Bon Voyage

Said goodbye to my mate Mark last night.

He’s my closest friend and the lucky guy is off to America for a few years to teach. Went to see a movie and then a quick snack, shook hands and that’s it – gee I’m gonna miss him. I guess the thing that concerns me most though is that he’s considering becoming a vegetarian. Apparently American meet has too high a fat content for his liking so, whoops, there it goes. Maybe we can organise comfort packages of good Aussie steak to see him through.

My farewell gift (apart from a great fridge magnet of his most despised Doggies player that Rae suggested) is his own travel diary web site. I can recommend adding to your bookmarks/favourites – Mark has a unique world view that will be well worth reading when he starts it up.

Bend ’em Like Beckham

Quick Review : If you have a heart, it will be warmed.
Not So Quick Review : The story of a young woman in Indian family in England who want to play soccer. When all that matters is marrying the right man what is she to do?

The Rivoli, Cinema 1, L20

A great little film from England. Just as Australians do ‘quirky’ better than anyone the English seem to be able to turn out these heart warming comedies in a class of their own.

This story of a young girl, Jess, who lives in a traditional Indian family environment whose one wish is to play soccer. You can guess the twists and turns as she secretly joings a girls team, falls for the coach and her sister’s marriage is arranged for the day of the big match.

No great plot surprises but it’s the people that make this such a joy to watch. Young Jess, her equally as soccer obsessed friend Jules, their coach Joe and Jess’ family. Their intertwining lives will give you two hours of care free fun.

Not a must see at the cinema, you can put it off until DVD.

Hockey Joy

Oh joy, oh joy. Reading The Age this morning and I see that Foxtel (my cable television provider) is close to signing a deal with ESPN. Why so excited? Well it means that after two years of listening on the net I will at last be able to see my beloved Canucks live on television! It may only be a few games per season but it’s better than the diddly squat I have now.

More on the Weekend From Hell

Regular readers will no doubt remember the Guests That Ate Our Weekend incidents (see the archives, July 1, 2002). Well, there’s more drama brewing.

Rae decided that she couldn’t be part of the bridal party – it would just to be too stressful and most likely result in the death of several innocent people – so she wrote Sharyn a letter. Nothing too specific, just that she thought she could no longer be part of the bridal party and that she was withdrawing. She posted it last Thursday.

Rae and I arrived home last night from Rob’s birthday dinner to find the light blinking on our answering machine. I pressed ‘play’.

“Hello Raelene. It’s Sharyn. I got your letter. Call me.”

She didn’t sound happy.

So, if you try calling us and no one answers the phone between now and October, don’t be surprised. Leave a message, we’ll get back to you. Meanwhile, if you have any suggestions on how to deal with disgruntled rednecks please leave a comment.

Another Blog Worth Reading

Take a bow Buford T. Justice, your blog is fantastic.

The tale of a westerner living in China, or maybe attempting to live would be a better description, is wonderful. Especially when he can find web sites as good as the one below. As I can’t put it any better I’ve copied the following from his blog:

“Came across this little nugget of teenage angst and alienation, not too mention some classic amerispeak. Classic, almost stereotypical stuff. I know, I know – she’s all confused and hormonal, etc. To tell the truth she sounds pretty much like I did when I was sixteen [or twenty seven]. However, I’m not a teenager anymore so I feel ‘like, dude, totally’ free to take the piss out of her adolescent self-absorbtion.”

American Express

After a minor dummy spit I shut down my Amex card recently. Well, it all was finalised today when I received a cheque from American Express for the outstanding balance.

Yep, I’m now 74 cents better off. Want to know what that’s worth in your currency? Well will tell ya. But for something most everyone will understand – it’s half a packet of small fries at McDonalds.

I’ll try not to spend it all at once.

New York Can Wait

My little sister Helen gave me a book voucher for my birthday (which was a month ago, but at least it arrived!) so I headed off to Dymocks on my lunch break. Browsing for a book you know you don’t have to pay for is one of life’s little pleasures. To make it even better they were having a 20% off sale.

I spent half an hour wandering around the store, picking, flicking and putting back before I settled on what I knew I wanted anyway. Resurrection Men, by Ian Rankin – the latests Inspector Rebus novel. Once this one is gone I think I have only two left in the series so I may read it slowly.

So, Gotham – The History of New York goes back to the pile by the bed for a little longer.