Two Birds, McDonalds And Barenaked Ladies

The thing with Princess Vacant is that she doesn’t listen. Short sentence or rambling dissertation, it makes no difference to our little lady; she won’t hear what you say regardless of how it’s said.

Tonight driving home with her I had an idea. I told her it was time for a test and popped Bare Naked Ladies Greatest Hits in the CD player.

“Right, if you can tell me four things he would buy you’ll get a prize.”

So, I got peace and quiet for several minutes and Phee practiced her listening. Two birds down.

Now I owe Phee a packet of cookies from McDonalds and she’s getting an appreciation for good music too. Guess that makes three birds.

4 Replies to “Two Birds, McDonalds And Barenaked Ladies”

  1. i must agree on the barenaked ladies, too .. as well as say i agree that it’s a great parenting technique! i must remember that one for when smiley is old enough to listen/not listen. if he talks as much as then as he does now (although it’s not exactly words at eight months old) then i think we’ll have a problem .. lol! 😀

    .. even if that problem is dad getting a word in edge-wise between mum’s & riley’s balbbermouths. 😀

  2. You continue to inspire me with your unique parenting methods……Continued success Yoda!!!

  3. My hat goes off to you. I’ll make a mental note to apply that process to my 5 year old son.

    And what are you doing with your tips? I know, you’re backing the Tiges regardless! I’m doing likewise with the Saints!

  4. Well, I have to say you’re moving up the ranks of coolness According to Ren?. Barenaked Ladies is v. cool. V.

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