We Got Deb

We did it! We got Deb.

We hit our target early this morning. Thanks to everyone who has placed an order, forwarded our emails and linked to the entry, you’ve made a dream come true,

For those who have ordered we’ll be sending out information soon on paying, collecting, the date we are going to ask for and anything else that needs to be arranged.

We can’t believe we’ve done it, thanks again everyone. This is going to be great.

Of course if you want to order a CD you still can – it’s signed, it will be earlier than you can get it in the shops and if you’re in Melbourne there’s the chance to see Deb live in our lounge. Just drop us a line using that contact link over there. On the left. You can see it, now click it.

My Name Is Tony And I Am An Addict

It’s true. I’m addicted to the most shameful thing, but there’s nothing I can do about it. I’ve tried but I’m just not strong enough.

I can’t help but tune in to My Restaurant Rules and, and I’m not proud to say this, I actually voted.

I need help. I’ve been suckered in and there’s no way I can give it up. I guess now it’s out there and if admitting it is half the problem I’m half way to the cure although I suspect nothing will help me except for the final episode next Sunday.

Go Melbourne, and every body vote 3!

We Love You Miss Hannigan

We’ve spent all today sitting down. We picked up Phee from drama and raced up the Hume to see my sister in Annie.

After a two and a quarter hour drive we arrived with ten minutes to spare and straight in to our seats. It was then the flash backs began. You see my little sister, who teaches singing for a living, always wanted to sing; she even tried to make her first scream melodious. She must have been about eight or so when she first discovered Annie and for the next seven years, until I left for Melbourne, that’s pretty much all she sang. Every day. Every hour of every day. Every minute of every hour of every day. The tape must have been worn thin spooling through her little Sanyo tape deck over and over without stopping.

And today it all came flooding back. I swear if one of the performers had have been struck by a bolt of lightning on stage I could have leapt up and taken their place without skipping one word.

Helen played Miss Hannigan, the role she was born for. She belted out the big numbers, hammed up the comedy and danced up a storm with her husband, with whom she shared the stage and applause. Their poor child doesn’t stand a chance. Write this name down now – Tom Janke. You’ll be seeing it up in lights before very long, and he’s not yet two.

Well done Helly, I’m very proud of you but now, how about we give Annie the rest she deserves?
Continue reading “We Love You Miss Hannigan”

Mental Arithmetic

That’s we called it way back when, mental arithmetic. I have no idea what the new PC label for the ability to perform calculations in your head is, probably Non Keying Calculation Processing Via Individual Synapse Manipulation, or some such. It’s so disappointing that Phee runs straight for her calculator to do even the simplest of numeric calculations and I’m pretty sure it shouldn’t be up to us to show how to perform ‘minuses’ using pen and paper.

Any teachers out there – is this normal? Do kids learn NKCPVISM these days or am I being an old fogey (again)?

BBC Hot Spot

Two stations I love listening to come from overseas. 6 Music from the BBC comes from England and CKNW sends me the hockey from Vancouver. Only problem is that if I want to listen to them I have to be at my computer, and that’s a drag on a warm summers day when you could be out cleaning the car as the hockey is playing.

To overcome this bugbear I gave in to my gadget fetish and purchased a stereo fm transmitter that plugs in to my computer. This great little USB plug’n’play box sends out a signal I can pick up on any FM radio throughtout the house and outside. Given the ridiculously high download limits from my ISP I could leave it going overnight and wake up to the evening show from London. Gotta love this internet thing.