To The Victor The Spoils

Yesterdays Grand Final BBQ saw the presentation of the annual Anthony Malloy Perpetual/Memorial (depending upon who you ask) Footy Tipping Trophy.

While the AMP/MFTT is without a doubt the ugliest trophy in the history of the world competition was fierce and it wasn’t until the final round that Mr Daniel Bowen secured victory.

The lovely Miss Marita, 2003’s winner, was on hand to present the trophy. Congratulations Daniel and I hope to see all the tippers back next year.

Daniel takes the trophy.

There was another presentation on the day. This was for Rob and I from Veronica and Steve.

Wooden Spoons 2004

Hope they enjoyed their bbq, everyone will miss them next year.

2 Replies to “To The Victor The Spoils”

  1. We did enjoy ourselves and we will be back – Surely Richmond can go back to back and we need to make another presentation

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