Things I Learnt On My Trip To Wagga Wagga

Always check the playground for dead kittens before you let your 6 year old play on it.
It’s never too early for a child to develop an irrational fear about missing a train.
Bring a discman – 6 year olds can ask a lot of questions on a four hour train trip.
Don’t drink the coffee on the XPT.
The further away from civilisation you get, the hotter it gets. Hell, therefore, must be just below Alice Springs. Or it could be Alice Springs.
You can make a country town look big by stretching the main street to run forever.
6 year olds don’t like to sit in caf?s and read the paper.
No one is yet to make an avocado paste that tastes anything like an avocado.
Montezuma’s Mexican Restaurants are no closer to achieving the paste/taste solution than anyone else.
As long expected you can’t get good coffee outside of Melbourne.
NSW roads are terrible.
It’s not good for me to be away from a computer for so long. I get anxious (and a lot of spam).
Walla Walla is the Rome of Australia. For 100 k’s we saw signs pointing to Walla Walla – it seems all roads lead there. One day I will hopefully see both.
Nothing is better than the smile of someone you love.
No bed beats your own bed.


I always seem to be away when space shuttles explode.

When Challenger disintegrated on launch we were in Melbourne. I was 16 and we were on our annual holiday ‘down the beach’. Back in those days there was no internet in homes, no cable tv – we didn’t even have a functional television in our rented sea side flat. I had to pick up the news from the radio, or I read about it in the Herald that evening as we caught the train back to Edithvale after seeing Oklahoma at the Arts Centre. I probably lay awake that night listening to talk-back on the radio I had stuffed under my pillow.

16 years later I was in Wagga Wagga and the situation was eerily similar. Away from home, no cable television, no internet – at least this time there was a tiny tv and Phee was complaining that there was nothing to watch on it. Rae got up to check what was going on and said “the space shuttle has exploded”. I was so sleepy I thought she must’ve been watching a commemoration of the Challenger. “But it says ‘live report'”. So for the second time in my life I got out of a strange bed and listened to sad families, distraught friends and uncomprehending bystanders talk about debris falling from a clear sky, smoke trails and tragic loss of life.

I wonder what will happen in the last week of January when I’m 48?

See You Later

Wow, think I may take a holiday.

Work has just introduced a web based system for checking payroll and annual leave information.

It tells me I have 94.26 days of long service leave accrued and a further 18.81 days of annual leave in the bank. 113.07 hours of paid leave – almost 23 working weeks.

It’s a great feeling knowing I can walk out the door and not have to come back until some time in June.


At what age do kids turn 16?

From a blog :

“…i’m sixteen. my birthday is on monday, so i’m really excited….this doesn’t mean i ablsolutely hate boys or i like gurls or anything, it’s just an oppinion. one that has come from many bad relationships.”

Many bad relationships? At 16?

It’s an odd world now; and don’t even get me started on what teenagers wear and listen to these days.

Looking at that sentence maybe I’m turning 60 at 32.

Odd Peccadillo

Is this odd?

I hate people reading my magazines before I have a chance to. If they do I’ll probably just throw it on the pile and never read it.

Needs and Wants

Things I Hate Spending Money On That I Soon Have To

Work shirts
Work shoes
Boxer shorts
Accountant Fees

The Thing I Want To Spend Money On But I Can’t Because I Have To Spend Money On The Things I Don’t Want To

Sony Widescreen TV


So. It’s hot, bloody hot actually. 44.1 degrees outside (that’s proper temperature, not Fahrenheit) and I’m typing away. Oooh – what’s this? Nigel has posted a comment. So I write a little reply explaining how fires are a major part of living in Australia, post it and forget.

Fast forward three days. What’s this? An e-mail from Rae! “Check the question Nigel actually asked.”

Yes Nigel. We have flies. Lot’s of them. Hopefully they will all burn up in the fires, just as hopefully I will learn to read one day.

Did I mention it was hot?

Questions Anyone?

Nigel just asked a question in the comments a few entries back (too lazy to link – go look yourself!).

Anyone else have any questions about Australia?