My Tweets For The Week

  • New security door now in place, wish it was warm enough to have the front door open. #
  • I moved to the USA for two minutes today. My book was delivered with no problems. #
  • Bugger, another year until we get a new series of The Apprentice UK. #
  • It's arrived! Thanks @pressoaustralia #
  • Tax taken care of for another year. Mr Swan my have a heart attack when it's reported how promptly my return was submitted. #
  • Today has been an absolutely horrid day. That is all. #
  • Sleeping in by 45 minutes does not make for a calm start to the day. #
  • Taking a chance that blue sky is going to remain blue. #
  • Gardening neighbour from last week just dropped off some cord for our whipper snipper. #
  • Tonight at CInema Malloy – 70s horror, The Omen. #
  • Rae seems to spend weekend nights watching English auction shows. All of the houses seem so small. #

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