spending almost $1000 over 12 months just to watch a couple of matches.