Midnight Run

I’m going to sneak out of the house tomorrow night. Officeworks is open to midnight in ‘celebration’ of the end of the tax year.

I won’t be buying anything though as I’ve already done my ‘spend the cash before the government gets it’ bit over the past couple of weeks. A new 160G hard drive, loads of back up media, ADSL modem/router (the Netcomm NB 1300 Plus 4) for the office network and replacement cordless keyboard and mouse for the second PC. Believe it or not I’m happy with my set up and try as I might I can’t think of anything within reason that I want to add to it, and for a bona fida geek that’s alarming.

What Have They Done To My Girl!?

Oh dear. Send Phee off to her Nana’s for the first day of school holidays and she grows up three years in an afternoon. A hair dresser friend of Zita’s gave her a new ‘do’.

Straight Hair Phee

Compare and contrast with :

Stinky pants

My Big Green Ball

My Big Green Ball
A couple of weeks ago at ante natal classes we were introduced to the wonders that are exercise balls. They seem to be fantastic for pregnant women pre, during, and post labour. Not only that, they’re really comfy so were were sold.

We found Physio Supplies Australia online, and they had a two for one offer on burst resistant balls so we snaffled two up. Rae’s is 65cm and blue and, as you can see, mine is 75cm and green.

Aliens of Spotswood

Hi everyone, sorry about the break but there’s been a slight modification or two to my PC and now I’m back, with an extra 100G on my hard drive and a brand new install of everything on my PC.

While Rae and I went to watch the Tigers (don’t start me on that little bit of the weekend) Stink watched Dr Who with her Nana. It was the episode that gave Daniel’s son a bit of a scare so we were quite surprised when Nana told us she had no problems.

No problems. Yeah, right.

This morning’s drive to get coffee started with a long and detailed discussion on the mechanics of how the aliens eat the people and then get in and out of their skin. There was a lull for a little while then a very serious voice pipes up “Dad, are you an alien?”. I made a slithering sound and poor Phee burst in to tears. Being the sensitive dad that I am I reassured her that I wasn’t an alien but went on to convince her that her mum may be. I did this to such good effect the first thing she did when we got home was burst in to tears at the site of her mother before beseeching Rae not to eat her.

Father of the year stuff that was.

This Man Is An Idiot

This man is an idiot.

This man is an idiot. Do not sit behind him at the football or you will be tempted to push him over the rails. This means you will go to jail for murder and, even though he deserves it, you don’t want to waste your life on an idiot.

(And you’ll find another idiot on my flickr page).

Sheltered Me

Man I’ve lived a sheltered life.

This was hit home to me today after a great lunch with Daniel and Marita. It was at Small Poppies, in Footscray so we parked at the station and walked over.

After some great meals, average coffees and wonderful conversation we walked back and hopped in the car. As we got in Rae and I both noticed them, two guys looking over their shoulders as they crouched between a car and garbage skip. It looked odd. We pulled out of the park and it was then I saw one of them looking back towards the station while the other rolled up his sleeve and sank the needle in.

While it was my first shooting up in public sadly it didn’t look like his.

Another Proposal?

Can you ask the same person to marry you twice?

My belated birthday present from Rae arrived today and what a ripper it is. “V – The Complete Miniseries”. A 3 DVD set of both V and V:The Final Battle. 444 minutes of glorious 80s sci fi television. I’m in raptures.

Curse You DMG!

I got my new car charger for my iPod in the mail today so thought I’d test it out as we drove to pick up Stink from her drama class. I plugged it in, turned on the radio to the station it broadcasts on, selected my favourite Hip album and pressed play.

To hear Frank Sinatra.

I was a little surprised to say the least.

I checked the playlist. It definitely said ‘Poets’. Hmmm. I plugged, unplugged, checked I wasn’t playing a CD but Frank still kept on singing and I was perplexed.

It wasn’t until after the next song (Neil Diamond) before the mystery was solved.

DMG Radio Melbourne Pty Ltd is having a test broadcast on 91.5 – the frequency my iTrip is set to – prior to launching their new station next month. I’m very tempted to call them and register a problem.