New York Can Wait

My little sister Helen gave me a book voucher for my birthday (which was a month ago, but at least it arrived!) so I headed off to Dymocks on my lunch break. Browsing for a book you know you don’t have to pay for is one of life’s little pleasures. To make it even better they were having a 20% off sale.

I spent half an hour wandering around the store, picking, flicking and putting back before I settled on what I knew I wanted anyway. Resurrection Men, by Ian Rankin – the latests Inspector Rebus novel. Once this one is gone I think I have only two left in the series so I may read it slowly.

So, Gotham – The History of New York goes back to the pile by the bed for a little longer.

0 Replies to “New York Can Wait”

  1. Helen will be very pleased that you have spent the voucher, they are conming for tea tonight so I will tell her.

    Now I have to go check the mail as my little butler appeared whilst I was reading your blog.

    Love Mum

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