I Got One!

I bagged me a new Tigers supporter today.

Poor Andy, came to me at work to discuss an idea for a project. He’s only just moved here from England so we got to chatting about cultural differences and football, naturally, came up. Seeing my chance I asked if he’d been dragged in to someones fold yet and he hadn’t.

Right, that’s what you call an instant supporter. He was sent off with the address of the club web site, an explanation of the scoring system and promise of more info to come.

I’m so proud of me, he didn’t have a chance and now we have one more supporter. You’ve got to get them any way you can, fair means or foul, especially when you’re Richmond. I’m just hoping he doesn’t do as well in the footy tipping as some other Englishman I know.

They’re Doing What?

Corporate mumbo-jumbo speak has permeated the hallowed halls of Tigerland. You know that once sports people start talking corporate there is no hope.

Here’s what they said :

Strategically the club is aiming to leverage brand equity through reward and recognition, a program that has been received most positively by our members

Here’s what they mean:

“People appreciated being given stuff for signing on or staying as members.”

Time to get real Tigers or soon no ammount of ‘brand leveraging‘ or any other catchy new age marketing buzz word will save you.

Driving Lessons

After a long, hot, lazy, boozy Sunday afternoon we want pizza; only thing is after demolishing a bottle of champagne each, along with some beers and red, neither of us can hop behind the wheel of a car.

It’s time to teach the seven year old how to drive.

A Day

Any day in which :

  • you and your gal don’t go to work
  • you sleep in
  • have muffins for breakfast
  • complete every last drop of Christmas shopping
  • go to the movies and see a good film
  • discover a great new noodle place in your neighbourhood
  • get High Society on DVD
  • get to make your own coffee at your local cafe
  • eat so much you don’t worry about planning dinner
  • and get to watch a DVD in the evening
  • has to be classed as a pretty good day.

    Head For Numbers

    Mum always said I should have been an accountant ’cause I have a good head for numbers so maybe if I start now I should have the whole team list memorised by next season.

    Then again she may have meant something else entirely.

    Unreliable Globes

    Tonight the Combined Idiot Foundation of Newport (ie the neighbours) were smoking themselves to death outside my window and commenting on how they were trying to get people to come back each year to look at their Las Vegas impersonation tack-a-rama light display by adding new ‘features’ (as it is if they add any more they will need their own substation). They then complained how one bulb had knocked out half their display when it blew.

    They really should learn how to whisper.

    Seeing as the fairly-light fairy has skipped over our place I got to thinking we should do our own display . Why not draw some inspiration from a Christmas classic; letters a metre high that spell out ‘BAH, HUMBUG’ would do nicely.