My Day

Yarraville On My BirthdayWhat a great day. Perfect weather, great company, good food, movies on the couch and presents – who could ask for a better birthday?

After presents in bed from the kids, Rob and Nana arrived and we all traipsed off to the The Coat for a leisurely (and massive) breakfast. Then we got to read papers in the sun before a stroll around Yarraville where we ran in to Daniel‘s sister and her hubby taking in the sunshine too. As the clouds rolled in we retreated to the couch to watch Munich. Now my love is making me chicken parmas for dinner – what a day.

Oh, and I was incredibly spoilt. Rae found a copy of my favourite painting and had it framed for me so some time this week Jeffrey Smart’s ‘Cahill Expressway’ will be hanging on our wall.


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