A misdelivered SMS.
“Am on this phone now. Ony my way to uni…I’ll just deal with the test.”
Life between coffees.
A misdelivered SMS.
“Am on this phone now. Ony my way to uni…I’ll just deal with the test.”
After the mad rush of the last couple of days it was great to switch off and head off to Veronica and Steve’s wedding.
I know the bride is always the belle of the ball but for me it was my lovely gal.
So, the big stress about my 82 year old dad and his quadruple bypass yesterday and for what?
Mum and I went to see him this morning, and save a plumbing store worth of pipes and tubes coming off him, he looked as good as he did the day before the operation. Mum said “Oh, you look good Ted.” to which he replied “I hope I do, because I feel bloody awful.” and then as he drifted in and out of a doze “the only thing wrong with me is that I want to sleep all the time.”.
The surgeon rang. All is well. Ended up being a quadruple bypass (Dad will be happy, he doesn’t like to do things by halves, or thirds). He seemed to cope perfectly with the surgery and now it’s the critical 24-48 hours but the surgeon said she was very confident that all should progress well.
Mum’s over the moon, we’re all relieved.
Thanks to everyone who has commented or e-mailed, it really made a tense time a lot easier.
It’s the waiting that’s the worse.
Come on phone, ring….
Thank god I am sick today. Mum is staying with us ’cause Dad had his angiogram this morning so I was home when she called to see how it went. He has to have a triple bypass within the next couple of days. As you can appreciate mum was a little upset when she got off the phone, I think she was thankful to have someone here with her.
The doc said Dad’s heart is strong so there’s no problem with the procedure, even though he’s 82, and that all should go well. We’ve rung all my sisters and are now trying to get things organised for an extended stay as both mum and dad thought they’d be off home tomorrow. We’re lucky that a nurse taking Dad’s pulse last week prior to a check up noticed an irregularity and followed up on it. One person doing her job has made such a difference to our family.
Funny thing is it’s Heart Week this week and I’ve been ignoring the healthy choice options at work. Time to re-evaluate me thinks.
Operation is tomorrow morning, 8:00 am.
Viruses ain’t fun – put that on a bumper sticker and I’d buy one. A whole day and night spent shivering and burning up at the same time, interspersed with wonderful nausea and shaking uncontrollably. The Dr is fairly sure I’m not gonna die (and that’s a relief) and has told me stay in bed tomorrow, the way I’m feeling now I’ll be taking his advice, especially after going to work today against my better judgement.
In other medical matters my Dad’s in hospital down here at the moment. He’s having an angiogram. Of course he’s worried and concerned, that there’s no allowance for a cup of tea on tomorrow’s lunch menue. Go Dad.
The thing with Princess Vacant is that she doesn’t listen. Short sentence or rambling dissertation, it makes no difference to our little lady; she won’t hear what you say regardless of how it’s said.
Tonight driving home with her I had an idea. I told her it was time for a test and popped Bare Naked Ladies Greatest Hits in the CD player.
“Right, if you can tell me four things he would buy you’ll get a prize.”
So, I got peace and quiet for several minutes and Phee practiced her listening. Two birds down.
Now I owe Phee a packet of cookies from McDonalds and she’s getting an appreciation for good music too. Guess that makes three birds.
1. The Tigers Won!
2. Collingwood are on the bottom of the ladder.
3. Collingwood are on the bottom of the ladder.
4. Collingwood are on the bottom of the ladder.
5. Collingwood are on the bottom of the ladder.
6. Collingwood are on the bottom of the ladder.
7. Collingwood are on the bottom of the ladder.
8. Collingwood are on the bottom of the ladder.
9. Collingwood are on the bottom of the ladder.
10. Collingwood are on the bottom of the ladder.
No, that’s not the sound format we just used to watch Whale Rider (wonderful film too, go buy it now), it’s the temperature outside this window right now. Bloody ridiculous, it’s not even winter yet.
Time for the flannelette sheets me thinks.