Coupla Days

Saturday night, 12 days in to Spring and it’s a balmy (yet windy) 29 degrees outside at 8:15pm. Great finish to a couple of great days. Yesteday we went to see the Star Wars exhibition at Science Works. If you ignore all the boring educational aspects then it’s a fantastic experience seeing the original models. The Falcon, X-Wings, Boba Fett’s blaster, Chewie – it really brought back the magic of the first trilogy, which they sensibly concentrated on. A nap in the afternoon with Rae followed by a movie at night.

This morning it was haircut time, sprayed the weeds in the front yard to get it ready for seeding, Ren came over and a relaxing afternoon around the house topped off with a lamb roast. Nothing special but it’s just been a relaxing two days spent with Rae and the young ones, a mini holiday at home. Now the dough is resting for tomorrow morning’s breakfast, the kids are in bed and it’s time for an early night.

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